Chapter 1111, Prepare for the exam

 Dragon twins have always been very popular in the class because of their cute looks and lively personalities.

 Even the Master likes them very much.

In particular, the two of them gave very positive answers in class. Even though their answers were wrong, the Master still liked students who were positive.

 The courses in small classes are relatively simple, and children can learn them easily, so there is no need to worry too much.

 Now only the children in the upper class are competing fiercely.

 Because the remaining ordinary classes are already being built.

 It will all be built within a few months.

 Those whose grades are unsatisfactory will have to go to ordinary classes.

The boys in the class want to save face. Even if they don’t want to be kicked out, they are all studying hard.

However, reading also requires talent, and they cannot be taught by teachers.

Sometimes the teacher can repeat the teaching several times, but some children still don't understand. They just hear a rumbling sound and don't understand the meaning of the content in the book at all.

Master has already seen clearly that some students in the class are extremely talented, while some have no talent at all and can only work hard.

He had a general understanding of the specialties and shortcomings of this group of children, knew which ones should go to which class, and secretly took notes.

 Some classmates saw him sketching in a notebook and made guesses. "The people written in the book are not the ones to be eliminated, right?"

"No way?"

Two male classmates trembled, "My father has told me that if I fail the exam, I will be asked to herd cattle. I won't even be given a horse to ride. Wow, I'm scared to death."

"My father is the same. He said that if I can't stay in Master's class, I will feed the horses and serve them for the rest of my life."

Neither of them wanted to be like cows or horses, so they secretly swore, "We'd better make up for our lessons."

 As long as there is one advantage, it can definitely be remedied.

 Otherwise, it would be a shame to be eliminated by then.

Other older children thought the same way. They were afraid of being eliminated and devoted themselves to learning.

 Master was extremely happy when he saw this phenomenon.

The third princess is still wise, and the survival of the fittest system is really encouraging.

At the end of the month, when the quiz was held, the students in the class were very nervous, fearing that they would fail the exam.

Seeing their nervous expressions, the Master nodded with satisfaction.

“This month’s test is your writing skills. It’s the foreign languages ​​I teach you. Whichever country’s language I read, you will write in that country’s text. Each correct answer will count as one point.”

 The students looked at each other, very nervous.

  whispered, "Oh my god, my language is the worst. I can't understand the languages ​​of other countries at all, let alone the characters."

Each small country has its own writing and language. However, the five countries have peacefully coexisted in these years. In order to facilitate communication, many officials and generals will learn some local writing and language.

For example, the third princess can understand the languages ​​of the five countries, and Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming can also understand them.

If you can’t even understand the language of your neighboring country, how can you inquire about the enemy’s situation?

The boys in the class are pretty faceless, and writing is not their specialty.

Especially when they start learning in their teens, they find it difficult to learn. Unexpectedly, they have to take the exam after only one month of learning. It is really difficult.

The Master ignored their wails and patted the table, "Okay, let's start lighting the incense. The exam will last for one stick of incense. When the incense burns out, the paper will be handed in automatically."

 As he said that, he started to light the incense and then passed out the white paper.

 The students laid out their papers, dipped their brushes in ink, and began to take dictation.

The Master began to read, "." It is a Tibetan word that means to the left. (from Baidu)

The students seem to have heard of this word and know that it means to the left, but they cannot write it.

 Some people can only remember how to write the first three strokes, but cannot write the rest. The whole class looked pretty good. They usually thought this subject was no big deal, but they didn’t expect to be taken out for the exam. Now it was over.

 Only Miguo, Chengjin, Xiao Dongze, Liu Xin'er and Liuhua wrote in the audience.

 The rest of the students only wrote the first half correctly, but could not write the second half.

The Master then read a few more words to them, all of which were in the language used in the military camp.

 In the end, only Miguo, Cheng Jin, and Xiao Dongze were the last ones in the class to write.

When the incense burnt out, the master said, "It's time for the exam, stop writing."

 Then let Xiao Dongze take up the roll.

Xiao Dongze quickly collected the papers and handed them in.

Master finished the review first, then took out the answers he had written in advance and hung them on the blackboard.

 “Now let’s announce the answers.”

 In order to prevent these boys from being unconvinced, I will face the answer in front of them this time.

“Hand out the corrected test papers, and you will answer them according to the blackboard. I will not hand out the papers that are all correct, but hang them next to the answers for you to observe.”

 Speaking, he gave the test paper to Xiao Dongze and asked him to pass it out.

Xiao Dongze was scolded a lot on weekdays, but he was also very diligent, especially when helping his wife collect and distribute papers.

At this moment, he handed out all the papers, and when he didn't see his own paper, he was immediately happy.

 “Master, I answered all the questions correctly, haha.”

The master stroked his beard with satisfaction.

 Tell all the students, "Look at the answers in your hands, and then look at the correct answers. If there is anything you don't agree with, bring it up."

 The students looked at the red crosses on their papers and blushed extremely.

  Unexpectedly, I baked a big zero egg in my first exam. It was really embarrassing.

 Some of them got a few correct answers, which was a relief.

They carefully examined the master’s answer and then looked at the papers next to them that were all correct, curiously. "Whose are those three perfect scores?"

Xiao Dongze said, "Isn't there a name on it? Look for yourself."

The students looked over one after another and saw three clean and tidy papers. The answers were the same as the master's.

 The only difference is the font.

 There are their names at the bottom of the paper. They are clearly Miguo, Chengjin, and Xiao Dongze.

The male students didn’t expect Miguo to be right, and they couldn’t explain how they felt.

 It was like a slap in the face.

I used to think that people came in through the back door, but now I see that there are no mistakes in their papers, the fonts are very nice, and the papers are neat. Compared to my own mistakes, which were blackened out, it’s really a big difference. .

The Master looked at their shy expressions and snorted softly.

“This time, in terms of writing skills, only Miguo, Chengjin, and Dongze are all right, and the rest, except for a few with seven points, were completely wiped out!”

 Because before the exam, the books were all put on the master's desk. Even if the male students wanted to accuse Miguo of plagiarism, they had no reason to do so. In the end, they could only shut up.

The master took out his thick notebook again and started writing non-stop.

Some classmates were really curious, "Master, what do you record in that book?"

The Master snorted and said, "This is the grade book. I have written down your names in it these days. From now on, your monthly exam scores will be written down in it."

“In order for you to check your results, I will post your results on the bulletin board outside the door every month, and you can check it yourself at that time.”

Happy Dragon Boat Festival, do you want salty rice dumplings or sweet rice dumplings?



 (End of this chapter)

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