Chapter 1118 and Chapter 1117, the old father’s precautions

But Chengjin acted like a normal person, with a cold expression on his face, as if he didn't pay attention to his brothers' heckles.

Miguo looked up at the expression on his face and saw no fluctuations.

 But if you look closely, you can see that his fingers are slightly bent, which is an action he only makes when he is nervous.

Miguo didn’t know if he was interested in her, so she was a little shy for some reason.

 So she grabbed the prize and ran away.

  The brothers were left laughing in the hall.

When Jing Shirong saw this, he frowned and gave the teenagers a lesson, forcing them to run five kilometers at night.

 Then he went home angrily to educate his children.

Miguo is now fifteen years old and will be getting haircut soon. Jing Shirong has been keeping an eye on the other teenagers, fearing that those brats might have bad thoughts about his best friend.

 Fortunately, Miguo was always very strong when she was in the military camp and never showed her daughter-like attitude. It was all about the men.

 After arriving home, I would pick up Sister Ying and ask for snacks. I never got tired of dealing with those brats in the military camp.

Jing Shirong was at ease at first, but who knew that he had taken all precautions and fell into the trap of Cheng Jin.

This brat usually has a cold and ruthless face, and no one who looks at him would think he has any evil intentions.

It just so happened that the teenagers were teasing him about the matter with Miguo, so he had to be on guard.

He went home angrily and first called Dongze over for questioning.

“Tell me, what’s going on with your sister and Cheng Jin?”

These three people go to school together every day, eat together, and even do tasks together. He doesn't believe that there is nothing wrong with them.

Dongze said "Huh?" "What's the matter? No."

 They are busy training every day, so what’s the matter?

Jing Shirong didn't believe it, "How is it possible? If there was nothing fishy, ​​how could those brats make fun of your sister and Cheng Jin."

Dong Ze thought about it carefully, "Well, maybe my sister is a girl, so let's give in a little bit, right?"

 Although everyone is very determined when doing tasks and basically never give in.

 But my sister is a girl, everyone knows that, and they let her go a little bit occasionally.

 Because his father always said that men cannot beat women and children. Women and children are precious treasures.

Over time, young people have developed a concept in their minds that if they are not as knowledgeable as women and children, they should give in a little bit.

Chengjin naturally had the same idea, and occasionally gave in to Miguo.

Like choosing a gift or a horse, let her choose first.

 But Dongze thought this was normal and didn't think there was any problem.

Jing Shirong hated the fact that iron cannot become steel, "You know nothing, your sister is such a beautiful little girl. Wouldn't you feel bad if a wolf cub takes a fancy to you and is taken home to be the wife of a village?"


 “Dad, is this too exaggerated?”

 Whatever is caught will be taken home, and what will be taken away is a wolf cub?

“Brother Cheng Jin is a very nice person, why is he a wolf cub?”

 Besides, "It's time for a man to get married and a woman to get married. If they like each other, wouldn't everyone be happy?"

The relationship between childhood sweethearts is much stronger than a blind marriage.

“Dad, you can’t keep thinking.”

 Jing Shi Rong.

"I won't do it if I say no. Your sister won't get hairpins until next month. I plan to wait until she is eighteen or nineteen before letting her get married. She is only fifteen now and is still a baby. How can she get married?"


 This is outrageous.

 Why is it a baby?

“Dad, my daughter can get married at fifteen and have children at sixteen. Please don’t raise my sister to be an old girl.”

Jing Shirong kicked me over, "What nonsense are you talking about? Your mother didn't marry me until she was eighteen. Why did she get married so early? She's going to suffer in her husband's family."

“Besides, it’s not like you don’t know that the third princess, with her cold and steely appearance, can be a good mother-in-law.”

Dongze thought, "I think the third princess is quite nice. It can be seen that she likes her sister very much."

Every time Young Master Zhong makes delicious food and the third princess brings it to the military camp, she will share it with her sister. This shows that the third princess likes her sister.

 Jing Shi Rong.

 “She still uses delicious food?” How despicable!

Knowing that her son was cold and cold, he would not be able to get a wife with his ice face, so he used gourmet food to seduce an ignorant girl?


 I feel that my father, who is usually smart and capable, once he gets involved with his eldest sister, his IQ plummets and he becomes as stupid as a roe deer. He is extremely stupid.     Let's find my mother to solve the problem.

   said and ran away.

 “When you come back, I haven’t finished asking you yet!”

Dongze ran away without looking back, not wanting to listen to his mother-in-law's ravings.

Jing Shirong was depressed, cursed angrily, and went to look for Sister Ying in the house with her hands on her hips.

At this time, Sister Ying was choosing clothes for Miguo, and both mother and daughter had smiles on their faces.

“Look, these are hair-length clothes sent to you by your grandmother, your maternal grandmother, and your cousin.”

 There are red ones, pink ones, and dark green ones.

Even the headdress is a complete set with the clothes.

 Including the shoes, they are all embroidered with pearls or precious stones. The whole set is extremely gorgeous.

As soon as Jing Shirong came in and saw them choosing clothes, he became interested.

 “Is this what Ji Ji is going to wear?”

Sister Ying smiled, "Yes, let's see, which one looks better?"

Jing Shirong looked at the pink suit and said, "This is good. The little girl looks good in this color."

Sister Ying thinks they are all good.

 It’s just that Miguo has been sunburned while doing tasks, so wearing light colors may make her appear darker.

“Daughter, which one do you want to choose?”

Miguo looked over and over in a tangled manner, and finally went to the mirror to make gestures, and finally chose pink.

 “Mom, I like pink.”

Although I have already practiced martial arts and went to the military camp for training, there is a little public spirit living in my heart, and I still like to be pink and tender.

Sister Ying hugged her and kissed her, "Then pink, but the eye color is a bit light. Mom will dye it for you tomorrow so it won't look dark by then."

  There are also pinks that show whiteness. As long as the color is well adjusted, it will set off people very well.

Miguo hugged her happily, "How many people are you going to invite this time?"

 It is my big day after all, and I want to celebrate it.

Sister Ying did the math and said, "Fifty or sixty tables."

 I have made a lot of friends here, especially those brothers in Jing Shirong’s military camp. I will definitely invite them.

 Including the small soldiers and generals, they also have to add food to them, and each person is given an extra piece of sweet cake to eat.

 Also add a little bit of marinated pork elbows and braised pork for them.

After hearing this, Jing Shirong agreed very much.

 “Yes, that’s what we should do.”

 There are all good brothers in the military camp, and it’s time to treat them to a meal.

For example, when Chengjin was sixteen, the third princess also added vegetables to the food in the military camp.

Of course, this idea came from Master Zhong.

Judging from the third princess’s unreasonable appearance, she definitely doesn’t understand.

However, Mr. Zhong is very good at winning people's hearts and is very good at etiquette, so the people in the military camp have a good impression of him.

Sister Ying combed Miguo's hair and asked her, "Are you going to invite your classmates on the day you get your haircut?"

“Or all the friends from the military camp should be invited over.”

 The children will have fun together and relax for the day.

Miguo nodded, "Well, please invite them all."

 Having been brothers with them for so many years, it’s time to treat them to a meal.

 (End of this chapter)

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