The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1112: , Miguo and Chengjin both took first place in the examination.

 Chapter 1112, Miguo and Chengjin both ranked first in the exam

 As soon as the students heard that the results were going to be announced, they immediately started complaining.

“Oh my god, that bulletin board is right at the door. If my parents come over and see me taking the exam, I will be beaten to death.”

"Yeah, my dad has been asking me recently if I have an exam. If he finds out that I got a score, he will definitely beat me to death when I get back."

 The rules of the school are known to the veterans.

 Children’s performance is not only a personal issue, it is also what parents are most concerned about.

If your child does poorly in the exam, the father will feel embarrassed.

 If you are laughed at by your colleagues, you will inevitably go back and beat the brat.

Other boys were also afraid, so they went over to ask the Master, "Master, we are not prepared this time, otherwise we will start announcing the results next month?"

The Master was unselfish and said, "No, your parents asked me to post these results, and everyone will see them."

“Even the third princess will come for a checkup next month.”

 When all the students heard that the third princess was coming, they immediately covered their faces.

“No way, the third princess wants to see our results?”

God, it’s such a shame that they did so poorly on the exam.

The Master laughed and said, "If you know it is embarrassing, read it carefully and memorize it carefully. Otherwise, it will not only be you who will be embarrassed, but also your old father in the military camp!"

  "Forget it if you are embarrassed this month, just treat it as inexperienced for the first time. But next month, be sure to get good results, don't embarrass me!"

 After saying that, he ordered Xiao Dongze to register his results.

Xiao Dongze smiled and went immediately.

 After school, parents heard about it and came to look at the bulletin board.

 Everyone is looking for their child’s name, and then look at the results below.

 When he saw it, he saw it was a big duck egg, and it was red. He was immediately embarrassed, and he rushed in angrily and scolded the child.

 “I sent you to study and this is how you repay me?”

“Why is Xiao Dongze, who is five years younger than you, still getting perfect marks in the exam? Are you embarrassed?”

  Everyone thinks that Chengjin deserves a perfect score because he was taught by the third princess personally, so a perfect score is normal.

 But Xiao Dongze’s own son, who is five or six years old, has perfect scores, which shows that these brats don’t study well at all.

The sharp-eyed parents saw that Miguo's score was also a perfect score, and they clicked their tongues, "As expected of General Jingda's daughter, she got a perfect score in the first test. That's really good."

 Not only does the daughter get perfect marks, but the son also gets perfect marks. Is this the difference?

Parents looked at the results carefully. The full score this time was ten points. Some children got at least two or three points, and some got five or six points, which is not bad.

 The worst thing is those big duck eggs, which have no points at all, which is really embarrassing.

 They were so angry that they dragged the child back to clean up the matter.

Liu Xin'er looked at her ranking, which was at fifth, and felt unconvinced.

 When she was in the capital, she had read the Four Books and Five Classics since she was a child, and she learned quickly.

 But the words taught by the master were too difficult, and she failed to get full marks because she made a mistake. She was really unconvinced.

 Especially when seeing the full score of Miguo, it becomes even more unbalanced.

So she walked over and said in a strange tone, "Miss Jing, have you learned these languages ​​since you were a child? Otherwise, everything is right?"

"Yes, your father is a general, it's normal for you to know these words. Unlike me, I just came here not long ago and have no learning foundation, so I did so poorly in the exam. If my father had taught me since I was a child, I would definitely be able to get full marks in the exam. "

ˆ Honey fruit

Does this person have to speak so bitterly?

Is it difficult to admit that she is excellent?

Miguo was speechless, curled her lips, and turned around to leave without wanting to talk to her any more.

Seeing her leaving, Liu Xin'er snorted and said to the male classmate next to her, "This Miss Jing has a really bad temper. She may not be easy to get along with, right?"

 The male classmate hummed, "Yeah, none of the male students in the class like her very much."

When Liu Xin'er saw this, she raised her lips with satisfaction and pretended to say something for Mi Guo.

“Hey, Miss Jing is probably more arrogant because of her good family conditions. Unlike us, her status is not as good as hers, so we won’t be able to talk to her.”

The group of male classmates thought her voice was sweet, so they nodded in agreement, "Yes, you are right."

Seeing that everyone was willing to listen to her, Liu Xin'er raised her lips with satisfaction, "So, we'd better not talk to her in the future, lest she look at us coldly." Other male students agreed mindlessly, "Yes, we Ignore her."

 Cheng Jin listened to the whole process on the sidelines.

Are all these male classmates so brainless? ?

And this Liu Xin'er, why does she speak so strangely?

 Miguo’s excellence is indeed due to Uncle Jing’s education, but if Miguo is not smart, even His Majesty’s personal teaching will be of no use.

 So to sum up, Miguo is smart and studious, which is why she has perfect scores.

If this Liu Xin'er were to learn it, he probably wouldn't be able to learn half as much as Mi Guo.

It seems like this girl is a little confused.

Cheng Jin glanced at her coldly and decided not to go to school with her in the future.

He rode away and Liu Xin'er didn't even respond to her calls.

Miguo was walking on the road at this time. When he saw him coming quickly, he stepped aside.

 But Cheng Jin did not ride over. Instead, he turned around and said to her, "You did well in the exam."

 Then he left.

 Leaving Miguo with a question mark on his face? ?

 She asked Xiao Dongze, "What does he mean? Does he praise me or ridicule me?"

 Xiao Dongze, "Of course I'm complimenting you. Brother Chengjin rarely sarcastic, he always goes straight to the point."

 Perhaps boys know boys better, so Xiao Dongze said it for sure.

Miguo recalled the tone of what she said just now, and it seemed that it was indeed a compliment, which meant he was praising her.

 I don’t know why, but I suddenly felt a little happy, and the corners of my mouth rose unconsciously.

  But he said something ironic, "Humph, do I need him to praise me?"

“I don’t want him to praise me for my ability in literature and martial arts.” But I was still very happy, hee hee~

Xiao Dongze also laughed when he saw her stinky look.

 “Okay, let’s go back to eat roast chicken.”

The results came out today, and my mother promised to cook roast chicken for me after I passed the exam.

 As soon as I got home, the roast chicken was almost ready.

 “Mom, we are back.”

Sister Ying held the roast chicken in her hand, raised her head and said with a smile, "You're back? How was your exam?"

Today she went to inspect the goods with the shopkeeper. She hurried back to make roast chicken in the afternoon and did not go to school to check her results.

 The roast chicken was almost ready now, and she asked the children to wash their hands.

 “Hurry and wash your hands and eat.”

Several children happily put down their schoolbags and jumped to wash their hands.

The twins came over to announce the good news, "Mom, my eldest sister and my second brother both got full marks in the exam today, and they are tied for first place with Brother Chengjin."

Although they are in small classes, they always gossip about anything that happens in the school.

No, they also saw the city on the bulletin board.

Sister Ying clicked her tongue happily, praising Miguo and Dongze.

“It’s not bad. It’s just my first exam and I got full marks. It’s great.”

“You will each have a roast chicken tonight.”

Miguo and Dongze laughed and were a little happy, "Then I'll eat it~"

 The remaining children gulped as they watched, Miguo smiled and divided the drumsticks among them.

 “Okay, let’s share it with you.”

When the children heard this, they all gathered around happily. The elder sister was older and the younger sister was younger.

 (End of this chapter)

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