Chapter 1125: Went on a date

Miguo saw that his mother supported him and hugged her emotionally.

“Thank you, mother. I knew that mother would definitely support me.”

He said, "By the way, I'm going out on a date with Chengjin later, please give me some advice."

Sister Ying thought for a moment, "A date means holding hands, taking a walk, or going to see the beautiful scenery or something. Just the two of you riding a horse together will be very romantic."

"But mother also told you in advance. Before we get married, you are not allowed to let him take off your clothes, and you are not allowed to touch you, do you hear me?"

This is, after all, a feudal era. Pregnancy before marriage will always be ridiculed, so one should be careful.

 Even if the times open up, girls should protect their bodies.

 Especially when you are young, you should pay more attention.

Miguo has heard Sister Ying talk about these things since she got her first period, so she naturally knew what she was talking about and immediately blushed with embarrassment.


Sister Ying touched her face lovingly, "Okay, let's go on a date with Cheng Jin."

Just then the maid came over to report, "Madam, Master Chengjin is here."

Miguo smiled shyly, "Why did he come so fast?"

Sister Ying gave her a cute look and said, "Okay, stop pretending, go and have a good date with him."

Miguo hummed, "Then I'm leaving."

Today she specially wore a dark bamboo green dress, and her hair was tied with a hosta.

The long skirt is flowing, and the figure is tall and slender. The jade earrings on her small ears sway gently as she walks, which is very beautiful.

Cheng Jin stared at her blankly at the door, stunned.

Yesterday I saw her as a pretty and cool girl, but today I saw her as fresh and elegant.

 Dad is right, the honey fruit is really beautiful.

Cheng Jin suddenly felt a little shy, but he still reached out his hand and said, "Let's go."

Miguo looked at the big hand he stretched out, blushed and said "hmm", then put her hand on his.

 The two of them intertwined their fingers and rode out together on a horse.

Three or five maids peeked at the door and were very envious, "My God, the eldest lady and Master Cheng Jin are a perfect match. They are both talented and handsome."

“Yes, our eldest lady is not only good at reading, but also good at martial arts. Except for Master Cheng Jin, no other man is worthy of our eldest lady.”

 “Yes, I think so too.”

Seeing their gossip, Sister Ying smiled helplessly and went to collect gifts without talking to them.

 I received too many gifts yesterday, so I have to write them down one by one so that I can return gifts in the future.

Xiao Dongze also got up early in the morning.

He first went to the kitchen to ask for something to eat, and then quickly went to Ayisham's house.

 Ayisham was putting the soles of shoes on at this time. It is said that they were made for the bridegroom.

Xiao Dongze couldn’t stand it and was jealous to death.

“Sister Ayi, you haven’t even made shoes for me.”

 In the past, he would not have made such rude requests to outsiders.

 But Ayisham is the goddess in his heart, and he wants anything she makes.

Ayisham thought he was cute when he saw how angry he was. "When I finish making this pair, I will make a pair for you, okay?"

Xiao Dongze nodded happily, then shook his head.

“Forget it. Making shoes is a waste of time, so I don’t want you to do it.”

Although he also wanted the shoes made by Ayisham, his hands hurt when making the shoes, so he didn’t want her to do it.

Ayisham smiled softly, as if he was a child and thought of everything.

The two of them chatted about each other, and they were able to talk about it all night.

 At night, before Miguo came back, Xiao Dongze was called home by Sister Ying to go home for dinner.

 The family had dinner together in the evening. When Jing Shirong saw that Miguo was not there, he knew that she was dating that boy Cheng Jin.

  Although I accepted in my heart that Miguo liked Chengjin, I still felt awkward.

"What's the matter with that girl? It's already dinner time and you still haven't come back to eat! Are there any rules?"

Sister Ying didn't bother to pay attention to him and just served food to the twins. “When a young person goes on a date, he will definitely eat out, so why should he even think about it?”

Sister Ying is right.

 In the morning Miguo and Chengjin went to the snow-capped mountains to see the scenery.

 Later I went to the store to buy some things.

 At last it got dark, so we went to the inn to have dinner.

 The two of them rarely go out alone together. Today, when they went out to play together, they felt like they didn't have enough time.

The two of them finished their meal slowly. It was already dark, and they would definitely be scolded if they didn't go back.

Miguo is okay. She knows her parents love her and they will definitely not scold her.

 Sheng Jin may be scolded.

Cheng Jin also knew that he would be scolded, and he was afraid that his father-in-law would dislike him before they got married, which would affect the proposal of marriage, so he stood up and said, "Let's go back."

Miguo sneered, "Come out."

 She doesn’t feel scared when her father scolds her in the military camp on weekdays, right?

 Are you scared after just one day of dating?

Chengjin rubbed his hands nervously, "There's nothing we can do. It's natural for a son-in-law to be afraid of his father-in-law."

Miguo was amused by his words and gave him a cute look, "Fuck you, we're not married yet, don't take advantage of me."

Cheng Jin smiled naively, "Yes, I was negligent. I should propose marriage first."

Miguojiao glared at him, "Why are you so anxious? It's still early."

 She doesn’t want to get married so early.

Chengjin felt a sense of crisis, "Then we can get engaged first and then get married two years later. Is that okay?"

 Otherwise, the other brats will definitely not give up without getting engaged.

 In addition, getting engaged is more straightforward, and it is more convenient to go out.

Miguo thought it was okay after hearing this, "Then I'll go back and ask my mother, and you can also ask your father and let them discuss it."

Cheng Jin was very happy, took her hand, lowered his head and kissed the back of her hand.

 “Thank you, Xiao Mimi~”

ˆ Honey fruit

 Don't be so sudden, brother, did Mimi scream? So boring.

Chengjin replied seriously, "Don't call me brother from now on. We are husband and wife."

ˆ Honey fruit


 You don’t understand this joke anyway.

Chengjin didn't think of anything else, so he happily took her back and took her to the door of his house first to see if Jing Shirong was there.

 If he is not here, he can stay a little longer.

But Jing Shirong had come here to keep an eye on them early, and when he saw the two of them appearing, he immediately gave Cheng Jin a protective look.

Chengjin felt his scalp numb, so he said goodbye, "Uncle Jing, I'll go back first."

 Speaking, he ran away as if running for his life.

Jing Shirong was disdainful, "Tch, you are so cowardly, but you still have the nerve to chase after my daughter?"

Mi Guo was really convinced by him and went to pull his arm, "Okay dad, let's go back."

Jing Shirong was dragged back by her, thinking silently all the way.

“You too, what did your father teach you on weekdays?”

“I’ve told you that girls should be reserved, be reserved, and not be too proactive. Now you go out with others wherever you go, what does it look like?”

“You should keep him cold, give him a sense of distance, and let him know that you are not such an easy girl to chase, and then he will cherish you.”

“If you just follow someone stupidly without saying anything, he will think you are easy to deceive.”

ˆ Honey fruit

 He opened his mouth and wanted to refute, but he also knew the worry of an old father, so he changed it to, "Yes, you are right, then I will pay attention next time."

 At worst, I just want to avoid being discovered by dad next time I go out.

 Jing Shi Rong.

 The adopted daughter is outgoing, and the old father is blue, thin, and mushroomy.

Good night(▽`)



 (End of this chapter)

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