Chapter 112, Jingjia Wine

Sister Ting happily hugged Sister Ying and gave her a hug, then ran into the house to change into this skirt.

 She is three years older than Sister Ying and much taller than Sister Ying.

This red chest-length skirt fits her just right.

Sister Ting jumped out and showed Sister Ying, "How does it look? Does it look good?"

 Also turned in a small circle.

Sister Ying smiled and flattered, "It's beautiful. Sister Ting is the prettiest."

Sister Ting gave her a cute look and said, "You are so sweet."

She finally figured it out, "I will definitely learn embroidery in the future, just like Sister Shumei, and earn more money so that I can buy myself new clothes."

 Otherwise, I will always have nothing to wear and won’t want to go shopping.

Speaking of Shumei, Sister Ting asked, "Should we ask Sister Shumei to watch the lanterns together?"

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes. Otherwise, her eyes will be damaged if she embroiders all day long."

Furthermore, there will be many unmarried men out on the day of the Lantern Festival. If Shumei meets someone by then, she may be able to find a good match.

 Otherwise, her grandmother, who was so greedy for money, might marry Shumei to some ghost or monster.

Sister Ting thinks it’s right.

“You are right, then let’s go find Sister Shumei and ask her to go out with us to watch the lanterns.”

Sister Ying nodded and went to Shumei's house hand in hand with her.

Shumei was doing embroidery in the courtyard at the moment. When she saw them coming over, she smiled softly and said, "Why are you here?"

Sister Ying smiled, hugged Shumei's thigh, and said coquettishly, "Sister Shumei, let's go shopping together during the Lantern Festival the day after tomorrow?"

Shumei wanted to do it too, but her grandmother might not be willing.

She has taken on a few embroidery jobs recently, and her grandmother is so jealous of the money that she might not be willing to go out. She wishes she could finish all the embroidery work right away so that she can collect the money.

Sister Ying was very unhappy after hearing this. She stood on tiptoes and said in Shumei's ear, "Sister Shumei, you can go shopping with us for the lanterns the day after tomorrow. Maybe you can meet your future husband-in-law."

Sister Ting also came over and said, "That's right, just go shopping with us. Otherwise, your grandmother will randomly find you a rich man to be your concubine in the future, and you will cry to death. You might as well go shopping with us." visit."

Shumei was laughed at by them, so she knelt down and whispered to them, "Who taught you to say this? As a concubine? Be careful if an adult hears it and you will be spanked."

Sister Ting and Sister Ying laughed, "We'll tell you secretly, but don't tell anyone."

They go out to play wildly after school every day. Sometimes they see women gathering in the alley gossiping, and they go there and listen.

 You will understand a lot over time.

Shumei naturally knew that her grandmother would not find a good family for her, and would at most find a rich family to marry her off to.

 But rich people may not necessarily like her, and at most she will be a concubine.

In the countryside, it is very shameful to be a concubine. Unless one is too poor to support a daughter, no one will give their child to someone as a concubine.

Concubines in the countryside have a pitiful low status. They are beaten and scolded by their mistresses without saying a word, and some are even sold.

Shumei’s parents would definitely not want to give their daughter away as a concubine.

 But she couldn't stand it, and Grandma Shumei's eyes widened when she saw Qian.

Shumei is getting older now and has her own opinions.

She now understands that only by holding money in her own hands can she feel more confident.

She will definitely take care of the matter of marriage.

Her parents have no say because they are not favored at home.

Her parents probably won't have a say in her future marriage, so she will have to keep an eye on it herself.

So she nodded and said to Sister Ying and Sister Ting, "Okay, I will go with you the day after tomorrow."

Since none of her family members are trustworthy, it would be more practical for her to find a marriage by herself.

 She is thirteen this year and can get married next year. Once the engagement is made, you will have to wait two years before getting married.

 She has to take advantage of these two years to save up some dowry, so as not to be looked down upon by her husband's family.

 The three of them agreed to gather together on the Lantern Festival and then went back.

When passing by Jing's house, Sister Ying remembered that she hadn't called Jing Shirong and the others yet.

In the past six months, their family has gotten along well with the Jing family.

Jing Shirong, the three brothers, basically studied with Jing’s father at home during the day, and only made wine with Jing’s father in the yard at night.

Sister Ying goes to their house every day when she has free time to watch the brewing process.

The wine made by Jingfu is really fragrant.

What can I say about that smell? People who love wine can smell this aroma from a long distance.

 Jingjia Liquor Shop opened last month.

Jing's father asked his family boy to be the shopkeeper, and he would open the business for a few days to check it out.

 At the beginning, there were few people buying, but there were many people watching.

Jing’s father proposed to try a sip before buying. After someone tasted it, he felt that the wine had a mellow aroma, so he bought a jar.

 If one person buys it, others will buy it one after another.

After buying the wine, I drank two glasses of the side dishes that went with the wine. The more I drank, the better it became. It makes you feel heady, but you won't have a headache, and the drinker will feel a little elated.

 After getting drunk, you can relax and go to sleep. You will wake up refreshed the next day and your head will not hurt.

 Since then, Jingjia Wine has become famous, and the business has gradually stabilized since then.

Sister Ying sometimes smells the aroma of the wine and wants to sneak a taste, but she is always discovered by Jing Shirong.

Jing Shirong is calm and reserved at a young age, and has a strong sense of responsibility.

Every time he brought Sister Ying over to watch the wine, he would watch her carefully, fearing that she would be greedy and drink secretly.

Sister Ying didn’t really want to drink. She knew that children couldn’t drink. She just wanted to touch her tongue and was curious about the taste.

Of course Jing Shirong refused. His stupid third sister secretly drank alcohol and slept like a dead pig, which frightened the family.

Later, Jing’s father told him to watch over his younger brothers and sisters and not allow them to drink secretly.

Jing Shirong, after receiving his father's instructions, will of course take a good look at these little ones.

At this moment, Sister Ying stretched out her little finger, as if to dip it into the wine glass, and immediately took her hand out quickly. He scolded her with a stern face.

“Children can’t drink. If you do it next time, I’ll slap you on the palm of your hand.”

Sister Ying pouted her lips and admitted her mistake coquettishly, "Brother Rong, don't be cruel to me. I won't do it next time~"

Jing Shirong didn’t believe her, so he took her hand and left the wine room.

“From now on, you can play in my study and don’t come over here.

Sister Ying said "Huh?" "Then I can't watch my uncle make wine?"

 She quite enjoyed watching it.

Jing’s father bought an old yard next to his home for the winery, and after renovating it, he could make wine there.

Sister Ying would run to see her from time to time, and Jing Shirong would accompany her.

He was also worried that her child would be greedy and drink secretly, so he coaxed her, "Can't you go play in my study? Don't you have a lot of homework? I'll explain it to you."

Liang Jin has been busy studying recently and has no time to solve problems for her. Jing Shirong is basically teaching her.

Jing Shirong has a gentle temper and is patient.

Even if he was angry, he would just look at her quietly and not get angry. He was quite tolerant.

 (End of this chapter)

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