Chapter 1109, annoying male classmate

Liuhua, who was at the same table, saw her depressed face and couldn't help but say something for her.

"What are you talking nonsense about? You are not as good as others, and you are just here to seek fulfillment. Do you think you are great?"

“You are so capable, why can’t you be number one in the class?”

 Miguo has been sitting at the same table with her for a long time, so she naturally understands Miguo’s character.

 This little girl is serious in class and is reviewing after class. It is normal to be ranked second in the class.

On the other hand, those male students don’t pay attention to the lectures and only play after class. They deserve to be ranked second in class.

It's obviously your own problem, but you still want to direct your anger at an outstanding female classmate. It's simply a coward's behavior.

The group of male classmates did not expect Liuhua to speak for Miguo, and they were immediately unhappy.

"Wang Liuhua, do you think you are very good? If your mother hadn't begged my mother, you wouldn't have been able to enter this school."

“Even if you are not grateful, you still oppose us everywhere. Do you still have any conscience?”

The flowing flowers were not uncovered, my self-esteem was frustrated, and I almost wanted to cry.

  Yes, her father's official position is not as high as others, but he can still get in based on his grades.

  It was just that her mother was afraid that she would not be able to get in, so she went to the higher-up lady to ask for help.

Who would have thought that the other party would say it outright without giving her any face.

She was ashamed and angry, and wanted to fight back, but she was afraid of making it difficult for her mother to be a good person, so she had to endure it.

The group of boys thought she had lost her confidence, and immediately started laughing, like a rogue who took pleasure in bullying the weak.

Miguo clenched her fists and took a deep breath.

"I'm only going to say it once, your Miss Liu, I have never scolded her. She likes to cry and she can't rely on me."

“Also, Liuhua’s grades are only slightly worse than mine. She deserves to be in the top class.”

“As for you, I think with your grades, you won’t even be able to get into the regular class next door.”

 “I came in through the back door, how can I be embarrassed to talk about a top student?”


The group of joking boys were speechless by her retort. They were angry and angry, but they were unwilling to give in. In the end, they still retorted.

“Aren’t you just so arrogant because your father is a general, so you have the nerve to criticize us?”

 Meaning that she also came in through the back door.

Miguo sneered when he heard this.

 “Are you questioning my grades?”

 “Still doubting Master’s ability to investigate?”

“Or are you questioning the third princess’s decision?”

The boys were speechless when asked back, "We."

How dare they really question the third princess?

 Just not convinced that a girl like Miguo is better than them in every way.

 Especially when their scores in every subject are better than theirs, they will naturally become suspicious.

Xiao Miguo sneered, "I don't have the ability, so I think others are as incompetent as you. It's really ignorant and ridiculous."


Just as the boys were about to retort, the Master came in.

The master's face didn't look very good. It was obvious that he had heard the conversation just now.

He puffed his beard and glared, walked in angrily, stood in front of the lecture table, and slapped the book on the table.

“Are you questioning my ability to review? Or are you questioning me for accepting bribes from others?”

The boys looked at each other, not daring to respond.

You must know that this wife was transferred from the capital by the third princess.

 It is said that he was a retired Taifu from the current dynasty, and was specially sent by the emperor to train talents.

With the title of Taifu, who dares to question him?

 They even taught princes and emperors.

 Isn’t questioning him the same as questioning His Majesty the Emperor?

 The boys stopped talking, but their eyes were obviously unconvinced.

They still felt that the reason why Miguo was able to do well was because Jing Shirong had made many meritorious deeds and was very capable. If the emperor wanted to benefit the Jing family, he would naturally keep a close eye on the Jing family's daughter.

 So if Mi Guo can get full marks in every subject, it must be the emperor’s instruction to the Taifu. It's just that they didn't dare to say it, so they held it in, but the doubts on their faces were obvious.

 Master is really convinced by them.

A group of rebellious boys at an age that even a dog would find disgusting, and it’s annoying to look at him.

 He slammed the table, "Since you are not convinced, from now on, I will start teaching you the content in the new textbook. The exam will start at the end of the month."

“If you fail the exam, all of them should be sent to the class for poor students! From now on, my class will only accept top students!”

 This is also the meaning of the third princess.

 She originally wanted to train talents to replace future veterans and strategists.

 So cultivating top students is her purpose.

 But there are too many children going to school, and it is impossible to all attend the same class just because they are of the same age. That would be too confusing.

 So she began to adopt the system of survival of the fittest.


 The worst remaining class is the class with poor students.

 The children have heard about this plan, but have never been convinced.

  It wasn’t until today when the Master talked about the survival of the fittest that all the male students panicked.

 They also want to save face.

 In the past, I was able to join the big class because of my little talent. I didn't expect that the elimination system would suddenly start. I was suddenly afraid that I would be eliminated, so I kept silent.

The Master saw that they were silent and was not ready to let them go.

“From now on, in school, we will use grades. No one can cheat, not even through relationships!”

 “If you have no talent or martial arts, you will go to the poor students class!”

The boys were a little scared when they saw that the master was serious, but they still kept talking.

“I just said a few words to Miss Jing to see if you are anxious.”

The husband threw the book angrily and hit the male classmate in the face.

“Liu Guosan, your grades are at the bottom of the class, and you still have the nerve to question me?”

“Since you are so unconvinced, then list out the formation diagram from the last class.”

 “Me.” Being called out suddenly made me retreat a bit.

The Master said contemptuously, "Why, you dare not?"

Liu Guosan saw all his classmates looking at him and immediately went to school.

"Just draw. My father has been asking me to draw formations since I was a child. Don't think I can't do it."

 Speaking, he went up and scribbled his own formation diagram on the large white paper attached to the blackboard.

 He was very proud of his paintings, thinking that he would definitely be able to do it since he was in elementary school.

However, he was confident that he had finished the painting, but the master sneered.

 “You think you are good at painting, don’t you?”

“Believe it or not, I can just call anyone and I can break your formation and kill you in one go.”

Liu Guosan naturally didn’t believe it.

“Impossible, my father even praised me for my formation plan.”

The master knew that he didn't believe it, so he immediately called Xiao Dongze up.

“Dongze, come and break his formation.”

Dongze was sleeping. He played with Little Pangpang too late last night. He couldn't get up in the morning so he was dragged over. As soon as he got up, he started to fall asleep on the table.

  Even when Mi Guo was slapped by someone, he was still sleeping, and his mouth was watering while sleeping.

The master called him upon him, and he was totally ignorant and fell into a deep sleep. Everyone laughed.

The master walked over and grabbed his ears with his thugs.

“Jing Dongze, get up!”

Xiao Dongze was woken up and said in a daze, "Ah? What's the matter? Have you had lunch?"

The classmates burst out laughing, and the master slapped the table in anger.

 “Eat, eat, eat, eat shit, go up there and explain the picture.”

I’ve started thinking about a new book, and I want to write a modern one next one (///▽///)



 (End of this chapter)

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