The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1130: , Goddess Xiao Dongze is married

Chapter 1130, Goddess Xiao Dongze got married

Miguo carried the box back and brought big and small bags of food.

“Now, take these crispy meats back and eat them.”

“And this plate of sauced pork elbows was made by my mother. It’s delicious. Take it back and give it to your mother as a meal.”

“And this plate of dumplings was fried by me. Although it’s burnt, you can’t dislike it. Just eat it yourself and don’t let your parents see it.”

There are some local specialties left, all cooked by Xiao Si Mei, and they all taste very good.

  "You take it, don't scatter it."

Chengjin nodded obediently, "Okay."

 He carried those things back in a cute manner, which was not at all in line with his usual aloof image.

Miguo wanted to laugh when she saw how stupid he was, but she still held it back.

 The fourth sister came out to look at her, "Hey, eldest sister, you are shy."

Miguo chased her away, "Go, go, what are you talking nonsense about?"

The fourth sister hummed, "Yes, yes, you are an adult and it's amazing."

 After saying that, he picked up his skirt and ran away.

   to celebrate the new year.

 Spring is almost here.

 Miguo’s engagement hadn’t even started yet, but Ayisham, the neighbor next door, got married first.

 She got married this year to the son of a wealthy family in the next town.

I heard that the family was well-off and engaged in business.

Ayisham’s family conditions are also good, but not as good as the other family’s.

Moreover, the two families are far apart, and no one knows the character of the other party.

  When Ayisham got married, the younger brothers and sisters at home cried so sadly that they were reluctant to let her get married.

Xiao Dongze also wiped his tears.

 Damn it, the goddess sister is going to marry someone else, he is so sad.

Sister Ying saw him crying. Although she found it funny, she still comforted him.

“It’s a happy event for your goddess sister to get married. As long as she lives a happy life, you should be happy for her.”

Xiao Dongze nodded, "I know that as long as she lives a happy life and her husband treats her well, I will be happy for her."

Ever since he was a child, he has liked Ayisham, a gentle big sister, because every time he is with Ayisham, he feels pampered and full of happiness.

 But in a blink of an eye, the goddess sister got married, which makes me sad just thinking about it.

 It's like something you love has been taken away.

 But he is still relatively calm and knows that getting married is a big deal, so he will naturally not make a fuss about her wedding.

 He sincerely hopes that Ayisham can live a happy life.

So he walked over and gave her a box of good fabrics, hoping she would like it.

 Ayisham was very happy to see that she had given so many good cloths.

 “Thank you, Xiao Dongze, I like the fabric you gave me very much.”

 She likes to make clothes and handkerchiefs, so she is certainly happy to see beautiful fabrics now.

 After a while, Ayisham's female relatives came and squeezed Xiao Dongze out.

When the female relatives were talking, Xiao Dongze couldn't get in, so he withdrew and waited.

 As soon as the time came, the groom's official arrived.

The groom's official is tall, not handsome, and looks old. He looks much older than Ayisham.

Especially because he had a beer belly and looked like a local landowner, Xiao Dongze was speechless when he saw him.

 Why should a fairy like Ayisham match a man with such a big belly?

Obviously she could have found someone better, but her family liked the large betrothal gift, so they got the wedding done.

Ayisham is also a filial child. Although she doesn't like her old and fat husband, her family agrees that there is nothing she can do, so she should repay their kindness in raising her.

As the auspicious time came, the groom took Ayisham away.

 The children were laughing and playing, and the scene was very lively. Xiao Dongze also saw them off for a while, and then didn’t go back.

It would be considered complete if you can send a goddess to get married, but to send it to your doorstep is really crazy.

Seeing his dejected look, Sister Ying clicked her tongue and said to herself, "Are all children these days mature prematurely?"

To be so trapped by love when she was only a teenager is really unlike her time.

When she was thirteen or fourteen years old, she was still eating and sleeping. How could she be trapped by love? Being trapped by food was almost the same.

However, children at this period are already showing signs of love, which is what adults call puppy love.

But Xiaodongze has unrequited love, and it’s hopeless, so there’s no point in being sad.

He also knew it was useless, so he sighed twice and went to eat meat and drink wine with his brothers.

Sister Ying didn’t like him drinking at a young age, so she pulled his ear and went back.

  At the beginning of spring, the engagement day for honey fruit has arrived.

 On this day, both parents got up early.

 Get up early and start dressing up the children.

Mr. Zhong went to count the engagement gifts, then dressed the third princess to look smarter, tied Chengjin's hair, and then brought the things to Sister Ying's house.

Although the ostentation of an engagement is not as grand as a wedding, some people even only exchange wedding invitations and give some gifts, without even setting up a banquet.

 I am afraid that if the marriage fails in the future, the two children will not look good.

 But Sister Ying and Young Master Zhong both want to hold banquets.

 After the engagement ceremony, the two families went back to have drinks.

 It can be considered as officially telling everyone that the marriage has been decided.

Miguo still blushed when she received the engagement necklace from Chengjin.

This necklace is a complete set with a bracelet and earrings. The style and material are very rare. It can be seen that Mr. Zhong spent a lot of money on it.

 When it was time to get engaged, Mr. Zhong asked Chengjin to wear it for her, and the marriage between the two families was considered complete.

The necklace has two words engraved on it, one is sincerity and the other is honey, which is the meaning of husband and wife.

Miguo likes it very much and won’t take it off even if she wears the necklace.

 The fourth sister and the third child burst into laughter and gave her a embarrassed look.

Miguo didn’t care and went into the house with a red face.

 The guests outside the door came one after another, and Sister Ying smiled and invited them to sit down and have a drink.

 There are also fireworks at night.

Their family's wedding ceremony was lively, and other similarly engaged families began to imitate it, all wanting to be more lively.

  After all, there are few entertainment projects here, so it would be nice to be more lively.

 By March of the following year, the children in the family had grown taller again.

The honey fruit was originally very tall, but now it has grown to seven feet (one meter seven).

 And Cheng Jin was almost nine feet tall. (1.9 meters)

Even Xiaodongze is taller than Miguo, about 1.75 meters tall.

These children are like flying monkeys. They suddenly grew so tall that they look more like adults.

Even the twins have grown taller.

Miguo and Dongze are now able to go on separate missions. From time to time, the third princess sends them to nearby areas to handle some cases, starting with solving them.

 The two of them often go out early and come back late.

 The amazing thing is that every time the two of them go out alone, they always come back together at night.

Sister Ying asked Miguo, and Miguo blushed and said, "We just waited for each other when we came back, and then we came back together."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Tsk, tsk, it's so sweet."

Miguo also laughed, "Aren't men and women in love like this?"

Sister Ying asked, "Then when are you going to get married?" It will be two years from this year.

Miguo was very calm, "There's no rush, we're busy with the task now."

 (End of this chapter)

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