Chapter 1116, Women’s Kindness

 The third princess saw that she was full of fighting spirit and nodded with satisfaction.

 “That’s good, join the team!”

Miguo and Xiaodongze quickly joined the team.

 Every day for the next day, Miguo and Xiao Dongze had to come to the military camp for special training after school and went home very late.

Sister Ying didn't know whether her siblings were doing well in the military camp, so she wanted to visit them, but the third princess refused.

She is afraid that Sister Ying's children will not be able to bear hardships and bring them back. Then her special training will be in vain?

Miguo and Xiao Dongze are both excellent seedlings. She would be reluctant to let such a good seedling out after entering her military camp.

The third princess refused to let her go, so Sister Ying could only wait until the children came back in the middle of the night before seeing them.

She purposely slept during the day and held the flower shed at night, embroidering while waiting for her two children to come back.

 It wasn't until midnight that Miguo and Xiao Dongze came back injured.

As soon as they arrived home, Sister Ying immediately became energetic.

 “Baby, are you back?”

Miguo and Xiaodongze looked surprised when they saw that she was still awake.

“Mom? Why aren’t you asleep yet?”

Sister Ying was so sad that she held one in each hand.

 “I haven’t seen you for half a month, and you miss me so much.”

 Before she got up during the day, the two children went to school.

 They went directly to the military camp after school in the evening and had meals in the school.

Each time I have to go back from special training until midnight.

 You have to go to bed immediately after you come back because you have to go to class the next day.

They haven't seen each other for more than half a month, and Sister Ying can clearly feel that both siblings have lost a lot of weight, but their muscles are also stronger.

Especially Xiao Dongze has grown a little taller.

“You two, why are you covered in dust? Where did you go for special training?”

Miguo patted the dirt on his face and said, "I'm going to the desert."

The third princess’s special training was different from what ordinary people thought. The siblings were puzzled at first.

 But they didn’t have time to think at all, because if they were distracted, they missed a piece of knowledge and couldn’t keep up.

 So they cannot be distracted and must be particularly focused.

Especially because they entered later. Compared with the previous group of children, they were very different.

However, the third princess did not neglect them and would make up for them whenever she could.

 If they are too busy, leave them to Chengjin and let him take care of them.

 Miguo was a little uncomfortable being taught by Cheng Jin for the first time.

 After all, the two have always been competitors. Miguo felt embarrassed when her identity suddenly changed and she was still a senior brother and sister.

 But Chengjin looked serious and had no intention of teasing her at all.

 Since he was serious and Miguo was not pretentious, he started to learn from him.

Chengjin also didn’t hide his secrets and taught his siblings almost everything he learned.

 Three people get along day and night, and they actually develop feelings for each other.

He is also a teacher, a friend, a brother and a younger brother.

Sister Ying only asked a few questions, but the two siblings never left Cheng Jin. This shows that the relationship between the three of them in the military camp has returned to their childhood.

Sister Ying was also afraid that they would not get enough sleep, so she was reluctant to ask, "Okay, hurry up and go to bed. Look at these big dark circles."

 The two children snorted, washed themselves briefly and went to sleep. They were obviously exhausted.

 The two siblings have been training so hard, so Sister Ying naturally feels distressed.

 But this is the children's own choice, and she does not want to interfere with them because of her motherly heart.

 This is something they like to do. Even if it is hard, as long as they like it and can persist, she will support them.

Jing Shirong saw her sighing when he came back and asked, "What's wrong? Have you seen the siblings?"

Sister Ying hugged him and said, "No, you haven't seen it. Miguo and Dongze have injuries on their faces and arms. They hide when I touch them. It's obviously painful."

 Otherwise, I would have pounced on her long ago.

Jing Shirong didn’t know where it was, he just didn’t dare to look. He trains his children with a certain degree of control.

 Unlike the third princess, she doesn’t treat her children as human beings at all.

He was also trained by the third princess when he was a child, so he naturally knows her skills.

At that time, he didn’t feel it was bitter, but when Miguo and Xiao Dongze came to train, he felt it was too bitter.

The third princess sometimes looked at his distressed expression and said with disdain, "You just want to make peace with me?"

  "If you don't just train and look sad, how can you look like a general?"

Jing Shirong glared at her, "Since you don't feel sorry for your own child, do you think others don't feel sorry for them either?"

 His heart is made of meat, while the third princess is made of cow bones, hard.

The third princess almost choked to death when he retorted, "If you don't like it, just take the child away and give up halfway."

 Say something to irritate him deliberately.

Jing Shirong didn't like to hear it, "You just gave up halfway. I would like to see how the two children are trained in the end."

“If he becomes as cold-blooded and ruthless as Chengjin, then we won’t learn from him.”

It is okay to learn martial arts and formations, but if his temper becomes cold-blooded and ruthless, then he will not do it.

 The two children are so cute. If they become cold, Jing Shirong feels that his heart cannot bear it.

 Don't talk about him then, Sister Ying will just cry.

The third princess was really convinced by the couple, "Okay, okay, I will pay attention to this and see how much you can achieve."

Seeing Jing Shirong glare at her, he changed his words, "If you are really worried, just go out and train them yourself. Isn't that what you do?"

Jing Shirong thought it was feasible, otherwise he wouldn’t worry about the children.

If the children were really trained to be cold-blooded, he would cry.

 “Okay, I’ll take over starting tomorrow.”

 He is very good at training new soldiers, secret guards, and spies.

 Moreover, it can also cultivate in them a special sense of brotherhood and national affection.

Those children were trained by him with perfect skills and perfect emotions.

 He is loyal to his country and his brothers.

 With him around, the situation would be much better.

 The third princess originally wanted to train a cold-blooded machine.

 But I feel a little regretful when I think that after my son was trained by me, he is no longer close to me and doesn't like to talk.

 After all, I became a mother and already had the ability to empathize, so I wanted to change things.

Now that Jing Shirong is willing to come down and teach, she feels relieved.

"Okay, you can come over tomorrow. I will train the new soldiers."

Every year, new soldiers are recruited and have to be trained by the general.

 When Jing Shirong came down, she had to take his place.

 The effect won't be too bad after the two are swapped.

 On the second night, Jing Shirong came over as an instructor.

The children were surprised when they saw him.

Especially Miguo and Xiaodongze.

 But Jing Shirong did not look at them and said directly to the children, "You have completed the previous course, and I will train the next course."

 After hearing this, the children had no objections and nodded in agreement.

Jing Shirong gave them training that night.

His training method is different from that of the third princess. What he trains is teamwork.

Teamwork can not only increase the probability of success, but also increase the relationship between children.

 Children were not used to it at the beginning because they were all fighting alone at the beginning, and it was their individual strength that made them compete.

 But Jing Shirong’s team training forced them to put down their own pace to cooperate with their partners.

 (End of this chapter)

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