The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 113: If you are too young, you will get cross-eyed if you hold a needle.

Chapter 113: If you are too young to hold a needle, your eyes will become cross-eyed

Sister Ying’s schoolwork this year was basically taught by Jing Shirong.

 He is like a knowledgeable Chinese teacher who can solve any difficult classical Chinese text for you.

Even if he couldn't figure it out, he would ask his father and teach him one by one.

Sister Ying benefited more from studying with him than going to the Master.

 Every time Mrs. Liang saw her coming back, her culture had improved to a higher level. She couldn't help but praise, "Brother Rong is so smart at a young age. He may become a high official in the future."

Sister Ying smiled and didn't take it seriously.

 If people want to be high officials, they won’t come here.

 I probably came here just to spend a leisurely time.

Sister Ying looked at Jing Shirong and suddenly remembered, "By the way, Brother Rong, let's go see the lanterns the day after tomorrow. Can your whole family come with us?"

She didn’t know if there was a Lantern Festival in Jing Shirong’s hometown. It’s never wrong to ask.

 There is also a Lantern Festival in Beijing, and it is very grand and lively.

Jing Shirong has also been in Ningxi Town for more than half a year. He hasn’t participated in any lively festivals for a long time, so it would be nice to visit the Lantern Festival.

So he nodded, "I'll tell my parents tonight and we'll go there together."

He would be bored even if he was studying at home every day. Occasionally, he would be happy to go out for some fresh air.

 In the capital, when the academy is on holiday, they can go horse racing, archery, and go boating.

 But here, there is no horse racing venue or archery venue, which is indeed a bit boring.

His mother was joking before, "If you find this place boring, when you grow up, you can build a horse farm or an archery venue or something. Then you can not only have fun by yourself, but also attract customers and make money. Kill two birds with one stone."

After hearing this, Jing Shirong felt that his mother's proposal was acceptable, so he kept it in mind.

Since they won’t be returning to the capital in a short time, it’s not impossible to get something they like here.

Jing’s father loves him very much. He showed him a venue a year ago and it was already reserved for him last month.

It was a piece of wasteland and nothing grew, so they sold it to him at a low price.

Now all that's left is to buy a horse, so that the children can ride over there and shoot arrows.

Jing Shirong is also looking forward to it. He hasn’t ridden a horse for a long time.

But the horse has not been chosen yet, and we have to wait a month.

Sister Ying also heard from Jing Yu that their family wanted to buy a horse, and she had long been looking forward to going over and riding horses with them.

Tiantianxiaxue came to ask them if they had bought a horse?

Jing Shirong saw that she loved to play, and couldn't laugh or cry. He touched her pigtails and said, "I haven't bought the horse yet. My father said he would wait until next month and I will tell you when it gets there."

Sister Ying nodded obediently, "Then let's go to see the lanterns the day after tomorrow. Then when the horses arrive, we can go watch horseback riding and archery."

Jing Shirong nodded and said, "Okay, I will call you when the time comes."

 He is a man of his word, and he will definitely do what he promises.

Sister Ying already understood Jing Shirong's temperament and was not afraid that he would not call her when the horse arrived, so she went home happily.

Mrs. Liang watched her coming and going in the courtyard and couldn't help but say something to her.

“My lovely sister is at home looking after her younger brother every day. It’s better for you to go out all day and night. You don’t look like a daughter from a scholar’s ​​family at all. It’s too uncivilized.”

Sister Ying put her hands on her hips, one small one, and retorted, "That person is a child. Children only grow taller when they are playing."

Old Mrs. Liang said to her, "I believe you are the only one who is evil. You go out and play crazy every day, but I don't see you growing taller."

"My little chubby girl is the same age as you, and a head taller than you. You look like a little girl." Sister Ying was very angry, "I have a small frame and look thin!"

Her physique is exactly like that of her mother. She has a slender frame and looks petite. She also looks good in clothes, but she is too small.

 Old Mrs. Liang doesn’t listen to this.

 What she likes most is the big, fat, white man, who looks energetic.

Sister Ying doesn’t believe it. Revealing her, "You asked me to eat less the day before yesterday so that I wouldn't be like the fat girl next door, whose eyes are squeezed by fat."

Today she changed her mind again and said that she likes white, fat and big guys. It’s really a three-minute passion, and an idea every minute, changing back and forth.

Mrs. Liang was so angry when she revealed her love that she changed her temper, and said, "I think you have been spoiled by your mother. You don't look like a girl at all. From tomorrow on, when you come back from school, you can embroider for me at home. Treat me well." I cultivate my character!”

Sister Ying said "Huh?" She didn't want to sit at home every day, so she walked over and put her two little hands around Mrs. Liang's neck.

She said coquettishly, "Don't you love me the most? I'm very tired from going to school during the day, so just let me go out and play for a while in the evening~"

 Embroidery and other things are really taxing, but she still likes to go out and play.

 Old Mrs. Liang was not happy.

"You are already four years old. Your little aunt has been learning embroidery at home for a long time at this age. You still have the nerve to go out and have fun. You don't look like a scholar's daughter at all." You are not ladylike at all.

Sister Ying hugged her neck and continued to act coquettishly, "But studying during the day is very taxing on my brain. If I do embroidery at night, my eyes will be damaged."

“And brother Rong next door said that children should combine work and rest, study well when they study, and have fun when they play, so that they can grow up happily."

 “Do you think this is true?”

 Old Mrs. Liang looked at her many arguments and pointed them out, "I think you just can't stay!"

 She wants to run away when it comes to embroidery. Is embroidery so scary?

Sister Ying shook her head, "It's not scary, but I'm young and can't look at needlework so early, otherwise I'll get cross-eyed."

Shumei is always a little squinty and cross-eyed because she picked up needlework early.

Mrs. Liang also remembered that Shumei was a little cross-eyed, so she said, "She is cross-eyed because she is too tired. I will only let you embroider for a short time, not all day long."

Sister Ying pouted, but she still didn’t like it very much.

 “But I like to go out and have fun, not embroidery.”

 It’s rare to go back to childhood. If you don’t have fun, you always feel like you’re coming back in vain.

Seeing that she did not listen to the advice, Mrs. Liang glared at her.

“Next year at the latest, next year you have to start getting needle and thread for me.”

Girls don’t know how to be popular, so why should they get married?

Sister Ying sat on Old Mrs. Liang's lap like a loach, rubbing her head against her body and continuing to act coquettishly.

“Aren’t you going to let me marry into a rich family? Do rich families still need me to be a female celebrity?”

Old Mrs. Liang hugged her and snorted, "Don't have to do it and not knowing how to do it are two different things. You can't have no talent at all, right?" Then you won't let your husband's family laugh?

Sister Ying nodded, "That's true. Otherwise, if I don't get married, you can support me at home?"

Mrs. Liang laughed angrily at her, "What a beautiful idea you have. You eat so much meat all day long. If your mother hadn't opened a butcher shop, who would have been able to support you?"

 For a little kid, he eats quite a lot.

Sister Ying laughed and said, "Who told my grandmother to love me and feed me meat every day? I am so beautiful~"

 Old Mrs. Liang was dumbfounded by what she said with her little mouth.

 I’m not angry anymore either. "That's all you can say."

 (End of this chapter)

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