The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1127: , the fleshy little fourth sister

Chapter 1127, the fleshy little fourth sister

Sister Ying believes in his ability.

"In the past few years, you have done better than me in dealing with people, customs and etiquette. I believe you in this."

 Ashamed to say, Mr. Zhong is much better at etiquette and customs than she is.

Especially in dealing with people, he always does things in the right way.

Now he is getting along well with the wives of generals or soldiers nearby. Every time those ladies came to see Sister Ying, they had to praise Mr. Zhong.

He said he was good at being a good person, he was generous, and he taught children well, even better than them.

Sister Ying also admires Young Master Zhong for this.

  From being not good at interacting with people before, to now I am very comfortable among the crowd, which is really not a problem.

Mr. Zhong was embarrassed by the praise, "Then I'll go back and make preparations first. I need to choose auspicious days and buy a lot of things. I'll tell you in detail when I choose a good day."

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay, then you go and prepare. I have to prepare too."

Over the years, she has saved a lot of dowry for Miguo. She has a shop, fields, and a house, all of which are ready for her.

 Including Jing Shirong, he collected many rare treasures for her every year, all of which were priceless.

Even the Jing family in the capital and the Liang family in the south of the Yangtze River send things over every year.

  She kept these things in the nectar so that she could give them as a dowry on her wedding day.

The twins saw Sister Ying counting the dowry and came over to ask.

“Mom, are these things my sister’s dowry?”

Sister Ying smiled and touched their faces, "Yes, these are my sister's dowry."

“But don’t worry, little fourth sister, my mother has prepared so much for you, just like your sister.”

 The fourth sister is not greedy for money. She smiled and said, "I just have enough to eat."

 She is a gluttonous child, and she keeps mouthing all day long.

Sister Ying was afraid that she would eat up her stomach, but she only gained weight and nothing else happened.

Sister Ying looked at her chubby little body, which looked a bit big.

But my mother didn’t think her son was ugly, so Sister Ying kissed her chubby little face lovingly.

 “Can you eat less fat meat in the future? Eat more lean meat.”

 The fat meat is so greasy, even an adult like her would be afraid of getting fat to death. Why does this girl like to eat fat meat?

Little Fourth Sister's grandma waved her hand, "No, fat meat is delicious. I like eating fat meat."

Sister Ying said earnestly, "But you can't even wear your skirt now, and I can't even see your neck."

Looking at her chubby face, little arms, legs, and round belly, she really is a chubby girl.

 The fourth sister lowered her head and looked at her round belly. She seemed to be a little fat.

She pinched the flesh on her belly and thought about it, "Then I will eat less."

 Eat at most two pieces of fatty meat, no more.

Sister Ying.

“Okay, you can eat whatever you want, but you can’t exercise less.”

Since we can’t reduce her food intake, we should strengthen her physical training.

 Always exercise more to burn off some body fat.

 It just so happens that this girl doesn't like sports at all and is lazy every day.

 “Anyway, you and your third brother might as well go for a run.”

Dragon and phoenix twins not only look different, but also have completely different personalities.

 Lao San has a restless temper. He runs out all day long and will only come back during meal time, otherwise you will never see his shadow.

 The fourth sister is too lazy to do any exercise other than eating.

 I can never stand when I can sit, and I never sit when I can lie down. I am famous for my laziness.

  Even in school, she is lazy and does not jump rope or play shuttlecock with other children. Just sit or lie down.

I have told you this several times, and Sister Ying feels embarrassed.

 But the child has this temperament and is different from her brothers and sisters, so there is nothing she can do about it.

I can only hold her every day and use her as a little assistant, hoping to increase her amount of exercise.

 At first, the fourth sister really refused to be her mother’s assistant.

 Because Mom only has a long time to sleep, but as soon as she gets up, things are endless.

  Sometimes I go to the store, sometimes to the fields, and sometimes to the pasture. I never have any leisure time.     Or else I’m just taking stock of things at home.

 If not, just make soup for your brother and sister and send it over.

 In short, there is never an idle moment.

If it weren't for the delicious snacks, she wouldn't want to exercise like this.

Sister Ying also spent a lot of effort to get her to move.

 Just making delicious snacks for her takes a long time.

 Fortunately, every time I make snacks, this girl comes to help me consciously.

 But after observing for a period of time, Sister Ying suddenly found that she no longer asked for snacks from her.

 The reason is that she has learned to make her own snacks, and the ones she makes are more delicious than hers? ?

Sister Ying was shocked at that time.

 It turns out that this girl is not here to help, but to secretly learn cooking skills.

 Once she learns cooking skills and can make snacks by herself, she won’t have to ask her to make snacks for her. She can completely rely on herself.

Sister Ying was almost depressed.

 Fortunately, she can do a lot of things. I don’t believe this little girl can learn everything.

So next time she made pork jerky, which is unique to the Wu family, and only made ten slices.

The fourth sister was very shocked after eating it and immediately wanted to learn from her.

Sister Ying did not teach her for free, but asked her, "Only when you lose two pounds will I be willing to teach you the first step."

 Then losing another two pounds is the second step.

The fourth sister actually kept running for a month for the delicious pork jerky and lost four kilograms.

 So she successfully learned the first two steps of making pork jerky.

 Later, I felt too tired and stopped for a month.

 It wasn’t until I wanted to eat pork jerky so much that I continued running.

I’ll wait until I lose two pounds before going over to learn from Sister Ying.

Sister Ying watched her practice and stop for a while, but she felt that this was not the solution.

 Just leave the rest of the steps to her.

 But the premise is that she has to buy the recipes herself, and the tools are also considered borrowed, and they all require money.

  Meaning that if she wants to eat, she has to pay to buy the ingredients for pork.

 You have to rent if you want to use the kitchen.

 The fourth sister saw that everything required money, so she had no choice but to work at home every day to make money.

 Let’s wait until we earn enough before buying pork.

 Then I paid the rent and started making pork jerky.

 After finishing it, it smells delicious.

But she has little money and can't do much, otherwise she could eat every day.

 For the delicious pork jerky, she began to work non-stop and make money.

 After being so busy, I finally lost weight in my chubby figure.

Although it is not as slender and is still a little chubby, it is much better than before without a neck.

 The little face is still round and fleshy, and the little arms are also a little fleshy.

 But he looks much more normal, and is the lucky face and figure that women like most.

Sister Ying also felt happy when she saw it. Such a voluptuous girl is indeed quite cute.

 It’s not fat, it’s voluptuous, and it looks very pleasing to the eye.

   The fourth sister has always been indifferent to her figure.

 But she was very happy that the skirt could be worn in the past, otherwise she would not have the money to buy it.

Sister Ying saw how active she was in making money, so she took her to her own snack shop and started teaching her how to run it.

This girl is not good at studying or martial arts, so teach her how to open a shop.

 At least you have the ability to make money, and you won’t be able to starve yourself to death in the future.

Justice lasts forever (ì_í)



 (End of this chapter)

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