Chapter 1113, the competition begins

Seeing how happy they were eating, Sister Ying baked two more.

 Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming came back in the evening, and there happened to be one for each of them.

Jing Shirong asked while eating, "I heard that the school exam took place today, how did it go?"

The twins chirped and reported, "Dad, the eldest sister and the second brother both got perfect scores, and their names are ranked second and third."

Jing Shirong was curious, "Then who is number one?"

 Could it be that boy Chengjin?

 The twins smiled and said, "That's Brother Chengjin."

The excellence of Chengjin is well known to everyone. Not only does the child inherit the mantle of the third princess, but he is also good at reading and martial arts.

Coupled with his military talent, the third princess also worked hard to train him.

Even he had to admit that this child would have an unlimited future.

 Originally, he always thought that his daughter and son were already very good, but he didn't expect Chengjin to take it to the next level.

It seems that talent is something that not everyone can have.

Miguo saw him frowning and thought he was worried about his grades, so he sat over and said, "Don't worry, Dad, this is our first exam. I will try my best to get the first place in the small tests every month from now on."

 She will definitely stay in the top class and will never be eliminated.

Jing Shirong naturally believed in her, "Dad believes in you, you will definitely be able to do it."

 Xiao Dongze smiled and said, "There's still me, I can do it too."

He is younger than Chengjin, but with his talent here, he is really not afraid of not being able to keep up.

Jing Shirong looked at his two outstanding children and was very proud of them.

“I heard that you will take a small test every three months and a big test every six months. When the big test is over, tell dad what gifts you want and he will buy them for you.”

 Children have pocket money every month, but it is not much. It is okay to buy some snacks, but if you want to buy big toys, you have to save for several months, or do housework to earn more.

 So it’s not that easy to buy big gifts.

 As soon as I heard that the exam was good and I could buy things I like, I was very happy.

“Dad, I want a good bow and arrow, the ones I have are all old.”

Jing Shirong nodded, "Okay, as long as you do well in the exam, dad will buy you the most expensive bow and arrow."

Xiao Dongze was happy, "Yeah~ Then I will definitely work hard."

For a cool and powerful bow and arrow, he must study hard and strive for full marks.

 “What about Miguo? What gift does Miguo want?”

Xiao Miguo thought for a while, "I want a sword."

She learned the square halberd from the boys in school, and the beatings were not pleasant at all.

 Because Fang Tianji is specially taught to boys and there are no female masters at all, so if girls want to take martial arts classes, they have to learn Fang Tianji.

Miguo’s favorite thing is actually swords, just like her father.

 It’s just that the school doesn’t have swordsmanship classes, so her swordsmanship is useless.

Jing Shirong touched her head and said fondly, "Okay, daddy will give you a sword of your own, and then engrave your name on it and give it to you as a gift."

Miguo smiled happily, "Hehe, thank you dad~"

It seems that home is the best place, with a good father, good mother, and good brothers and sisters. As expected, home is the warmest place.

 The family had a happy meal, and after the meal the children went to do their homework.

 Until the second month’s small test, Miguo, Xiao Dongze and Chengjin still got full marks.

Although everyone was unconvinced, they announced the answers immediately after each test, even if they tried to bribe the master. Therefore, everyone could still see that the results were true, and the voices of dissatisfaction gradually became quieter.

Especially when it comes to the three-month exam, everyone is quite nervous.

 Because after the exam today, my family will definitely ask about it.

 If you don’t do well in the exam, you will really have to die.

Today's test questions include literature, art of war, battle plans and escape plans, all of which need to be answered.

Miguo and Chengjin both answered seriously.

The master saw their opinions and felt that the boy was teachable and was very satisfied. But literature alone is not enough. In the afternoon, I also have to take a test on martial arts and formations.

During the literature test in the morning, the male students in the class looked disheveled.

 When the afternoon competition came, everyone was in high spirits and felt that they could fight.

“Oh my god, I finally found out what I’m good at. I’ve become very good at using the Square Heavenly Halberd recently, and I must be good at it today.”

 Although he is not good at literature, he can make up for it by being good at martial arts.

Other male classmates also said, "Yes, my father said that even if you can't write, you must be strong in martial arts."

After all, they are all the children of veteran generals. If they are not good at martial arts, it would be a disgrace.

So the boys were eager to try it in the afternoon.

The girls didn’t want to compete at first because their martial arts skills were not as good as those of their brothers or their neighbor’s brothers. They were afraid that they would be embarrassed if they lost the fight, so they didn’t want to compete.

However, the third princess has a rule that male and female students in the top class will have the same scores in civil and military classes and will not be treated differently because of men and women.

 If they don't compete, it means they abstain. Since they abstain, they get zero points.

 Zero points were too ugly, so the girls had no choice but to compete.

If it is a same-sex fight, they are still confident.

 But compared with tall boys, if they are not careful, it is not cost-effective to scratch themselves.

 So the girls didn’t play very openly.

It just so happened that the third princess came over today to check her study results. When she saw the girls shrinking back, she was immediately displeased.

  The long whip was swung over, and the dust on the ground was immediately stirred up.

The one with the strongest force shook off the fences on both sides.

The children were trembling with fear, and they knew they had made a mistake without having to guess.

The third princess stood on the judging panel, glanced at the girls coldly, and spoke in a strong and powerful tone.

“Since you are still in the honors class, show me the momentum of the honors class!”

 “Don’t look timid, the children in the small class can play better than you.”

“Also, don’t tell me that women are inferior to men. Even if they are inferior to men, you will still be beaten to death!”

 “In honors class, there is no such word as coward!”

The girls were told that they were embarrassed, and they immediately became angry and said, "Okay, I'll hit them."

Even if you lose, you must lose with honor. You must never lose without a fight.

 The third princess saw their fighting spirit and sat down with satisfaction.

 “Light the incense, the game begins.”

This competition is based on a draw, with the last six teams being compared and then the top three teams will be divided.

Although some female students lost, some were able to gain an extra minute or two.

 Some of the aggressive ones actually defeated one or two boys.

 There were only six left behind, and the fighting became more intense.

Miguo has fought with both boys and girls, and her strikes are quick and accurate.

She didn't want to waste her energy, so she decided to fight quickly.

 There were some boys who didn't like her and beat her very hard.

At that time, she became angry, and Fang Tianji stabbed the boy in the lower crotch. The boy was stunned and lost in the end.

Miguo looked at him coldly, snorted, turned around and walked off the stage.

 After Chengjin and the others finish competing, the next step is to compare the top three.

Now only Xiaodongze, Miguo and Chengjin are left.

 Then let’s see who can get the first place.

 (End of this chapter)

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