The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1136: , give birth to my little Ayisham

 Chapter 1136, give birth to my little Ayisham

The reason why I let her do needlework is because I was afraid that she would be too bored, so I gave her something to do.

Ayisham also wanted to repay him and happily agreed.

“Don’t worry, I will make clothes for you.”

 As he said that, he got out of bed and measured his size.

Dongze stopped her, "Don't worry, you can recover from your injuries first and wait for a while. I just want to wear old clothes recently."

Ayisham looked at the dark robe on his body and saw that it had several holes in it. Then I took out my needle and thread to meet him.

 “Sit over a little bit.”

Dongze hummed, sat close to her, and showed her the hole on his wrist.

Ayisham skillfully knitted his sleeves, and it was done in a short while.

 But because of the pain of the wound, there was sweat on my forehead.

 Dongze felt distressed and regretful after seeing it.

“Okay, from now on, you need to recover from your injuries first, and then we’ll talk about everything after the injuries are healed.”

"If you are bored, I will ask the maid to come in and talk to you, or read you a storybook."

 Speaking, he went to the kitchen to get her bird's nest porridge.

Sister Yang saw that the two of them got along so well, so she went to find Sister Ying.

Sister Ying came back from the store and saw Sister Yang waiting for her at the door. She was surprised and asked, "What's the matter?"

 Why did someone who usually stayed at the pharmacy suddenly come to see her?

Sister Yang smiled and said, "Let me tell you something."

 “What’s the matter?”

Sister Yang pointed at Ayisham's house and raised her chin, "No, Dongze has brought Ayisham back, as well as Lishu."

 “It looks like he wants to keep Ayisham at home.”

Sister Ying had expected it, but she didn’t expect this day to come so quickly.

“I thought he was just a kid who likes a gentle and beautiful older sister. Who knew he really had feelings for her?”

 After all, in her eyes, Dongze is still a little kid.

Although he is already over 1.7 meters tall, she still thinks he is a little kid.

Who knew that someone so precocious would have understood such a thing as love.

Sister Yang asked, "Then what are you going to do? Agree for them to be together?"

Sister Ying, "I don't have the feudal mentality. It's not Ayisham's fault that I married the wrong person, it's the other person's problem."

"I'm mainly afraid that Dongze is young and frivolous, and that this kind of teenage love will go away as quickly as it comes."

By the time he pats his **** and leaves, the girl has already been injured once, how can she bear it a second time.

Sister Yang nodded, "Yes, I also think he is too precocious."

Little Yunduo, who is also about the same age, is still a silly little girl.

She studies herbal medicine every day. Occasionally she sees her cute young man complimenting her, but she doesn’t understand. She feels stupid and not as mature as Dongze at all.

Sister Ying smiled, "Forget it, every child matures at a different time. Dongze's mind is open early, so he probably has his own ideas."

As for the matter between him and Ayisham, "We will wait until Ayisham recovers from his illness."

  There are still two years left anyway.

 Both of them will grow up in two years.

 At that time, if Dongze still likes Ayisham and is willing to grow old with her, she will sincerely wish them well.

Sister Yang nodded, "That's a good idea."

“Don’t worry, I will help Ayisham get well. By then she will be in good health and will be able to give birth to a child.”

Sister Ying had a question mark on her face, "What child?"

Sister Yang chuckled and leaned into her ear, "You don't know, right? Your Dongze told Ayisham that if he saved her, he would let her give him a child to repay him."

  It’s really boring to hear this.

Sister Ying opened her mouth and finally said, "I'll go."

This brat is really too mature and too greasy.

 He actually told people that he wanted to have a child. Gee, he really has the potential to be a domineering president.

 Sister Yang also found it funny. "But if he can be a good father, it would not be bad to let him have children."

Sister Ying nodded, "Well, let's see what he does."

 She is still very confident in her education method and believes that Dongze is not the kind of irresponsible father.

At night.

 Dongze is going to train.

Ayisham saw that he was about to leave after eating, and asked quickly, "Where are you going?"

 She was new here and didn’t feel safe.

Dongze looked back at her pitiful eyes and reached out to touch her face, "Don't be afraid, this is my house, bad guys don't dare to come in. If you are afraid, you can just go and lie down in my room."

 After saying that, he was about to take her to his room.

But Ayisham quickly said, "No, no, no, I am fine here, I like it here."

 Hands on the head of the bed, refusing to let go, for fear of being carried out.

 She was still not confident in her heart.

Even though I have Li Shu and Li Shu, I still feel that I have been married before. If I go to Dongze's house, he will be gossiped about, so I won't go.

Seeing that she refused to go, Dongze could only take off the cloak on his body, "Then I'll give this to you. This cloak has my scent on it. Let him protect you for me."

 Said, covering him with the cloak.

There was a faint herbal fragrance on the cloak, and when Ayisham smelled it, he actually felt safe.

 “Then you go early and come back early.”

Dong Ze looked at her watery eyes and her dependence on him, and his heart softened.

 “Okay, I will come back early to accompany you.”

 Speaking, he lowered his head, kissed her forehead, and then left.

 Ayisham was left with a blushing face and a beating heart.

 She never dreamed that her little brother would be so tall.

And the whole body is full of the aura of domineering men, which makes people blush and heartbeat.

Ayisham put on his cloak, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and finally felt relieved.

 It was late at night before Dongze came back.

 Come to Ayisham's house as soon as you come back.

He came in gently and saw that she was already sleeping soundly, so he got into bed and lay down with her clothes on. Then he patted her back and coaxed her to sleep.

Possibly because he smelled his breath, Ayisham suddenly settled down, stopped frowning, and slept soundly.

Dongze was also sleepy, so he hugged her and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

 The next day, Ayisham woke up before him.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a three-dimensional handsome face in front of him, and he was almost startled.

 After seeing this familiar face clearly, I breathed a sigh of relief.

 She never dreamed that he would sleep here.

I wanted to push him down, but seeing that he was sleeping so soundly, he was probably sleepy, so I was reluctant to wake him up.

Since I couldn’t wake him up, I could only watch him sleep.

 When he closes his eyes, his eyelashes are really long.

Ayisham looked at his eyebrows, his eyes, and his tall and straight nose with a flushed face.

The little hand couldn't help but reach out and want to touch it.

 But he woke up when he touched Dongze.

He closed his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth, "You want to touch me so much? Then touch me."

 My voice is always a little hoarse when I wake up in the morning.

Ayisham never expected that he would be caught, so he put the quilt over his head in embarrassment.

Dongze sneered and pulled off the quilt, "Why are you embarrassed? I'm going to give birth to a little Ayisham. Touch your face to get used to it first."

Let’s go to the theater after the update (▽`)



 (End of this chapter)

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