Chapter 1120, The fruit is ripe

 When Miguo brought her classmates to her home, the home was already decorated.

Sister Ying has decorated her home beautifully, with lanterns and colorful lights.

 There was also a red carpet placed at the door.

There are many guests coming today, and the courtyard is full of lively people.

 Fortunately, the back of their house is large enough and decorated, otherwise there wouldn’t be enough room for a table.

 The food in the kitchen is almost ready now.

 After a while and the ceremony is over, you can eat.

As soon as Miguo came back, she was dragged by Sister Ying to get dressed.

 In order for my daughter to attend the ceremony beautifully today, Sister Ying started to prepare a few months ago.

She has good makeup skills, and she specially put on light makeup for Miguo today.

 Miguo is a beauty in her own right, and with just a touch of makeup, she looks charming and charming.

Both women are both good-looking, especially their figures are also graceful.

However, because of Miguo’s years of training, the skin on her limbs is not as soft as Sister Ying’s. Instead, it is slender and strong. She looks like a trained girl.

Her chubby but not thin figure is like a clothes rack. Putting on a lotus pink dress, she looks tall and bright.

 A fifteen-year-old girl is at the age when she is full of youth and flowers.

Especially after being dressed up, Miguo looks like a beauty pageant champion.

Even though she is practicing martial arts, she does not have big muscles on her body, her lines are slender and curved, and she can fit into her clothes from last year, which shows that she is not fat.

The light makeup Sister Ying gave her makes her look whiter, and the lotus-pink dress makes her look very popular.

 After dressing up, she looks like a young girl.

However, because of her tall and cool temperament, she looks like the daughter of a general, and she is not squeamish at all.

Sister Ying inserted the hairpin for her and looked at the girl in the mirror with a pleased expression, her eyes moist.

 “I didn’t expect that my honey fruits have grown so big.”

  Time is so fast that it’s hard to catch it.

Miguo also hugged her, "Mom~"

 “It’s a good thing that I grow up. I’ll be able to protect you in the future.”

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Silly, your father's protection is enough for me. You just need to protect yourself."

Miguo was moved in her heart, "No, I will protect you."

Sister Ying was happy, "Okay, okay, Mom, I want you to protect me."

 “It’s almost time, let’s go out.”


Sister Ying led her out, stood on the stage that had been set up in advance, and greeted everyone.

“Today is the eldest daughter’s birthday in my family. I would like to thank you all for coming to have a drink. If you want to eat more in a while, please don’t be polite to me.”

The other women smiled heartily, "You're welcome, you're welcome, we will go back with a full meal."

 Everyone laughed after hearing this.

Now that Bian Guannong has done a good job, the people are worry -free and worry -free, and they are no longer greedy. They just make a joke.

The third princess also thanked Sister Ying and Sister Yang for their help, and toasted her with wine, "Sister Ying, thanks to your economic acumen in the past few years, the people have lived a good life. On behalf of the entire Ling Kingdom, I wish to One cup for you.”

Sister Ying smiled, "Okay, I'll have a drink with you later."

 The third princess raised her head and smiled, obviously in a good mood.

Under the table, she kicked Chengjin's feet and asked him, "Send the hairpin gift to Miguo later, don't let other boys get there first, remember?"

Cheng Jin's ears were red and hot as he looked at the beautiful Miguo on the stage, and his heart suddenly beat a little fast.

Miguo usually dresses up as a man. If her mother hadn't been a female general, she wouldn't have been able to enter the military camp.

 Because there are special exceptions, she can also go in.

But after entering, she dressed up as a man every day, never cried, made trouble, or was pretentious.

If it weren’t for the occasional menstrual pain, he would have forgotten that she was a girl. I am usually a tomboy, but I didn’t expect that I would look so good when dressed up.

The third princess was stunned when she saw him, and said with disdain, "Come on."

Mr. Zhong glared at her and said, "Shut up."

 Such a good day deserves a double happiness.

If possible, I really want to make arrangements for the two children to have a good marriage in the future.

It's a pity that he just thought about this idea in his heart and didn't dare to bring it up.

 After all, they are from the groom’s family, and it is normal for them to want to marry their daughter-in-law.

 But if the Jing brothers knew about it, they would probably think that they had evil intentions, so he still didn't say anything.

Mr. Zhong whispered in the ear of the third princess, "Tell me, I will stay and talk to Sister Ying tonight to see if she is willing to marry Miguo to our Chengjin. What do you think?"

 The third princess glanced around and said, "It's not just you who thinks so, I think all the women in the group think so."

There are many women here today, not only to drink, but also to propose marriage.

 After all, it is rare to find a daughter-in-law as good as Miguo. If you don’t start early, it will be gone!

 Although boys are preferred elsewhere.

  But this area, led by the third princess, prefers outstanding girls.

 Occasionally, some feudal people would find Miguo to be too strong and dislike her, otherwise other women would quite like her.

Especially my kid actually likes honey fruits, but he just doesn’t dare to say it on his face.

As soon as Young Master Zhong looked at the eyes of the women, he knew that the third princess was right, and he immediately became anxious.

“What should I do? Miguo is the perfect match for Chengjin, and I don’t want to lose this daughter-in-law.”

 The third princess drank a glass of wine and said, "Let Chengjin chase after him."

No matter how much adults object, as long as the children like each other, the success rate will definitely be high.

Young Master Zhong felt that what he said made sense, so he kicked Chengjin, "Son, from now on, you should be more considerate to Miguo and be more gentle to her, so that you can marry her home, otherwise she will be taken away by other teenagers. ”

Cheng Jin's usually cold and handsome face turned red at this moment, which made him feel embarrassed.

He lowered his head, not daring to look at the dignified honey fruit on the stage. Somewhat shy.

 Zhong Dashao was afraid that he didn’t know how to chase girls, so he taught his experience in his ears.

“You have to take the initiative, buy her more food, and then take over all the dirty work so that she can see how good you are.”

"When she sees how good you are, tell her that you like her and ask her if she will marry you. Do you understand?"

Chengjin understood, but it was still a little awkward.

“Is it enough to just work?”

 He has never chased a girl, so he is naturally inexperienced.

Mr. Zhong taught in his ears, "Work alone is not enough, you have to pay attention to details. For example, when it rains, you put clothes on her head to protect her from the wind and rain."

“When she feels uncomfortable during menstruation, you make her soup and rub her aching belly.”

 “Or when she is unhappy, take her shopping.”

Cheng Jin nodded and took off his clothes to protect her from the rain.

 But rubbing your belly doesn’t seem to work. Uncle Jing said that boys shouldn’t touch other girls casually.

 This is not easy to achieve.

 Let’s talk about buying, buying, buying.

Cheng Jin took out his pocket and found only two copper coins in it. He was really broke.

Mr. Zhong was also embarrassed, "Hey, isn't it that you don't have any money on weekdays?"

 The school meal fee is paid in advance.

The food in the military camp was also free, so Mr. Zhong didn’t give him any money.

This time I saw that he had no money to chase the girl, so I quickly gave him a hundred taels.

“Then, I’ll give you this money. When I go on a mission in the future, you can buy Miguo whatever she wants to eat.”

“Even if she doesn’t want to eat, you still have to buy it for her.”

 (End of this chapter)

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