The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1108: , a female classmate from Beijing

 Chapter 1108, a female classmate from the capital

 “You’re from the capital? Still very beautiful?”

Miguo didn’t expect the new classmate to have such a background, and was a little curious for a moment.

 “How beautiful can it be?”

 She is considered the most beautiful girl in the school. How can there be anyone more beautiful than her?

Her deskmate clicked his tongue twice, "I also heard what those stinky boys said, and I don't know much about the rest."

As soon as I arrived in the morning, I heard the group of teenagers in the class discussing the new female classmate, and even boasted that the female classmate was like a fairy.

 After passing it on to others, everyone decided that the new female classmate must be very beautiful.

   Just listen to Miguo, seeing is believing.

She turned around and glanced at Cheng Jin's table. Seeing that he was not there, she asked her tablemate, "Where is Cheng Jin?"

 “He’s not here yet.”

Still not here?

 In the past, that guy was the first one to come to the school, and he was an active member.

  Why are you so late today?

Is it possible that you were beaten by Uncle Zhong last night?

 Probably not, Uncle Zhong is not someone who beats children.

Then why haven’t you come yet?

Miguo felt strange and looked outside the door.

As he was watching, the male students in the class suddenly burst into an uproar and ran to the door of the school.

“Look, that’s the new little daughter of the Liu family, isn’t she? She’s so pretty and her skin is so white.”

 The other boys gulped when they saw her, "She's really beautiful. She deserves to be a young lady from the capital."

Miguo looked curiously, and just as he was about to look at the girl, she heard the boys talking again.

“Hey, isn’t that Cheng Jin? Why is he here with Miss Liu?”

Looking at their posture, it seems that the two of them came together.

 Because at this time, the young lady from the Liu family was following Cheng Jin with a slightly blushing face, like a young girl in love, with an embarrassed look on her face.

Miguo looked at it with disdain and clicked his tongue, secretly thinking that Cheng Jin, the steely straight man, wasn't that good either.

She was just a white-skinned young lady, so she hooked him up? Really ignorant.

She didn't bother to look, picked up the book and started reading, too lazy to join in the fun with the group of boys.

Cheng Jin led the people in, and the boys all made way for Miss Liu with very bad expressions.

One of the boys said in an awkward tone, "Miss Liu, you haven't distributed the book yet, have you? Then come over and read with me? My book is still very new."

Some male students couldn't stand it and said, "Er Gouzi, you have to show some respect. The teacher said that men and women are at different tables. Miss Renliu wants to sit at the girl's end."

The attentive boy suddenly withered, "I forgot."

 The taipan is indeed divided into men and women, and there is a long bamboo curtain between the middle-aged and older students, so no one can pass.

Miss Liu secretly breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this rule. She didn't want to sit with these stinky boys.

But with a smile on his face, he said to the male classmates, "Thank you for your hospitality. I can just sit at the women's table."

She is not only pretty, but also has a sweet voice.

The boys blushed upon hearing this, looking like they were in love for the first time, and all of them were inexplicably shy.

The boys who were usually careless and would fight and say bad words were surprisingly well-behaved today. They hadn’t said a single bad word in a long time.

 When I had lunch, I was also polite, not like wolfing down my food like usual.

Miguo looked back at Miss Liu and saw that she had a slender frame and a delicate face. She looked like a very small girl.

 But I really can’t get along with the great beauty.

Her mother's kind is the most beautiful woman, and Miss Liu is not even as good-looking as Xiao Yunduo.

Miss Liu saw her looking at her and came over to talk to her with a smile.

“You must be Jing Mi, I am Liu Xin’er.”

 Her father had inquired about the children here before coming to the school. Among them, Chengjin and Jingmi were top students in the class and their families had good backgrounds, so she remembered these two people.

Miguo saw her taking the initiative to say hello and nodded to her.

Liu Xin'er was more proactive than her. After class, she came over to her place to talk and even wanted to change places with Liu Hua. But Liuhua refused, so she didn’t continue.

 In the past, if she had said this to a female classmate with a lower status than her, they would have agreed long ago. Who would have thought that this little classmate would be so indifferent.

 But it was her first day in class and it was difficult for her to have an attack, so she had to endure it.

Miguo noticed her unhappiness, but did not speak for her.

 It was Liu Xin'er's fault in the first place. She wanted Liu Hua's position as soon as she came. It's normal for Liu Hua not to be happy.

 She just looked at it without speaking, lowering her head to read her book.

Chengjin, on the other hand, looked over frequently.

I just don’t know that he is looking at Liu Xin’er? Still looking at the honey fruit.

Miguo also felt his gaze and thought he was looking at Liu Xin'er, so she didn't take it seriously and continued reading.

Liu Xin'er noticed that Cheng Jin was actually looking at Mi Guo, so she came over and asked Mi Guo, "How is your relationship with brother Cheng Jin?"


Xiao Miguo didn’t expect that she would ask this, with a question mark on her face? ?

Seeing her reaction, Liu Xin'er wondered if the two people were not trying to deal with her? Then he smiled.

“Hey, I heard what other classmates said. I heard that Cheng Jin even cut your skirt when he competed with you. I thought you didn’t like him.”

 Small honey fruit? ?

 This and what.

Even though she hates Cheng Jin, why is it so weird when Liu Xin'er says it?

 It is normal for children to fight and hate each other, but when it comes to Liu Xin'er's mouth, there is always a strange feeling of yin and yang.

Miguo felt that she was not familiar with her, so she didn't want to say more, so she ordered her to leave, "I want to continue reading, please don't disturb me."

Lin Xin'er didn't expect that she would be so cold to him. She bit her lower lip and looked like she was about to cry.

 Some male classmates saw it and asked curiously, "Why is Liu Xin'er crying? Could it be that Mi Guo hurt her?"

 A male classmate heard this with sharp ears and immediately asked, "Miss Liu, are you okay?"

Liu Xin'er sniffed and said in a pitiful tone, "I'm fine."

The more she said she was fine, the more her male classmates didn’t believe her.

“Did someone bully you?”

  While saying this, he glared at Miguo's position fiercely.

As soon as Miguo heard this tone, she knew that her male classmate was doubting her.

She was too lazy to explain to these shameless dogs, so she lowered her head and continued reading.

On the other hand, some male classmates have long disliked Miguo. They feel that she is too domineering and always strives to be first, which makes them lose face. They have long complained about her.

Especially this time, the new goddess was bullied to the point of crying. They would definitely do something heroic, so they blamed Miguo through the curtain.

“Jingmi, why are you like this? Miss Liu came to class on her first day and you made things difficult for me. You must be too bad.”

Girls are not like girls who fight, fight, and fight all day long. They don’t look like ladies at all.

They are not like Sister Ying’s family’s education, which does not favor sons over daughters.

On the contrary, I have the same idea as the elders at home, thinking that girls should wash and cook at home, and why should they go out to the public when they have nothing to do?

Had it not been for Jing Shirong’s high position, they would not have tolerated Miguo being ranked second in the class.

 Miguo was also exposed to this kind of collective university for the first time. He didn't expect that he, who had always been strong, would become a thorn in the eyes of his classmates, and he was a little sad for a while.

What her father taught her before was that if you don’t do something, you should do your best if you do something.

She obviously did her best, but why were the male students in the class so hostile to her?

 (End of this chapter)

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