Chapter 1133: Life is not long.

 The pot-bellied man knew that Ayisham had wounds on her body, but he didn't take it seriously and never called a doctor for her.

 Just throw some ointment in and let her apply it herself.

  As time went by and I saw that she was not going to die, I didn’t even care about the wounds on her body.

 I didn’t expect pus to leak out today.

This kind of pus is yellow with green in it, and its sticky appearance is really nauseating.

 The man with a big belly covered his nose in disgust, turned around and left.

Ayisham didn’t expect this symptom to appear on him. He thought he was really going to die, so he smiled bitterly.


 It seems that she has no chance to be reborn.

 She had thought about going back to her old life before, but now it seemed like it was all in vain.

Looking at the moonlight outside the window, Ayisham was so desperate that he could not speak. Finally, he lay down on the ground resigned to his fate, closed his eyes, and slowly fell asleep.

 Wait until the next day.

 The pot-bellied man was afraid that she would be unlucky if she died at home, so he got up early in the morning to take a look at the woodshed.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Ayisham lying unconscious on the ground.

The entire woodshed was filled with a strong stench, as if something was rotting.

 The man with a big belly covered his nose in disgust and asked the maid, "Go and see if he is dead."

The maid was also afraid, but she was even more afraid of the torture of the big-bellied man. She walked over shakily, squatted down, and stretched out her hand to smell Ayisham's nose.

 “My lord and wife seem to be dying soon.”

 The pot-bellied man frowned unhappily, "Are you going to die?" So soon?

He put his hands on his hips and felt very unhappy. He wanted to settle the matter with a straw mat, but he couldn't do it so hastily for fear that outsiders would raise questions.

Just when he was about to send someone to see the doctor to show off, the steward came to report.

“Sir, there is a girl outside the door. She says she has something important to tell you and asks you to come over and have a look.”

 The pot-bellied man frowned, "What girl?"

The housekeeper whispered in his ear, "The girl said she is from Chunfeng Tower."

Chunfenglou is a nearby brothel. All the girls there are very hot. When the big-bellied men discuss business, they will take their customers there to drink.

He didn't know why the other party came. He walked into the living room with a heavy drunken belly, a full beard, and a gloomy look on his face.

 Instruct the maid, "Bring the person in through the back door."

 Otherwise, if a brothel girl enters his house, wouldn’t it be a disgrace to him?


The maid went to invite someone, and soon she invited him to the living room.

As soon as the girl came over, she bowed and knelt down. Lihua said with rain, "Master, I am a girl from Qingfeng Tower. You came over and ordered me five months ago. After that, I suddenly vomited. I saw the doctor and said It’s a blessing.”

"You are the first man in the slave family, and you know that the slave family is innocent. Now that the slave family is pregnant, you have to take responsibility."

 The man with a big belly was holding a teacup and everyone was confused.

 “What? Are you pregnant?”

 He remembered this flower girl and was deeply impressed by her.

 The reason is that he has never had **** before, and he stayed in the brothel to let everyone know that he is a real man.

I thought I would just drink a few glasses of wine and then fall asleep.

He didn't expect that this flower girl could serve him all the time.

He was so excited that day, and he is still impressed by it to this day.

 But since then, he has never succeeded again, and he has become more and more unable.

 So he always thought that that day was a hallucination caused by drinking too much alcohol.

 I didn’t expect it to be true?

 The man with a big belly was wondering whether what happened that day was true or not, and kept hesitating to answer. The flower girl who was kneeling on the ground knew that he was doubting her when he didn't answer.

So she crawled over with tears in her eyes, hugged his thigh and cried.

“Sir, this child is really yours. If you don’t believe it, don’t you know it after five months when the child is born and tested?”

 The pot-bellied man felt that what she said was right. If what happened that night was true, the child would probably be his.

If it is really his child, it is his treasure.

Having been married for two years without any children, many people looked at him strangely.

If he has a son, he can stop Youyou's mouth.

Moreover, having a son will bring incense, and his family property will be inherited by others in the future.

 The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, and he quickly helped Hua Niang up.

"You go and live in the backyard first, and when the child is born in five months, if it turns out to be my son, you can choose gold, silver, and jewelry."

Hua Niang was very happy and sat directly on his thigh, "Master, I've been feeling sour recently, and I don't know if it's my son."

 The man with a big belly has long wanted to have a son. Now that he has a son, he is naturally happy.

“Don’t worry, I’ll have the doctor come and take a look tomorrow, and he’ll definitely be able to tell.”

With that said, he asked his servants to arrange nutritious meals and prepare to raise the flower girl.

 As for Ayisham, the pot-bellied man has forgotten her existence.

It was the maid who reminded him, "Sir, do you want to call the doctor about Madam's matter?"

The man with a big belly felt very unlucky when he thought of Ayisham's half-dead state. "Find a doctor to look at her. If he can save her, forget it if he can't."

Just die. Anyway, he already has a son, so he doesn't care about the woman's life or death.

Ayisham only found out that there was a new person in the house at night.

 The flower girl knew that the man with a big belly had a daughter-in-law, so she even showed off her belly.

Ayisham felt incredible when he saw her bulging belly.

 A man with a big belly cannot have children at all, she knew that.

How did this flower girl get pregnant?

But now she feels very sleepy and tired, and no longer wants to care about the family's affairs. No matter what the flower girl said, she didn't respond to a word.

Seeing that she looked like a dead person, the flower girl also felt unlucky, so she immediately went to find the pot-bellied man with her belly full.

“Sir, my wife will give birth in a few months. If my wife dies then, won’t that hurt our son?”

“Our son will be a noble man in the future, how can he meet the dead at this time? How unlucky, be careful when the child is born, it will be unlucky.”

 The pot-bellied man thinks she is right.

Ayisham is already dirty and ugly. It would be really unlucky for him to die at home.

Businessmen are most particular about luck, and he was afraid that his good luck would be washed away by Ayisham, so he stroked his beard and thought about ideas.

Hua Niang fell into his arms and said, "Sir, why don't you divorce your wife? Otherwise, the reputation of a deceased wife who died of illness and dirty things will be bad for the family's fortune."

"Besides, this child can kick and move now. If my wife dies at this time, won't he have to be called a tablet mother in the future?"

"If this is true, how pitiful our son will be. He will be laughed at when he goes to school in the future."

 Speaking, he grabbed the big-bellied man’s hand and put it on his belly

 “Otherwise, you ask the child and see what he means.”

 The man with a big belly put his fat hand on her belly, and the child inside suddenly kicked.

 The man with a big belly was happy, "He is responding to me."

Hua Niang said happily, "Yes, it means that the young master does not want an aunt who died of illness. How unlucky."

The pot-bellied man didn't hesitate any longer and took out a pen to write a letter of divorce. Then he sent someone to Ayisham's house to ask someone to pick him up.

  Is it raining there?



 (End of this chapter)

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