The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1131: , the goddess was domestically abused

 Chapter 1131, the goddess was domestically abused

 In fact, Miguo and Chengjin are very satisfied with the current progress of their relationship.

 The two of them were relatively clumsy at first and didn’t quite understand how to fall in love.

 But as time went by, I gradually realized something.

Now the relationship between the two is gradually warming up and becoming sweeter and sweeter. Sometimes it feels like three autumns have passed since they last saw each other.

They just want to fall in love now and are not in any hurry to get married.

Sister Ying didn’t force them, she just asked them to take good care of themselves.

“While handling the case, you must also take good care of your health. Don’t just eat one meal a day, otherwise your body will be broken down.”

Miguo nodded, "I know."

 Just saying. I saw Dongze coming in with a livid face.

His clothes were torn and there were wounds on his face.

Sister Ying was worried and hurriedly asked, "How can something happen?"

 This guy is good at martial arts and tall. When has he ever been beaten so badly?

Dongze was so angry that he smashed the table, "It's that **** fat man, he actually beat Sister Ayi!"

If he hadn't bumped into Ayisham being beaten by her husband in the alley today, Dongze would have thought Ayisham was living a happy life.

I didn’t expect Sister Fairy to live a life of being beaten, and she didn’t dare to tell her parents.

 He was so angry that he immediately rushed over and beat the man with a big belly.

I didn’t expect any man with a big belly to know how to do martial arts. He only passed a few moves.

The reason why he was injured in the back was because Ayisham stopped him and hugged his waist to prevent him from moving. Only then did he give the pot-bellied man a chance and punched him in the face, and he was injured.

"If sister Ayi hadn't stopped him, I would have beaten him to death."

Sister Ying frowned when she heard this, "You said Ayisham's husband beat her?"

God, she'd never heard of this before.

 Dongze was also very angry.

 “I haven’t heard of it either.”

Ayisham has not been back since she married in the next town last year.

  Even in the winter, he didn’t come back for the New Year, which really made Dongze a little disappointed.

At first I thought she couldn't leave her husband's family behind, but now it seems she has something else to hide.

 “No, I have to go find out about this.”

Sister Ying stopped him and said, "Let your sister investigate this matter. Don't cause any trouble."

Dongze refused, "No, my sister is very busy and has no time to check such a trivial matter."

“Besides, Sister Ayi is my goddess and my childhood eldest sister. It’s only right for me to help her.”

When he was injured while playing outside when he was a child, Ayisham would bandage him tenderly and give him any torn clothes, otherwise he would be scolded when he came home.

  And she was always gentle to him, or to other people, but he just remembered this beauty and wanted to do something for her.

Sister Ying knew that he was stubborn, so she didn't stop him and gave him a few instructions.

 “You should be more secretive and don’t get your father into trouble.”

 Their family is a general's family. They cannot ignore things and must take care of their family.

 Otherwise, things would be very serious for Jing Shirong.

Dongze understood and nodded, "I know, don't worry, I will handle it secretly."

Like today when I passed by and beat up the man with a big belly, he also covered his face and wore a hat, so the other party couldn't recognize him at all.

As long as I check what's going on tonight, I can help sister Ayi.

 He left as soon as he said he wanted to and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Sister Ying did not expect that the gentle and kind-hearted Ayisham would encounter such a thing, and she felt very unhappy.

"Ayisham's family doesn't know what's going on. The family is obviously not poor, but they insist on marrying their daughter to a suddenly rich man, and they are not afraid of Ayisham being bullied."

Such an honest and responsible child should marry closer to avoid being bullied.

  It happened that her mother married her so far away that the child was beaten and she didn’t dare to come back.

Miguo was also a little angry, "I think their family values ​​boys over girls."

Ayshamu had ten children in total, seven daughters and three sons. As the eldest sister, Ayisham not only has to do housework at home, but also helps to support her nine younger siblings.

  She didn’t even take any of the betrothal gift and gave it all to her family. This shows that she is a particularly filial child.

She probably also knew that even if she was beaten by her husband, her family would not agree to her divorce, so she did not dare to come back.

 Otherwise, they won’t come back for the Chinese New Year, which is really doubtful.

 Dongze went to investigate all night. As soon as he arrived at Ayisham's husband's house, he heard the sound of whips.

 Then there was a muffled sound of pain.

Dongze opened the bricks on the roof and saw the pot-bellied man waving his whip fiercely and hitting Ayisham.

 Ayisham was beaten so hard that he had red marks all over his body and his mouth was gagged.

She seemed to have dried up her tears and looked at the roof with empty eyes, as if she wanted to die just like that.

Dongze was so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe, and he almost couldn't restrain himself from jumping to save her.

 Fortunately, he endured it.

 He closed his eyes, took several deep breaths, clenched his fists and endured it until night.

Then he waited until it was late at night and everyone was asleep, then he came down from the roof and went into the woodshed to see Ayisham's injury.

Ayisham was already unconscious when he was suddenly picked up. He was a little frightened for a moment.

Dongze whispered in her ear, "Sister Ayi, it's me, Dongze."

Ayisham’s eyes were wide open, obviously he didn’t expect him to come.

Dongze touched her face lovingly, giving her a sense of security, "Don't be afraid, I will take you away."

 Speaking, he picked her up and prepared to leave.

 But Ayisham suddenly started struggling and refused to move.

 Dongze didn't understand, "Why don't you leave? I can save you."

 Ayisham shed tears and kept shaking her head at him.

Dongze took off the linen from her mouth distressedly and asked her, "Speak slowly."

Ayisham cried and asked him to leave in a low voice, "Go away, this matter has nothing to do with you."

Dongze didn't listen, "We are friends, how can it be okay? Have you forgotten that I said I wanted to marry you when I was a child?"

Ayisham was stunned for a moment, not understanding why he suddenly said this.

Dongze wiped the cold sweat on her face lovingly, "Don't be afraid, I will help you. Now I will take you to heal your injuries. No one will find out. Don't worry."

 Speaking, he hugged her and left without giving her a chance.

 He took Ayisham home and asked Sister Yang to treat her wounds.

Sister Yang was shocked when she saw Ayisham covered in wounds.

 “You, what are you??”

 Sister Ying said before that Ayisham was domestically abused, but Sister Yang still didn’t believe it.

Now that I saw it with my own eyes, I was really shocked.

 “Is your man crazy?”

How could such a good girl be beaten like this?

Ayisham’s eyes were empty and he didn’t want to say anything.

Sister Ying came in to help, and when she saw it, she was so angry that she almost asked Dongze to beat up the pot-bellied man.

 Ayisham was held by her hand and told her not to go.

 “Aunt, don’t go.”

Sister Ying didn't understand, "Why? How long have you been beaten? Why didn't you come back and tell your parents?"

 How failed were her parents? The child didn't even tell his family when he suffered such a great grievance.

 Ayisham shed even more tears when she thought of her parents.

 “I don’t want them to worry.”

 Although her parents favored sons over daughters, she still didn’t want them to worry.

 (End of this chapter)

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