Chapter 1132, help Ayisham find a way

Sister Ying was really furious.

“You’re like this and you still haven’t found your parents? If Dongze doesn’t find out, what are you going to do?”

“Are you going to be beaten to death by your husband?”

This child, it is not good to be too sensible.

She kept all the pain to herself. If she was beaten to death, they would casually give her the title of "died of illness". Then she would be hastily buried. How would her parents know the truth?

Sister Ying was heartbroken and hateful, "You silly child."

Ayisham just cried, "My parents are old, and there are too many brothers and sisters in the family. They are no longer as wealthy as before. Now the family is still supported by my husband's family." I can't offend that man at all.

If she told her parents about this matter, and her parents would quarrel with her husband because of her, life in the family would be difficult in the future.

 She would feel sad if her parents asked her to endure it for the sake of a better life.

 Instead of making things difficult for your parents, it is better to resist it yourself.

If he died, the man might also give the family a burial fee.

Sister Ying simply hates the fact that iron cannot become steel.

 “Hey, you.”

 But there is no way to blame her.

 After all, their situation is here, and what Ayisham said is also true.

Sister Ying kept sighing, "Then what are you going to do next? Are you going back?"

Ayisham’s eyes were filled with fear, “I don’t want to go back, but where can I go?”

 Escape privately, which will make the man angry.

 When he gets angry, he will definitely make trouble for his parents.

Then her previous forbearance would be in vain.

But if you don’t go back, he will come back and you will have to be beaten again, or even more severely.

Sister Ying helped her get dressed and figured out a way for her.

"No, you can't go back like this, let me think about it first."

 Dongze had already heard clearly at the door, and now he was very angry.

“Sister Ayi, don’t worry about this, I will take care of it for you.”

Sister Ying asked him, "What do you want to do?"

 Dongze raised the corner of his mouth coldly, "Simple."

These years of training are not in vain.

 They not only learned martial arts, but also learned strategy.

I have heard of all the more damaging tricks.

It's just a small matter, he can still solve it.

So he looked at Sister Yang, pulled her to the door and said.

The two of them were rustling and didn't know what they were talking about.

 After waiting for a while, Sister Yang continued to give Ayisham medicine. This time the medicine had a slightly foul smell.

Even Ayisham, who could bear it, couldn't help but want to vomit.

Sister Yang took advantage of this and said, "Your health is getting worse. If he hits you again, you may die."

Ayisham looked relieved, "That's fine."

She actually looked forward to it if she could have a happy death.

Sister Ying looked at the interaction between Dongze and Sister Yang, and seemed to understand something, so she stopped talking.

Sister Yang finished applying the foul-smelling medicine to Ayisham, and then smeared several layers of something on her face. From a distance, it looked like pus was oozing from her flesh.

 She even applied a little bit under Ayisham.

Ayisham’s illnesses since childhood have all been treated by Sister Yang, so she doesn’t doubt her.

After applying the medicine, Sister Ying fed her bird's nest porridge with a spoon, and then she called Dongze, "Send her back."

Dongze hummed, picked up Ayisham and walked back.

 The two of them were relatively speechless along the way.

Ayisham could see that Dongze was angry and moved in his heart, but he didn't dare to ask for his kindness.

“You are so tall, taller than me, but in my heart you are like a little brother.”

 She must have felt Dongze's feelings, but she just didn't dare to accept it and felt that she was not worthy. So he deliberately said these words to make Dongze give up.

But Dongze didn't seem to hear it and just said. "Sister Ayi is too thin and makes me feel uncomfortable when she hugs her. I hope you can eat fatter in the future. I like fatter ones."

After saying that, he put her into the woodshed, pinched her earlobe, and said in her ear, "If you can reconcile, come live with me in the future."

  I was embarrassed to say marry me, so I simply said to live with me.

Ayisham’s face suddenly turned red, and his heart was beating fast.

 But smelling the stench on his body, his heart sank again.

"It's useless. Your aunt said I'm dying. I'm going to die. We have no future."

Dongze held up a strand of her hair and said, "I mean if. If you can successfully reconcile and take good care of yourself, marry me and give birth to my little Ayisham, okay?"

 Ayisham met his sincere eyes and shed tears.

 “I am not good enough for you.”

Dongze wiped her tears and said, "Whether you are worthy or not is not yours to say, it's mine."

“If you live happily with him, I will naturally bless you.”

“But you are deep in the abyss, so I will naturally save you.”

“As for the price of saving you, I will ask you to repay me for the rest of your life.”

 After saying that, he lowered his head and wanted to kiss her, but felt that she hadn't reconciled yet, so he held back.

 Changed it to touching her head, "I'll wait for you."

 Speaking, he walked away in the night wind.

Ayisham looked at the direction he was leaving, lost in thought.

 While she felt that her life was not long, she also wanted to get out of hell.

Although he is not taken seriously by his natal family, at least he is free and happy.

Now that I come here, I am in a sea of ​​fire every day, beaten and scolded, and sometimes even locked up for several months.

 She hasn’t seen the sun for a long time.

Except for the bowl of hot bird's nest porridge just now, she has never smelled fresh rice just out of the oven.

 She wants to live.

 She wants to live a normal life.

She was determined and just when she was about to make a decision, the door of the woodshed was pushed open.

 “Huh, are you awake?”

 It turned out that the pot-bellied man came to him again after sobering up and looking for bad luck.

This man looks fat but infertile.

 At first he insisted on marrying Ayisham because he thought she was obedient and sensible.

 In addition, the natal family is weak and not a rigid family, so it is easier to handle.

 That’s why I married her.

  After marrying her, he tried every means to give birth to a child, so he focused all his anger on Ayisham.

 She resisted at first, but the more she resisted, the more excited he became.

 He had always known that he had a tendency to torture people.

The maids at home have all been tortured by him. Seeing their desperate and crying eyes, he felt infinite success in his heart.

However, it is not good to beat the maid all the time, for fear of being seen when going out, which will be bad for your reputation.

 So he used all his violent tendencies on Ayisham.

This woman was so weak that she couldn't resist even if she was beaten, which made him very happy.

Today, he was ridiculed for not having a son. He felt unhappy and naturally wanted to vent his anger on Ayisham.

So he took out the braid from his waist and waved it away.

Ayisham wanted to hide, but the pain all over his body made it impossible to hide.

Then the whip was struck on the skin and flesh where the medicine had been applied, and the foul smell of the medicine suddenly filled the air.

The smell of rotting fresh meat suddenly filled the whole house.

 The man with a big belly also choked and gagged, and then stared at Ayisham.

I saw that the wounds on Ayisham's body seemed to be oozing with pus, and there was a foul smell flowing down. The smell was so disgusting that it made people sick.

Even though the man with a big belly is a pervert, he is also disgusted.

 “Damn, what a bad luck.”

 (End of this chapter)

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