Chapter 1110, elimination system

Xiao Dongze was in a daze, but he still went up.

He rubbed his eyes and looked at Liu Guosan's formation map, and couldn't help but complain, "It's nothing, it's full of mistakes."

He raised his hand, holding a red pen, and circled all Liu Guosan's mistakes and annotated them.

 “Here, here, everything is loopholes, and you will be killed by the enemy.”

“And here, there is too little defense, and the hole is so big, you can be stabbed to death at once.”

"This won't work either. The enemy can just throw a stone formation and it will be over."

 Kill Liu Guosan's formation plan to pieces, leaving no trace behind.

The male students in the class all learned formation diagrams from their fathers, so they naturally knew that what Dongze said was right, and immediately glanced at Liu Guosan with contempt.

I didn’t expect the aggressive veteran’s son to be so poorly laid out.

Liu Guosan was very annoyed when he saw that his formation was criticized by Xiao Dongze for being useless.

 But looking at the other people’s annotations, they all turned out to be correct, which made him hold back his breath and almost made him angry to death.

 Looking at his appearance, the master knew that he was still not convinced.

I hereby announce, "Everyone, listen up. Starting from this month, we will start teaching content from new books. There will be a spot check and a small test at the end of each month."

 “One test in three months and one test in six months.”

“If your grades are not up to standard during the year, you will be assigned to your ability class according to your grades.”

“Only top students who are excellent in all aspects can be in my class.”

 Other students felt a sense of crisis after hearing this.

This master is the emperor's tutor, and it is best to have him teach you.

Not only did he have a good reputation, but he also learned more knowledge than other masters, so naturally he didn’t want to leave.

 So everyone stopped talking about men and women and backdoors, and started studying exclusively.

Even Liu Guosan became nervous, stopped talking, and silently returned to his seat.

At this time, Liu Xin'er said, "Master, our examination is absolutely fair and just, right?"

"No one would cheat or use the back door, right?"

These words expressed the thoughts of the boys, and they all looked at Liu Xin'er with admiration.

Liu Xin'er likes to be this kind of hero. She raises her chin high and looks very proud.

The master glanced at her coldly, "Of course not."

“After the exam, all excellent papers will be taken out and posted on the bulletin board. Then you can compare them yourself.”

 Not all answers can be copied, especially when using your own insights. This kind of answer is the most difficult to copy.

Liu Xin'er was about to say something when she listened to Master.

 “In outstanding classes, whether they are boys or girls, all grades speak for themselves.”

“If you don’t pass the exam, send them all to the next class!”

These words did not give Liu Xin'er any face. Liu Xin'er snorted angrily and then sat down.

Miguo watched the whole process and secretly said that the progress of survival of the fittest was really satisfying.

 She never wanted to be in the same class with those incompetent and arrogant boys again.

 If those people are eliminated, the class atmosphere will be better in the future.

 So she opened the textbook and began to study hard.

The same goes for Chengjin. He watched the whole process and did not trust what these people did. He wanted to be a good student and strive to stay in this outstanding class.

So everyone was very quiet during the rest of the class time, and there was no more quarreling and sleeping as before.

The Master was very satisfied with what he saw.

It seems that the survival of the fittest system is still very effective.

Unlike in the capital, the prince cannot say it openly if he is not good at reading. He has to think of words before expressing it.

 It’s better to be here, be honest, speak with strength, and don’t need to be treated differently because of status.

 As long as they have the ability, even a child who is a good student can be in the excellent class. After school, Miguo packed up her bags and went to pick up her younger siblings from the primary and secondary classes.

 The brothers and sisters went back together.

On the way back, I saw Liu Xin'er sitting in a beautiful carriage and greeted her on the way.

“Miss Jing, do you want to take my carriage back?”

Miguo said coldly, "No need."

This young lady from the capital is not cute at all.

 No wonder Liujin didn't like those young ladies in the capital, they were hypocritical and two-faced and not honest at all.

 She rode a horse and went home with her younger brothers and sisters.

 After getting home, I started doing my homework.

 If you don’t understand anything, just ask Sister Ying.

Sister Ying didn’t understand, so she ran to the military camp to find her father.

Anyway, as long as she didn't understand military matters, she would go to the military camp to find Jing Shirong.

Jing Shirong saw that she was so diligent, so he asked the secret guard and found out that she was being bullied.

But this girl didn't complain, but silently did her homework. He didn't know whether to be happy or distressed.

He touched her head with his big hand and said, "Why didn't you say anything when you were bullied by a male classmate?"

Miguo shrugged, looking indifferent, "I don't take them seriously at all."

  It means that you don’t take those brats seriously, so it doesn’t matter what they say.

Jing Shirong smiled with satisfaction and said, "Well done. People with different paths don't work together. No matter how good you are, the people you meet in the future will be as good as you. You really don't need to care about those who are not motivated."

Miguo laughed and finally said, "Yes, that's what my mother said."

Different people don't agree with each other, so why should she talk to a group of people who are inferior to her in everything? If you have that time, it is better to study more and enrich yourself.

Jing Shirong is really happy and proud.

 “My girl is great.”

 She is like him in trying to learn, and like her mother in being open-minded, which completely combines the advantages of both husband and wife.

Even Dongze and the others are the same.

 That kid, although he couldn't get up every morning, still slept in class.

 But as soon as the get out of class was over, he ran to find his teacher, shamelessly asking for extra lessons.

The master was so angry that he beat him several times, but he was like a dog-skin plaster. If he didn't hear anything while sleeping, he would have to listen to everything again and would not leave even if he said nothing.

 His master spanked him until his **** was bruised, but he still refused to leave, so he could only teach him angrily.

Other children also wanted to make up lessons, so they all taught together, which made the master no longer have time to drink.

After hearing this, Sister Ying laughed for a long time and said to herself: This guy is so shameless that I don’t know who else to follow.

Jing Shirong also smiled, "It doesn't matter. Anyway, he has a thick skin and lives a long time. It's good for him to be like this."

Sister Ying laughed for a long time, "Yes, if you are thick-skinned, you are invincible. It is a good thing that he wants to learn."

 As for Xiao Yunduo and Xiao Pangpang, they are not strong in cultural classes, but they are very good in specialty classes.

 Little Pangpang is good at martial arts, especially talented in archery.

Xiao Yunduo's martial arts skills are average, but he is very strong in medicine.

 She doesn’t like to come to class, so she just wants to learn herbal medicine knowledge from Sister Yang at home.

 The family felt that it was a great talent to be able to study medicine, so they agreed that she should attend cultural classes for half a day and study with Sister Yang at home for the other half.

 As for the twins of dragon and phoenix.

 These two children are still the kings of children in the small class.

 The third child always plays well with boys, while the fourth sister has a lively fight with a group of snackers.

 (End of this chapter)

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