Chapter 1107, Awkward Adolescence

Xiao Miguo noticed someone looking at her, turned around and saw Cheng Jin looking at her.

 Immediately glared at him fiercely, meaning, "What are you looking at!"

Chengjin knew her little pepper temper, so he helplessly shrugged and stopped reading.

 After school, Chengjin came over to talk to her.

"How are you?"

Xiao Miguo snorted, "None of your business!"

 Speaking, he picked up his book bag and left.

Chengjin stopped her, "Wait a minute, this is a snack my father made for you, take it."

 Speaking, he handed the snack to her.

Xiao Miguo snorted, grabbed the snack in his hand, raised her chin, and said proudly, "Thank you Uncle Zhong for me." Then she left like a peacock spreading its tail.

Cheng Jin shook his head in a funny way and said to himself, "Why is this girl so angry lately? She's really hard to control."

 Sure enough, girls are just not easy to get along with.

So he shook his head, went to pick up his younger brother from the middle shift, and then went home together.

 After arriving home, Mr. Zhong asked him about the school as usual.

 He originally wanted to hide it, but finally told him.

Young Master Zhong was speechless after hearing this, "How could you scratch a girl's skirt? This is so shameless, how could you do such a thing?"

Chengjin already knew that he was wrong at the time, but he had stopped taking action and it was useless to say more.

Mr. Zhong is really confused. "Why do you look more and more like your mother? You are a straight man who is not as cute as you were when you were a kid."

  What a sweet and cute child he was when he was a child. How come he became so cold and heartless after being personally trained by the third princess?

 The more Young Master Zhong thought about it, the angrier he became, and he went directly to settle the score with the third princess.

 The third princess thought it was nothing.

“Isn’t it just that I lost the competition? What’s the big deal? Isn’t it okay to compete again in the future?”

 It’s just that the skirt is torn, not the pants. What’s the big deal?

 Zhong Dashao.

have to. He finally understood why his son developed this character.

   It was all caused by the third princess, a stinky woman.

With her unyielding personality, it would be strange that her son is not a cold-blooded man.

 The good glutinous rice dumplings were raised to be King Kong Xia. Zhong Da was so angry that he went to Sister Ying's house that night and refused to sleep with the third princess.

Sister Ying laughed when she heard his intention.

 “Oh, don’t be angry, it’s normal for children to fight.”

Mr. Zhong felt very sorry.

“It’s different. Girls are thin-skinned. They get beaten by boys and their clothes are torn. Think about how embarrassing it is. I feel bad about it.”

“But don’t worry, I’ve already scolded Chengjin about this, and he knows he was wrong. I’ll ask him to come and apologize to Miguo tomorrow.”

Sister Ying said hurriedly, "No, let the children solve their own problems. If we interfere, they may not be happy."

Especially adolescent boys are very awkward. If you hold their heads down to apologize at this time, you may make Xiaomi Guo angry.

Mr. Zhong insisted, "No, I have to let him apologize for everything. Boys should be more gentle with girls, how can they be so tough."

If you continue to be so hardened, it will be difficult to get a wife in the future.

Sister Ying still wanted to persuade her, so he said she would go back to the guest room to sleep, but he couldn't persuade her.

But before he went to the guest room, the third princess came.

 She still looked cold, riding a horse, with a livid face, which showed that she was angry.

But even if you are angry, you still come to pick people up obediently.

 Because she couldn't sleep well at night without holding this man in her arms, she had no choice but to come.

Zhong Da saw her coming and felt embarrassed, "What are you doing here? Didn't you say I wouldn't go back tonight?"

The third princess had a bad look on her face, "I didn't offend you, so why are you so angry?" It was obvious that she came home on time for dinner every day, and she didn't go drinking with her brothers. She came home on time, what else did he want?

Young Master Zhong couldn't help but roll his eyes when he saw how unreasonable she was, "I didn't lose my temper, why don't I come to my best friend's house as a guest?"

It’s not okay to serve their master at home every day, and occasionally go out to spend the night?

The third princess came over with a cold face, grabbed him onto his horse, and took him back without any further explanation.

Sister Ying could hear Mr. Zhong’s cursing voice even at the door.

 That's how this couple is, she's used to the strong woman and the weak man.

But Miguo heard the commotion and came out and asked, "Uncle Zhong is gone?"

Sister Ying nodded, "Let's go, why don't you go to bed?"

Miguo crossed her fingers with a hidden look in her eyes, "I'm not sleepy yet."

Sister Ying didn't understand her at all, so she immediately exposed it, "Did you hear what I just said to your Uncle Zhong?"

Miguo nodded and smiled, "I heard it. Uncle Zhong said that he wanted that cold-faced man Cheng Jin to apologize to me."

 I don’t know if that guy will come and apologize to me.

Sister Ying smiled, "Then do you want him to apologize to you, or not to apologize to you?"

Miguo coughed, feeling a little confused.

 “I want to, but I don’t want to.”

I think it was because she was relieved to see the superior young county man apologize to her.

But I feel that this kind of forced apology has no sense of accomplishment, and I always feel that something is missing.

Seeing her struggling, Sister Ying smiled helplessly, "This is because your skills are inferior to others. If you lose, you lose."

 As for the outer skirt being scratched, it must have been a mistake.

However, the school’s competition rules have always been strict.

It is rare that a child would be beaten to a **** head, because the beating would result in the most bruises, and they would not resort to such obscene means as tearing off someone's clothes. This time, it was probably two children who were hit hard and accidentally missed.

Miguo knew this was the truth, so she thought about it, "Forget it, this time it is true that my skills are inferior to others. I will study martial arts with my father in the future, and I will definitely be able to win back in the future."

Sister Ying nodded happily, "That's good if you think so."

 “Go back to bed quickly, it’s very late.”

 “Okay, good night, mother.”

"OK, good night."

Now that the children are older, they sleep in a separate room.

Miguo lives with Xiao Yunduo, and Dongze lives with Xiao Pangpang.

Even the twins are ready to let them simply sleep in a small room.

 On the second day.

 Children attend classes as usual.

Sister Ying couldn't get up during the day, so Miguo took her younger siblings to class alone.

 After arriving at the school, everyone went to their own classrooms.

As soon as Miguo entered the big class, she saw a group of boys chatting together. She didn’t know what they were talking about.

Seeing that she didn't know, Liuhua, her deskmate, told her, "I heard that a beautiful girl is coming to our class today. Those stinky boys were all excited all morning when they heard that there was a beautiful girl."

Miguo was curious, "Whose girl is this?"

Most of the people who can come to this school to study are the children of soldiers in the military camp.

 Some children of local civilians can also come, but because their grades cannot keep up, they are all in ordinary classes.

Those who can attend their class either have one or two specialties or have some talent.

 So their class is considered a high-quality class.

 He will hear that there is someone new here, and Miguo is also very curious.

Especially when the other person is a girl.

Her deskmate said, "It is said that the girl is from the capital. She is the daughter of a veteran general. She is also very beautiful."

“And their families are all stationed here, saying they won’t leave.”

 (End of this chapter)

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