The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1117: , Miguo and Chengjin are a group

Chapter 1117, Miguo and Chengjin are in the same group

Jing Shirong first divided them into groups of three.

It just so happens that Miguo is in the same group as Cheng Jin and Xiao Dongze.

 Others are also in groups of three.

 It is easier to adapt to groups of three.

 The next training must be done in groups, and then there will be competition between groups.

If one person is eager for quick success and only wants to win by himself, then the entire team will lose together.

  All the tasks assigned to them by Jing Shirong can only be won by teamwork.

 If you don’t cooperate, you will basically fail.

After a few rounds, the children all know that if they don’t cooperate with each other, they will lose. If they lose, the results will be posted on the bulletin board, which is very embarrassing.

 So let’s start cooperating with each other next time.

 It’s awkward once or twice, but you’ll get used to it after more times.

 Gradually, the team developed feelings.

 When the group of three gets used to it, we start working in groups of six.

 Then there are groups of twelve.

 At the beginning, Miguo had no tacit understanding with Cheng Jin and Xiao Dongze.

Jing Shirong asked them to go to the mountains and old forests to find wild beasts, and draw the beasts' habits, appearance, and their usual nests. The task is complete.

The three of them went together and searched for a long time until they found a cave, but could not see the beast, so they started to argue.

Miguo said, "This cave should not be inhabited by a big tiger. We must have found the wrong one."

At this time, the nest is bare and the trees are not dense. At first glance, it does not belong to a big tiger.

Her father has said before that the place where the big tiger lives needs dense foliage so that it can be easily concealed when hunting. And it needs to be in a place with plenty of food and a comfortable environment.

Chengjin thought, "Not necessarily. Although what you just said is right, they will also change the location of their nest at any time. So this can also be the tiger's nest."

Miguo said no, "I don't think so."

 I didn’t find any prey when I came here just now. How could a big tiger be in this environment without food?

Cheng Jin still insisted that he was right, "I think so."

 He had seen the big tiger's footprints when he came just now, so the nest must be here.

  Miguo, “I don’t think so.”

  Chengjin, “I think so.”

The two had their own opinions and quarreled several times. In the end, the group lost together.

 Because it was dawn, they were overtime.

 Fortunately, the first time all the groups worked together, they all lost, so it wasn’t too embarrassing.

 At the second time, the task continues.

This time the three of them learned their lesson, stopped talking nonsense, and took the time to find it.

 But when we got there, there was not even a single antelope, not to mention big tigers.

At this time, the three of them had an argument again. Xiao Dongze said, "I told you that there are no big tigers here, but you still don't believe it and insist on coming." It was really frustrating to lose again after a while.

Xiao Miguo said, "Maybe the big tiger went hunting in the middle of the night and should not come back until daytime."

Cheng Jin said, "No, there must be movement when hunting. If there is no movement, the place may be wrong."

 Both of them questioned her, and Miguo was helpless.

“Then where do you think we should look for it?”

Chengjin said, "Just listen to the noise while walking."

 Tiger can walk silently, but its prey does not have cat flesh pads, and its hooves will definitely make a sound when stepping on fallen leaves.

The three of them thought this was a good idea, so they continued to look for it in the deep San Lao Forest.

Chengjin was more vigilant and said to them, "Don't just look at the tiger for a while. Remember to be vigilant. There should be snakes or other poisonous animals nearby."

Miguo and Chengjin were on a mission for the first time and lacked experience, so they both nodded obediently, "I know." The three of them continued walking into the forest. After walking for a while, they finally heard the crisp sound of dead leaves being crushed.

The three of them were overjoyed and immediately walked around, moving gently, for fear of scaring the big tiger buried nearby.

The three of them hid behind the tree, not daring to move, and quietly watched the prey in front of them.

 In front is an antelope, lowering its head on the ground to eat the fruit that fell from the tree.

At this time, the big tiger was behind the bushes, with sharp eyes and sharp teeth, as if it was about to attack.

 After waiting for a while, the tiger saw the reality and pounced immediately.

The sharp teeth bite the prey's neck all at once. Until the prey dies, he walks back with the food in his mouth.

Miguo and the other three followed the big tiger towards its lair gently, and finally arrived at the real tiger's den.

The environment here is shady and cool, backed by rocks. When the day is hot, the big tiger can just lie under the rocks to escape the heat.

Miguo quickly took out his drawings and drew the shape of the big tiger and the special training in the cave.

Cheng Jinze used his eyes to measure the height and length of the tiger.

Xiao Dongze observed how many kilograms it ate when eating prey.

 The three of them finished taking notes and then went back quietly.

This mission was completed well. Jing Shirong was pleased and praised a few words, "Your team did a good job this time."

 Other groups also did well and were praised.

 Then the results will continue to be placed in the results column.

 The comparison of results and the prize for first place are all the children like, so everyone works hard.

But if someone resorts to means to harm his brothers in the team in order to win first place, he will be given a yellow card and will be kicked out of the team if he does it again.

 Children were very frightened when they heard that they were going to be expelled. Naturally, they did not dare to act recklessly and they all kept within limits.

 And over time, everyone gradually adapted to each other's movements, habits, and temperaments.

 Slowly the tacit understanding is getting better and better.

 Even in the end, whether it was a group of six or twelve, the children were all able to adapt and integrated into a large group.

Jing Shirong also sent them to participate in many missions, all of which were group operations.

 After the success, the children hugged each other happily, obviously understanding the importance of teamwork.

  The children who were cold before have now become flesh and blood.

Not only have their abilities become stronger, but they also have a sense of brotherhood.

After the third princess saw it, she couldn't help but praise Jing Shi Rong, "You are really suitable for this."

It’s no wonder that the soldiers trained by Jing Shirong all have a patriotic atmosphere.

Rather than a cold war machine.

 Including the relationship between Chengjin and Miguo has also improved a lot.

The two went from not dealing with each other at the beginning, to quarreling, to ignoring each other, to helping each other later, and even having empathy, and their relationship improved by leaps and bounds.

Sometimes after school, Cheng Jin would come over to have dinner with his siblings.

If the school had some extra sweet and sour pork that Miguo loved to eat, he would also give the sweet and sour pork to Miguo.

 The same goes for honey fruits.

 I disliked him at first, thinking he was unreasonable, a straight man, and impossible to talk to.

 But as they get along and cooperate with each other over time, she has changed her mind about him.

 This person has a cold face but a warm heart, but he is actually a good person.

 And he always takes good care of her in the team, maybe because of his father's orders, or maybe because of his own willingness.

 In short, every time she goes on a mission, he is always the first to protect her and act as a shield for her.

 Let her choose first if there is a reward.

The other brothers would make a fuss when they saw her, saying that Chengjin liked her, which made Miguo feel ashamed.

 (End of this chapter)

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