Chapter 1126, get engaged first

Sister Ying saw that they hadn't come back yet, so she came to look for them.

As soon as he came out, he saw Jing Shirong's resentful expression, and he immediately became happy.

 “Okay, let’s go back to the house.”

It’s so late. “Let the children go to bed early. There will be training tomorrow.”

 Because Mi Guo’s cultural class is almost over, and she may focus on practicing martial arts next.

Jing Shirong also knew that the child was tired, so he let go.

"Go back and think carefully about what dad said. Don't follow the brat too casually, otherwise you will suffer a loss."

 The idea of ​​being a father is quite different from that of being a mother.

  Men all know the bad qualities of men, so as a father, he will naturally be more defensive.

Sister Ying was happy and took his hand, "Okay, your daughter knows, go back to the house."

 Speaking, he dragged him back.

Jing Shirong suddenly became angry when he saw her careless look.

 “You just don’t care?”

“What if the child goes out so late and gets a bad reputation?”

Sister Ying glanced at him and said, "Don't worry, who can discover their whereabouts?"

The two children are not fools. They will definitely pretend to be when they go out together.

Jing Shirong sighed, "Otherwise, let them get engaged first."

 I always feel that it is better to be more honest.

 Otherwise, if we don’t have a name to be together, people who talk nonsense will still talk about it.

 He doesn’t want his daughter to be gossiped about.

Sister Ying nodded, "Don't worry, Brother Zhong will come over to discuss it with me tomorrow."

 When the time comes, the marriage will be settled first, and after two years, the marriage can be completed.

Jing Shirong thought so too.

"Okay, then you can discuss it carefully and try to buy as much good things as possible for the engagement."

“If Mr. Zhong has no money, let’s add some ourselves. Just treat those things as a gift from the third princess’s family.”

  Anyway, I have to do enough for the children in terms of appearance.

Sister Ying understood how much he wanted to be a father, so she gave him a hug.

“Okay, don’t be sad. When children grow up, they have to start a family and start a business. This is how we came here back then.”

Jing Shirong sighed, "Yes, that's how we got here back then."

 It's just that when they were teenagers, they could understand their parents' reluctance, but they couldn't empathize with their parents' sadness.

Now that they are parents and their children have to leave when they are older, they can understand the feelings of their parents and father-in-law.

“Hey, I haven’t gone back to see my parents for many years, and I suddenly feel very unfilial.”

After being out for so many years, he has never served his parents once. As a child, he still feels very guilty.

Sister Ying is the same.

Thinking of Sister Wu Shiying, her eyes became wet.

“My mother loves me the most. I have been gone for so many years, but I don’t know how she is doing?”

At this time, the Wu family, who was far away in the south of the Yangtze River, was having fun with her two grandsons.

 Seng Geer has been living at home since he married Pingle.

 The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is particularly good.

 Pingle liked Mrs. Wu very much and always regarded her as his mother, so he did not want to separate from Mrs. Wu.

Mrs. Wu couldn't bear to leave them, so the whole family always lived together.

Later, Pingle gave birth to two sons one after another, and the family became lively again.

Now that Pingle is pregnant again, Mrs. Wu is so happy that she makes delicious food for her every day.

Even the neighbors are envious that she has found a good wife who can give birth and raise children, and she comes to the house every day to chat.

 Pingle saw that Mrs. Wu was so kind to him, and he felt more and more grateful. He always taught his children to be kind to their grandmother.

The children are also very close to Mrs. Wu, and they make her happy every day. The family's happy life is not as pitiful as Sister Ying thought.

 Only during the Spring Festival occasionally do I think of my two daughters.

Sister Ying.

 It was a wrong payment after all.

 However, I am very lucky to have Pingle and my little nephew with my parents.

The same goes for the Jing family in Beijing.

Jing Yusheng’s two sons have grown up and are still taking the first prize examination.

However, the two of them are not very talented in reading. Although one of them has been admitted to Gongsheng, he has not yet won the top prize.

Although I haven’t won the top prize yet, the matchmaker has been here several times.

It is said that several girls have taken a fancy to these two young men and are thinking that if they decide on the marriage first, they can also have a wedding banquet together if they win the first prize in the future?

Jing knew that the second daughter-in-law was not good at these social etiquettes, so she naturally had to do everything for her.

 After discussing with the second couple, I chatted a little more with the matchmaker.

However, the consent of the two children should also be asked for marriage, so the two grandsons were allowed to see the portrait.

It's a pity that neither of the children likes it very much, they just want to get the top score in the exam.

Jing saw that they looked like nerds, one with a big head and two with big heads.

 Fortunately, she has already experienced the era of two sons, and she is not afraid of her grandson.

 He began to socialize with other ladies and planned to find a good wife for his two grandsons.

She is busy looking for her granddaughter-in-law every day, so naturally she has no time to catch a cold.

As for her son who is far away, let’s wait until she is done with her work.

 Jing Shi Rong.

 It’s because he thinks too much. His parents are very busy and have no time to be sad.

Even the reply to the letter was scrawled with a few words. He was obviously very busy and had no time to pay attention to him.

Jing Shirong was finally convinced and felt that he had really thought too much. He snorted and hugged Sister Ying and rolled on the bed.

Sister Ying put her foot against him, "What are you doing? It's so late at night."

Jing Shirong looked at her like a hungry wolf, "Why don't you want to do it during the day?"

Sister Ying.

"Fuck you, now that the child is older, you will be heard if you act like this, and it will be embarrassing for you."

 Jing Shi Rong.

 “What should we do? How about we go to the woods?”

Sister Ying.

“People say things start to decline in middle age. Why do you keep getting stronger with each setback?”

Jing Shirong raised the corners of his lips proudly, "My name is the treasured sword that is still young."

Sister Ying gave him a cute look and said, "Okay, let's go outside."

 The children at home have all practiced martial arts and have very good ears. She doesn’t want to be embarrassed.

So the couple acted like thieves and secretly went to the woods in the middle of the night.


 On the second day.

Mr. Zhong came over with some snacks.

Sister Ying knew when he came that he was here to discuss marriage proposal and engagement.

 She smiled and poured him tea.

 “Is Mr. Zhong here?”

 Master Zhong nodded, "Yes, I'm here to discuss the matter of the two children with you."

“Chengjin asked Miguo last night, and the child said she agreed to get engaged, but it would take two years to get married, so we respect her intention. I just don’t know what you think?”

Sister Ying took a sip of chrysanthemum tea from her tea cup and said, "I also respect the child's idea. Since Miguo wants to get engaged first, let's get engaged first."

"As for getting married, it will take two years. Anyway, they are still young and are not in a hurry."

Mr. Zhong also thinks so, "As long as the children are happy, I can do anything."

“The third princess also said that you only need to pay for the betrothal gift, and we will spend all our money to make it nice for Miguo.”

Seeing how sincere he was, Sister Ying smiled and said, "It depends on what you said, you can just give the betrothal gift according to your ability. As for the dowry, I should be able to accompany you more. Don't feel like I'm stealing your limelight when the time comes."

Mr. Zhong waved his hands hurriedly, "Hey, that's not possible. I know you can make more money than me. If I am really jealous that your dowry is higher than my betrothal gift, then I am being a villain."

"Don't worry, I will definitely handle this matter beautifully for the two children."

 (End of this chapter)

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