The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1128: , the wildness of the third child

Chapter 1128, Lao San’s wild nature

When my fourth sister heard that she could run a snack shop, I was so happy.

Sister Ying asked her to start as a second grader and then upgrade to purchasing.

 Let’s do the finance and shopkeeper later, slowly and step by step.

Xiao Simei is not interested in learning martial arts, but she quite likes running a store.

Sister Ying breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that she liked it, secretly thinking that she had finally found something she liked.

 Otherwise this child would spend her whole life eating and waiting to die, and she would also have a big head.

Jing Shirong was also very satisfied after seeing it, “Every child is different, we just teach them according to their aptitude.”

 Miguo is the all-round type, and Xiao Dongze is the shrewd type. Both siblings can do great things.

 Lao San is an active type, so he can go to the military camp in the future.

As for the fourth younger sister, she doesn’t like reading, practicing martial arts, or being a female celebrity, and she doesn’t like anyone who puts in effort.

 Happily, she likes to make snacks, make snacks, and open a snack shop.

 Finally found something she likes and can support herself, that would be great.

Sister Ying and Jing Shirong share the same view, "It is best for children to be mentally independent and financially independent."

In this way, no matter whether the couple has money or not, and whether they grow old or not, the children will have the basis to survive.

It is not impossible to raise children until they are old, but people have misfortunes and good fortunes, and you don’t know which day will come first tomorrow or unexpectedly.

Parents will get sick or grow old, and there will always be times when they can’t find anyone to rely on.

 So you must first be strong, independent, and have the ability to support yourself, so that you can live longer.

Now that the fourth sister has something she likes to do, Sister Ying and Jing Shirong are both very happy.

 Even Lao San, a skinny monkey, went out to play with the boys every day and didn't practice martial arts properly. He asked Jing Shirong to angrily grab him and beat him up.

Sister Ying said, "Since he likes to be a leader, you should train him in this way."

Miguo and Xiaodongze have temperaments that can be tolerated, but the third child is very aggressive and can't hold them back at all.

His temperament is too outgoing, impatient, and disobedient to discipline. He is more difficult to teach than other children and requires more effort from his parents.

Sister Ying does have a way to deal with the third child.

 Because the third child looks wild and difficult to train, but is actually the softest.

 He may be cold-hearted towards others, but he tends to be soft-hearted towards his family members.

As long as Sister Ying cries to him, he will definitely be obedient.

 But Sister Ying cannot cry all the time, what would that look like?

 So she talked to him nicely and as gently as possible.

It just so happened that the third child had an irritating personality and always went against her. Sister Ying almost jumped several times.

 In the end, Jing Shirong caught him and his gang of brat followers and threw him directly into the military camp to show them the training of those teenagers.

 Children are all strong.

 Especially boys.

 So when Lao San and other men saw such a cool army, they were all envious.

Jing Shirong saw their envy and asked the third child, "Do you want to be as cool as your brother Chengjin?"

The third old man shook his head and said, "Who cares? I'm exhausted from being a general, so I might as well go out and play."

Jing Shirong kicked him and hit him in the butt.

"I don't think you have the ability to be a general. The best you can do is collect firewood."

 After saying that, he was thrown out of the military camp directly.

 Lao San was thrown out, his eyes were red with anger, and his pride was hurt.

Then he became more and more unwilling, and finally secretly came to the military camp to watch the big brothers training.

Jing Shirong had noticed him a long time ago. When he arrived, he pretended not to see him and allowed him to peek.

 The third child is also talented.

His martial arts may not be as high as Chengjin's, but he is very talented in learning formations.

Jing Shirong saw the formation diagram he drew on the ground several times, and he was very thoughtful at first sight.

 After discovering that his third son had this talent, Jing Shirong began to train him in a targeted manner.

  First provoke him a few words, then belittle him, and then throw him out.

 Lao San is not easily provoked and gets angry when provoked.

  When I get angry, I don't give in, so I want to show it to him.

 What Jing Shirong wants is his desire for expression. Once or twice he saw that the third child no longer played with the boys, but came to peek at the formation every day.

Over time, he really learned a lot.

He even dared to challenge Jing Shirong.

Jing Shirong asked him to set up the formation once, and the effect was pretty good the first time.

 Everyone immediately praised him for his talent.

 Lao San was so praised that he felt particularly accomplished.

 Being more and more proud.

It happened that the second time, there was a loophole in his formation, and he was discovered all of a sudden, and was killed without leaving a trace.

He was so angry that he became more and more unwilling, "No, do it again!"

Jing Shirong said, "You can do it again during training, but there is no chance to do it again on the battlefield. Because one person's mistake will cause everyone to be buried with him."

These words directly hit Laosan’s heart.

 He was speechless.

 Even after going back, I started to reflect.

 It seems that I have matured a lot overnight.

 Since then, I have become less arrogant and started to be more cautious.

 But every time he wins, he still cannot hide his arrogant nature.

Jing Shirong knew his temperament thoroughly, and taught him in accordance with his aptitude every time. He would give him a sweet spot first, and then beat him in two games to let him know that he was not that awesome and not to underestimate the opponent too much.

 This method is effective.

 Since then, Laosan has indeed been much more cautious, and the layout has become tighter.

 The third princess was even happier than Jing Shirong.

 Even felt like I had found a treasure.

 It’s rare to have a drink with Jing Shirong.

  “Okay, my dear, all the sons you have will be talented people.”

 In the future, with these young descendants supporting us, we will not be afraid of enemy attacks.

Jing Shirong nodded, "They are all members of the Ling Kingdom, and they should contribute to the Ling Kingdom."

If everyone is afraid of hardship, they will not let their children go out to serve as soldiers.

Who is going to do the work of protecting the country?

 Someone has to take charge of these things.

 The veteran generals in the army also trained their sons and asked them to serve the Ling Kingdom.

 As a general, he would do the same.

 But as a parent, he also has selfish motives.

If none of the four children have military talent, he will secretly be happy and secretly think that the children will not have to endure hardship in the future.

 But they were all very talented, so they had no choice but to come to the military camp.

However, he believes that the children's abilities will definitely be better than their predecessors.

 The third princess patted his shoulder happily.

 “Yes, the world in the future will belong to children.”

“When they are able to stand alone, it’s time for us to retreat.”

Jing Shirong looked at his shiny black hair and snorted proudly, "The third princess is older than me, so she should retire earlier than me."

Looking at his beautiful black hair, it can be seen that he is still young.

 Otherwise, his wife wouldn’t go into the woods with him.

 Three princesses.

 Started to respond to him again.

Sister Ying.

Smelly man, why do you say everything to others?

 It’s a shame.

Jing Shirong did not feel ashamed. Instead, he felt that he was still young, his sword was not old, and he was still a talented person. He was really gifted.

 Three princesses.

 The wine in my hand suddenly no longer smells good.

 “Okay, let’s go.”

I don’t want to drink with him anymore.

 Middle-aged men are really too greasy.

 Jing Shi Rong.

 (End of this chapter)

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