The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1114: , sister and brother fighting

 Chapter 1114, sister-sister fight

 The students in the audience were very excited and were already guessing who would win.

Classmate A, "It must be Cheng Jin, his martial arts is the best in the school."

 “Yes, definitely Chengjin, I bet on him to win.”

Liu Xin'er said, "Will it be Miguo and Xiao Dongze? They are siblings, and I don't know who will give way to whom."

What this means is that during the competition, there was a rule that no concessions were allowed, so everyone was trying their best, no matter how hard they gave in.

Liu Xin'er said this, which made Miguo's deskmate Liuhua unhappy. "Aren't you tired of you always talking so sarcastically?"

“The arena is a battlefield, who can let it go? Didn’t you see the third princess sitting on it?”

Today, the three princesses are sitting in battle. The students are all very excited, and they all try hard to let the third princess see their performance. Where can I hide and give way?

Especially some parents also came, everyone was cheering, and the atmosphere was heightened to a high point.

 Including Jing Shirong, he also rushed over.

Also coming is Sister Ying.

 The couple both wanted to see the famous scene of today's martial arts competition.

Sister Ying poked Jing Shirong's arm, "Who would win in a competition between Miguo and Dongze?"

 The usual martial arts were taught by Jing Shirong, so he should know better.

Jing Shirong clicked his tongue, "It's hard to say."

Miguo and Xiao Dongze are both talented players, and both of them work hard, so it’s hard to say whether they will win or lose.

The two children often competed together, but they couldn't tell the difference because neither of them had made a fatal move, so Jing Shirong never saw the actual competition between the siblings.

Sister Ying was worried, "If one of them loses, won't they be autistic when they go home?"

 After all, both children are quite strong.

If you really lose, you will probably doubt yourself, right?

Jing Shirong is not worried, "I'm not afraid of you. Failure is the mother of success. If you fall down and stand up again, children are not that fragile."

But Sister Ying said, "That's because they didn't cry with you, but came to cry with me."

 “You will know how vulnerable you are when I cry with you.”

 The two children look very calm, but they actually cry. They just don’t cry much because they want to save face.

Jing Shirong still believed in Miguo and the others, with a calm expression on his face, "Don't worry, just a few words of advice will be enough."

Sister Ying laughed loudly. "That's right. They can't have smooth sailing all their lives. They have to go through ups and downs."

 They said they were not worried, but when they looked at the ring, the couple was still a little nervous.

When Xiao Dongze and Miguo came on stage, everyone looked towards the ring, wanting to see who of the siblings was better.

After Xiao Dongze came on stage, he still smiled playfully and said, "Sister, the competition field is like a battlefield. I will beat you in a while, but you can't hit me when you get home."

Miguo rolled her eyes at him, "You don't need to give in."

 She is not the kind of person who cries when her brother doesn't give in. If she loses, she loses. It's no big deal.

Xiao Dongze also knew her temperament, put away the playful smile on his face, and started the game to officially begin.

The two fisted each other, and then attacked each other very quickly.

 The siblings usually compete with each other, but they have never competed in such a formal competition.

This fight will be very fierce, and no one will give in.

Jing Shirong looked satisfied and clenched his fists tightly, obviously very excited.

Sister Ying was already excited by her mother and shouted, "Come on Miguo, let's fight."

Then he shouted, "Smash it, hit it!"

 Other parents watching.

What's going on with Mrs. Jing? One moment I support my daughter, and the other I support my son. Who do you want to win?

Sister Ying ignored their doubts and focused on the ring, cheering and shouting the loudest.

Other parents were inspired by her and shouted cheers.

Even the male classmates became nervous. “I don’t know if Xiao Dongze can beat his sister.”

 “It should be possible, his father is a general after all.”

 Another classmate slapped him and said, "Are you stupid? They have the same father."

The classmate smiled and said, "Look at me, I forgot about it."

“But although they have the same father, the boy is more explosive. I think Xiao Dongze may win.”

 I say this with my mouth, but I am not sure in my heart.

  After all, everyone has seen Miguo's achievements in the past few months, and they no longer doubt her so deeply, and they have even regarded her as a strong opponent in their hearts.

Like this moment, the male classmates still hope that Xiao Dongze wins.

 Because he is a boy, they hope that Xiao Dongze can help the boy regain his face.

Xiao Dongze and Miguo are having a fierce fight in the ring right now, no one is worse than the other.

 In the end, Miguo narrowly defeated two moves and finally won.

Xiao Dongze smiled even after losing, and didn’t think there was any problem at all.

 He thought that he was still young and would surely catch up in a few years.

 The third princess nodded with satisfaction and said to the master, "These two children are good."

Both her talents and physical fitness are very good, but her martial arts skills are still not strong enough. She can be sent to the military camp for training someday.

The Master also stroked his beard with satisfaction, "They really work hard and train them more, and they will become pillars in the future."

The third princess has listed Miguo and Dongze as available talents, and is thinking that they will be given additional courses and more training in a few days.

 The next step is Miguo vs. Chengjin.

This is not the first time the two have dueled, but because of the incident of cutting her skirt before, Chengjin always exercised caution when fighting her.

However, he couldn’t be merciful in today’s exam, so before the competition, he whispered, “I won’t be merciful in a while, so please be careful.”

 Otherwise, she would be hated again if she cut her skirt like that time.

Miguo blushed and snorted, "You don't need to give in."

 Speaking, he started to raise the Fangtian Halberd and stabbed at him.

Chengjin dodged easily.

The two men were playing ping-pong on the ring, and the male students watched with enthusiasm.

Even the third princess asked the master, "How is the relationship between Chengjin and Miguo on weekdays?"

The master stroked his beard and smiled, "It's not bad. They are busy studying and don't talk much."

The third princess frowned, "Aren't you even talking?"

 It seems that the relationship is not very good.

In the past few days, the person named Zhong has been saying that she has raised her son to be too ruthless and ruthless, and he will definitely not be able to find a wife in the future.

At first, she thought it was impossible. How could her son, who was so good, not be able to find a wife?

 But after she came to the school, after observing for a while, she found that Cheng Jin did not talk to girls, let alone stand with girls.

Even if a girl talks to him, he doesn't pay attention.

For example, Liu Xin'er, who came from the capital, had a cold face and ignored her several times when she tried to talk to him.

Is it possible that he was really taught to be too cold-blooded? He's not even interested in girls anymore?

The third princess looked at Mr. Zhong who was watching the game fiercely with a little fear, and secretly thought that if Chengjin couldn't find her daughter-in-law in the future, she would probably be beaten to death by Zhong.

 Master Zhong didn't look at her at this time, he was focused on watching the game.

 He looked at his son in the game with excitement and shouted "Come on, son!" several times in a row!

 I don’t know what the third princess is thinking at all.

 (End of this chapter)

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