Chapter 1135, Cuckold

Sister Yang was so impressed by his boldness.

 “When did you want someone to give you a baby, Ayisham?”

Dongze raised his chin proudly, "Last night. I made an agreement with her last night that when she leaves her husband's house, she will come and marry me and give me a child."

 Sister Yang.

  "Okay, you are so precocious that you want to have a child before you are born."

Although boys of this age have just begun to fall in love, they have never thought about having children.

Dongze is quite avant-garde. He directly asks for a child, which is like a wave behind the Yangtze River pushing the wave ahead.

Sister Yang wanted to check Ayisham’s body, so Dongze automatically left.

Seeing how self-conscious he was, Sister Yang teased him, "Aren't you going to have a baby with me? Are you not going to stay and help?"

 Dongze looked serious, "Don't look at anything inappropriate."

   Since they are not married yet, he will not take advantage of others' danger.

Sister Yang, "Okay, then go and find some clean clothes for her. Your sister should have some."

 “Okay. I’ll go look for it.”

 Speaking, he went to Miguo's house and asked for two old clothes.

Miguo generously gave me new clothes.

Dongze came over with clothes and waited at the door.

After Yang Jieer examined Ayisham, she found that the wounds on the skin were almost healed, but the internal injuries were more serious and needed to be cured for two years.

When Dongze heard that his internal organs were injured, he was angry and asked, "Did you get kicked somewhere?"

 Unless it is kicked manually, it is impossible to cause internal injuries by kicking.

Sister Yang was also speechless, "I suspect her ribs are fractured, and we need further observation."

“Her back, buttocks, calves, and thighs have all been severely kicked and need to be healed slowly.”

The more Dong Ze talked, the angrier he became and started to hit people with his fists.

Sister Yang grabbed him and said, "Why go there in broad daylight? If you have something to do, go at night."

Dongze snorted, "Don't worry, I'm measured."

With that said, he left.

 After two days of waiting, another flower girl with a bulging belly came to the house of the man with a big belly.

 Now there are two pregnant women in the family of the pot-bellied man, and they are about the same month.

 Both of them said that they were the women with big belly men, and they both said it with reason.

This made the pot-bellied man have to wonder, did he call two flower girls that night?

 The two flower ladies immediately responded and said yes.

 Because both of them were pregnant and refused to take abortion pills, they ran away.

Although the pot-bellied man also doubted the truth of their words.

But if this is true, wouldn’t he have two more sons overnight? ?

If this matter were dealt with by ordinary people, they might not be happy about it.

 After all, the two flower girls are pregnant, and they entered the house together, which is unlucky even thinking about it.

  But it’s different in a family with a big belly.

Because the man with a big belly was found to be infertile, he moved out of the main house to avoid being discovered by his other brothers and sisters-in-law.

Two years have passed and I still have no children, so I am naturally very anxious.

 He even wanted Ayisham to pretend to be pregnant and then come back with a baby ten months later.

 But a child who is not one’s own is not one’s after all.

 That’s why he hasn’t taken any action.

Now two flower girls are pregnant with his child. If it is true, he would not mind keeping two flower girls as concubines at home.

  Anyway, it will only take another five months to see the child, and then we will know whether it is true or false.

Dongze raised the corners of his mouth on the roof and sneered, "Idiot."

 It was indeed Dongze who spread the idea that men with big bellies cannot have children.

As for these two flower girls, they are also very scheming.

  As soon as I smell money, I pounce on it.

 Let’s not say whose seed they have in their bellies, it’s not from a man with a big belly. The two flower girls also knew that the child was not a pot-bellied boy, but they were so confident that they must have helpers.

 Since they have so many means, there is no need for him to interfere.

 The two flower girls here are enough for a pot-bellied man to drink a pot.

 He went back with satisfaction, and first went to the street to buy some beautiful fabrics, as well as needlework, intending to give Ayisham some time to recover from his injuries.

 After arriving home, Ayisham slowly woke up.

 She saw that something was not right about the environment and knew that she was leaving hell.

Sister Yang showed her the letter of He Li and said, "From now on, you will be free."

“As for the ten ingots of gold, Dongze has already given them to your parents.”

“His tone towards your parents may have been a bit harsh, don’t blame him.”

Ayisham was already weeping with satisfaction as he held the letter of separation.

She knew that Dongze must have helped her in all of this, otherwise it would have been impossible for her parents to do it.

 “I made him tired.”

Sister Yang thought of what Dongze said and couldn't help but ask, "I heard Dongze said that if he saves you, you will give birth to his child. Is this true?"

"But this kid never lies. Is it true?"

 Ayisham's face turned red and ashamed at what she said.


Oh my God, why did Dongze tell everything? This kid is so cool.

Seeing how embarrassed she was, Sister Yang knew that the matter was true.

“Since you have promised him, you must keep in mind. Otherwise, wouldn’t all his busy work be in vain?”

 Ayisham was deceived by her words.


 She also knew that Dongze must be very busy for her affairs.

 You should repay him well, but you should give birth to children.

She still found it difficult to express this kind of repayment.

 “But I, I’ve already been married, and I’m no longer worthy of him.”

Even if she has never been married, her family's financial situation is still far behind that of Dongze's family, and she is not worthy of it.

Sister Yang knew that she had low self-esteem, so she touched her head and said, "It's not your problem that you meet unkind people, it's the bad people's problem."

“And I’ve checked you out, and you’re still a young girl. I guess it’s your husband who can’t have children, right?”

 When he checked her body, he found many injuries on Ayisham's body.

Sister Yang quickly examined her carefully and found out that she was still a young girl.

 The big-bellied man may have been torturing her on her lap, kicking her, and beating her because he was incompetent.

 But if it would make her feel better, it would be good to tell her.

Ayisham breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this, and was suddenly glad that the man with a big belly couldn't touch her, and she was still clean.


Even though she was still a young lady and had been married, she was still unworthy.

Seeing that she couldn't get out, Sister Yang stopped trying to persuade her. She just said, "Since you promised to give him a child, you can't deceive others."

Instead of asking her to be sincere, it is better to let her acknowledge it, so that it will be difficult for her to refuse.

 When I was waiting for Dongze to come back, I happened to hear this sentence.

 He glanced at Sister Yang gratefully and said to himself, "My aunt is awesome."

Sister Yang raised her chin and signaled, "For small things, my aunt will help you get here. The rest is up to you."

 Dongze nodded, "Okay."

 He came in with a pile of beautiful fabrics and placed them beside the bed.

Talked to Ayisham gently, "My aunt said you have injured your bones and muscles, and you will have to recuperate for at least a year or two."

“You can stay at my house to recuperate in the next few days, and make me some clothes and shoes by the way.”

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 (End of this chapter)

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