The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1119: , he is only gentle to honey fruits

Chapter 1119, He is only gentle to honey fruits

 “How many people do you want to hire for your class?”

 There are twenty-two companions in the military camp. Definitely invite them all.

As for the classmates in the school, Dongze said that some of them have a bad relationship with Miguo. I wonder if she wants to invite them?

Miguo thought for a while, "It's not bad or bad, it's just that I don't have any further feelings."

 Ever since taking the training class, she has become just like Cheng Jin in the class, cold and impersonal. He didn't play with other students, he just kept his head down and read.

Gradually, some classmates thought she was aloof and did not like to be approached by others, so they stopped coming to play with her.

Miguo didn't think anything of it, because she had such a heavy study task every day, and she didn't have time to think about anything else.

 Fortunately, she still has a few classmates who are good friends with her. They help her take notes on weekdays and even go to the cafeteria with her to eat.

Jing Shirong said, "Then invite those classmates who are close to you?"

But Sister Ying said, "No, they are all from the same class, so it would be pointless to invite just a few. People will tell them when the time comes."

 Just invite them together.

 If you are not happy when you come, you will have nothing to say if you don’t invite me in the future.

 Just show your face the first time, and do it according to your preference the second time.

Miguo nodded and listened to Sister Ying.

“I know, I’ll tell them after school.”

Sister Ying took a pen to make a menu and asked Miguo, "What do you want to eat that day? Mom will cook it for you herself."

Miguo hugged her coquettishly, "You don't have to do it for me. It's too hard."

Sister Ying held her increasingly beautiful face and kissed her, "It's not hard. Mom likes you and I'm happy to cook for you."

Miguo was moved and nestled directly in her arms, "Then make me a cake. I want to eat cake. No need for anything else."

She has made cakes and knows how hard it is to whip cream, so she said, "Mom, just make one, or I can make it with you."

Sister Ying raised her lips happily, "Okay, let's do it together."

Mother and daughter cuddled up to each other warmly. Jing Shirong looked at the scene with tears in his eyes and came over to hug them.

On the contrary, Sister Ying found him smelly, "Go away, it stinks so much. Go take a shower first."

Jing Shirong felt aggrieved, "Your daughter just came back from the military camp and she smells bad. Why are you so mean to me?"

Sister Ying snorted, "I don't mind the stink of the baby I gave birth to. Please give me a bath, or don't come here at night."

 Jing Shi Rong.


 “You will bully me.”

Sister Ying laughed loudly, "Who asked you to make my daughter so tan?"

 She was originally a fair-skinned beauty.

Even though you train at night, if you train for a long time, your skin will inevitably be damaged, but it will not be so white.

Jing Shirong also noticed it and said, "How about giving her a beauty treatment?"

Girls still need to take care of themselves to look good and be in a good mood.

Miguo also knew that his skin was injured, so he paid special attention to it.

“Mom, I will have to put on a facial mask before going to bed every day when I come back.”

Otherwise if you stay up late like this, you will have to play sooner or later.

Sister Ying praised her awareness.

“That’s right, no matter how busy you are in training, you still have to look beautiful. I’ll get it for you in a minute.”

“Also, your uncle Qingfeng has developed this kind of sunscreen for you. From now on, you can put a little on your face, neck and hands every day.”

"I have prepared the hat and veil for you. You can wear them from now on."

Such a beautiful face, if you don't protect it well, it will be a cruel act.

Miguo also loves beauty, so he responded, "Okay, I understand."

  She will pay attention to protecting herself from the sun in the future so that she won’t get sunburned all over her face.

The mother and daughter were rustling, and Jing Shirong had no place to interrupt, so he could only accept his fate and go take a shower.

 When the day comes, it happens to be a day for everyone to rest. Jing Shirong told the third princess that there would be a banquet at home in the evening and asked her and her family to come and drink.

 The third princess asked, "Why do we have wine so well?"

Jing Shirong looked proud, "My girl is old enough to have haircuts."

The third princess said, "That's good, okay, our whole family will go there tonight."

I never expected that my future daughter-in-law would already have hairpins.

 It seems that I need to talk to my son when I get back and ask him to seize the opportunity and try to get his daughter-in-law.

Don’t let those brats get there first.

Jing Shirong didn't know what the third princess was thinking, so he happily informed the group of teenagers and asked them to come home for dinner in the evening.

 The teenagers were very excited after hearing this. After all, they were happy to be able to drink during the holiday.

There are also extra dishes at the military camp in the evening. The vegetables and meat are all sent by Sister Ying, and she pays for them herself.

 She is now not only engaged in agriculture, but also in the fruit industry.

However, she did not dominate, but led the people to work together to make money through agriculture.

 The third princess was very satisfied when she saw that she knew how to drive the economy, so she gave her full support.

 When school was over, Miguo said to her classmates, "My family is hosting a wine tasting tonight. You all can come and eat."

The group of classmates who were not familiar with her were quite happy when they saw that she actually invited them, and they all said yes.

Miguo didn’t expect them to be happy either. It seemed like she was overthinking it and they didn’t hate her at all.

 Liu Xin'er was not very happy.

Although she is also in the top class, she is not as good as Miguo in every way.

 Especially Miguo can go to the military camp for training with Cheng Jin every day, which makes her extremely envious.

Her father said that Cheng Jin is a talented person and has a bright future.

If you can marry him, you will gain countless honors in the future.

Not only can she be the wife of a general, but she can also get royal orders.

 It feels glorious just thinking about it.

 So she would go out of her way to sit with Chengjin every day when eating.

It just so happened that this man was stupid. Every time she sat with him, he would keep a cold face and say nothing. He would leave immediately after the meal without leaving her a single glance.

Whether she was pretending to fall in front of him or crying in front of him, he would just say coldly, "Please let me go."

 This made Liu Xin'er extremely frustrated.

 Luckily no one else saw it, otherwise it would have been embarrassing.

She even suspected that Chengjin was incompetent about men and women. Otherwise, why didn't he have any feelings of pity for women?

She went back and asked her mother. Her mother said, "Men are like that. They are cold at first, but then they soften when they get warm. Let her take her time and persevere."

She also wanted to persevere, but this person didn't give her a chance at all.

If she blocked her, he would sneer fiercely, as if he wanted to eat her, which scared her so much that she would not dare to chase him.

 It just so happens that such a ruthless man is very gentle in front of Miguo.

 Sometimes he would help her get food and get hot water for her.

Even when the consort brought snacks, he actually gave all the little cakes to Mi Guo to eat, which really **** her off.

 So he is not callous at all, he is just callous to her.

Liu Xin'er felt sick just thinking about it.

Especially today, it is still the day of honey and hairpins, and the hairpins represent adulthood.

 If Miguo becomes an adult, will he get married to Cheng Jin?

If these two people get married, what will happen to her?

She was in a hurry and wanted to be high-profile but couldn't go, but she was afraid of missing something, so she went with other classmates.

 (End of this chapter)

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