Chapter 1134, Divorce Ayisham

Ayisham’s parents couldn’t believe it when they heard this.

He grabbed the maid and kept asking, "Are you serious? Ayisham has been divorced? And he is also sick?"

The maid didn't dare to hide it and nodded, "Yes, my wife is very ill. The master thinks that if she dies at home at this time, it will affect the fortune, so I ask you to take her away quickly."

 Ayisham’s mother went limp when she heard the news.

"my daughter."

Ayisham’s father was also very angry, but he was not in good health and choked and coughed after hearing the news.

When Ayisham’s mother saw this, he quickly patted her on the back.

But he waved it away and said, "Take the carriage and go pick up my daughter."

Ayisham’s mother wiped away tears, called her children at home, and went to pick him up together.

 But he was afraid that his family would not be impressive, so he went to Sister Ying's house to ask Dongze for help.

Dongze was waiting for this moment and came to help.

 The couple’s faces were very heavy along the way, Dongze took advantage of this and said.

"Uncle and aunt, Ayisham did not make any mistakes when she got married. You just want to divorce her later and ask for a sum of money to see a doctor. Otherwise, don't let go of this matter."

 Although he is divorced, he can be liberated.

 But the name is completely different.

 Being divorced is equivalent to being kicked out.

Not only will the family’s face be hurt, but Ayisham will also be said to have problems.

 It is only good for Ayisham himself and his natal family if he gets the letter of separation.

 Furthermore, for the injustice suffered by people like Ayisham at the family of the big-belly man, the big-belly man must also pay the price.

 Let’s talk about the monetary price first, and we’ll talk about other things later.

After hearing this, Ayisham’s parents thought it was right and did what Dongze said.

 At the beginning, they just wanted to bring Ayisham back and did not expect to sign a divorce agreement at all.

 But Dongze is right.

 Ayisham has always been a good boy. Except that he has not given birth to a child for two years, everything else is fine.

 She didn't even come back for the New Year, which shows how sincere she is to her husband's family.

For this reason alone, the Nitti family could not divorce her.

 So after the couple arrived at the pot-bellied man's house, they first asked to see their daughter, otherwise there was no need to talk about anything else.

The pot-bellied man expected that they would not be able to cause any trouble, so he waved them away.

Ayisham’s parents were shocked when they saw their daughter lying on the bed covered in pus.

 “Ayisham. My daughter”

 At this time, Ayisham had already fallen asleep. He seemed to have fallen asleep after drinking something and never woke up.

Ayisham’s parents thought she was dead and cried very sadly when they saw that she was not awake.

 In the end, Ayisham’s father directly fought against the pot-bellied man.

 Dongze stopped him and asked him to talk about business.

Ayisham’s father was heartbroken and had no idea that Ayisham would suffer such injustice.

There are many children in his family, and Ayisham is the eldest and the most sensible, so the couple always thought that she would not be in pain or cry.

I didn’t expect that my daughter would be so injured after just two years of marriage.

"Nitigal, my daughter was obviously beaten to death by you. Now you want to divorce her, but I don't agree. Unless you write a divorce letter and give Ayisham a medical fee, I will definitely do this. I'm going to sue the third princess!"

The man with a big belly didn’t expect that his always weak and honest father-in-law would suddenly go crazy. He wanted to disagree, but when he thought that his son would be born in a few months, it would be bad for him to cause trouble, so he couldn’t admit it openly.

 "Xing, He Li Shu is He Li Shu."

 He took a pen and wrote it casually, pressed his fingerprints, and threw it in the face of Ayisham's parents like trash.

Then he asked someone to bring him ten pieces of gold.

With a look of grace on his face, he said, "Your daughter has not given me a son for two years since she got married. Now that she is sick, I can still spend money for her treatment. This shows how kind she is." As long as this matter is publicized, his reputation will only be will be better.

 From now on, even if Ayisham dies, his business will not be affected.

 And there will be other women to marry him.

He felt that the transaction was not a loss, so he generously gave the gold to them and asked them to leave quickly.

 Dongze picked up the sleeping Ayisham, got into the carriage, and went back with Ayisham's parents.

  Ayisham’s parents cried and felt guilty when they saw their daughter smelled bad.

 They even thought that Ayisham would not survive.

"It's my fault. I didn't dare to covet the betrothal gift back then. It was I who harmed Ayisham."

Ayisham's father's eyes were wet, "No, it was my leg disease that relapsed and my family's business plummeted. You took the betrothal gift just to help me. It was I who caused Ayisham's trouble."

 The couple saw their daughter unconscious, holding their heads and crying.

Dongze saw them crying like this and didn't want to comfort them.

I feel that Ayisham's parents are still too weak, and they don't even suspect that their daughter has not returned to her parents' home for a year. I didn’t even bother to take a look, which shows that I still don’t care enough.

 What's the use of crying?

He didn't speak, and Ayisham's parents just cried.

 When he got home, Dongze said, "I'll take Ayisham to see my little aunt. Let her stay in my little aunt's ward during this period to see if she can survive."

 Ayisham’s parents remembered what he said.

“Yes, Dongze’s aunt is very powerful, Ayisham will definitely be fine.”

 As he said that, he was about to kneel down to Dongze, but Dongze turned away.

 “You two elders should not come over during this period.”

 If you need to rest during treatment, they will not be allowed to come.

 Ayisham’s parents clearly felt Dongze’s blame.

They felt guilty and did not dare to say anything more, so they took the ten pieces of gold and gave it to him.

 “These are medical bills, just take them.”

Dongze refused to accept it, "No, just take it. This money will be returned to you by Ayisham. Don't use her again in the future."

 Ayisham’s parents cried guiltily again.

Dongze didn’t want to hear them cry anymore, so he went back to find Sister Yang with Ayisham in his arms.

Seeing how quickly he came back, Sister Yang praised him, "The efficiency is pretty good."

 It was all solved in just one day.

Dongze sighed, blaming himself a little, "Auntie, why didn't you tell me I didn't know to visit her before?"

  Previously, he felt that she was married and he shouldn't have any inappropriate thoughts, so he didn't go.

 But it was this negligence that made her suffer for so long.

Sister Yang touched his head and said, "What's the matter? Many things are destined. I can't explain it clearly."

 And things go round and round and always return to the track they should belong to.

If Ayisham is suitable for Dongze, he will come back to him after going round and round.

If she was not suitable, Dongze would not have met the pot-bellied man and would not have rescued her. Everything was destined.

With this explanation, Dongze feels better.

 “After curing her this time, I won’t let her go.”

  Let her be pampered and raised at home, and she will not be allowed to marry anyone else, nor will she be allowed to return to her natal family to suffer injustice.

Sister Yang was very happy, "Are you ashamed? People don't even agree. Why don't you let them go?"

Dongze snorted softly, "I have already promised her that if she comes back safely, she will marry me and give birth to my little Ayisham."

 (End of this chapter)

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