Chapter 1137, Dongze was injured

Ayisham was so embarrassed that he slapped him twice with his little hand, "Don't talk nonsense."

Dongze grabbed her hand and kissed it twice, "I'm not talking nonsense, I'm serious."

Ayisham looked up and met his sincere eyes, and almost lost the battle.

 “I still have to recover from my injuries.”

Even if you want to give him a child, you still have to take good care of yourself, right?

Hearing her tone, Dongze seemed to agree. He felt happy and a smile appeared on his face.

  "Okay, then you can give birth to me after you take good care of yourself."

 As he spoke, his mood improved.

 Then he went to bring her a face wash to help her wash it.

 After washing, the two of them had dinner together.

 After eating, he went to train again.

 “I have to go to the military camp and come back to see you in the evening.”

Ayisham knew that he was busy and asked him to be careful on the road.

 Dongze waved his hand to her and then left.

Ayisham looked at the snacks in front of him and wondered if he had any snacks in the military camp.

 Thinking about it, I suddenly wanted to make him something to eat.

 But her internal injuries have not healed yet and she can only stay in bed.

 Fortunately, the maid came to enlighten her and tell her jokes, and her mood recovered after a while.

The maid spent a few days with her and found that Ayisham was a particularly gentle person. After hearing her experience, she felt more sorry for her and even gave her advice.

"Ayisham, since the young master likes you, you should win over his heart. If you have him to rely on in the future, your life will be easier."

  "If I give birth to a few more children for the young master, and have the young master as a father, the children will definitely be very happy."

The maid could see Dongze's liking for Ayisham, so she naturally brought him together.

 Ayisham couldn't help but think about it after hearing her words.

With Dongze’s temperament, he really wouldn’t bully his wife and children.

If you really marry him, he will definitely treat you well.

 However, she still felt that she was not worthy of him.

  On the one hand, she was a little moved, and even thought about giving birth to a child for him, and repaying him by making cows and horses for him at his house.

   But I really wanted to agree, but I felt that doing so would be harmful to him.

 He has strong abilities and a good family background, and will definitely have a bright future.

Having such a stigmatized wife will definitely cause him to be gossiped about.

 Ayisham sighed feebly, feeling that he had encountered the biggest problem in his life.

 I have endured so many hardships before and never felt so entangled.

This conference seems to have encountered a bottleneck period. It is a real dilemma to make progress or not, to retreat but be reluctant to retreat.

Seeing her confusion, the maid asked her, "Are you really willing to reject Master Dongze?"

“Young Master Dongze hasn’t fallen in love with another girl yet. If you marry him now, you won’t have to worry about anything in the future.”

“Both the master and his wife are people who value friendship and loyalty. If you marry Young Master Dongze, I will not let Master Dongze let you down in the future.”

 Ayisham believed this.

 She can trust the character of Uncle Jing and Aunt Jing.

 But she still felt shameless.

Seeing her wavering like this, the maid stopped trying to persuade her.

Wait until Dongze comes back in the evening and come to her place to have dinner together as usual.

Ayisham looked at him while eating.

 Dongze just came back from training, his face was covered with sweat.

 He washed briefly but didn't wipe it clean. There were still water drops on the outline of his handsome face.

The water droplets slowly went down along his neck, even reaching his Adam's apple.

Ayisham blushed for no reason.

I don’t know since when, that clingy child actually grew into a man.   And his muscles are so strong that you can see his toned muscles when you lift the bowl.

Dongze knew that she was sizing him up, but he didn't reveal it, which made her shy and refused to eat for a while, so she just pretended that she didn't see him.

 After eating, he left again, touching her head as usual before leaving.

 When he came back late at night, he still slept in his clothes when he was sleepy, and left early the next morning.

Just like this day after day, Ayisham still adapted to the days when he was by his side.

If Dongze went on a mission and didn't come back for several days, Ayisham would look out the window while picking up his clothes, hoping that he would come back safely.

 Once Dongze brought it back and his shoulders were covered in blood.

Ayisham was so shocked that she burst into tears and felt very distressed.

 When Sister Yang was bandaging Dongze, she was always there to help.

 Her health has improved in the past two years.

  After a hundred days of straining her muscles and bones, under the careful care of Sister Yang and her maid, her body has now returned to its best condition. She can run, jump, cook, or make clothes for Dongze.

 In the past two years, she made clothes, shoes and socks for the whole family.

I also cook for my family every now and then.

Sister Ying could see that she wanted to repay her family and reassured her that she could live in peace and not have any burdens.

 But Ayisham still felt that he could not eat and drink for free and always had to rush to work.

Later, Sister Ying asked her to learn some bandaging skills from Sister Yang, so that Dongze could be treated for injuries or backaches in the future.

 Ayisham naturally responded. In addition to preparing delicious meals for the family every day, I also have to sew Dongze's clothes and make midnight snacks for Dongze.

She is now in charge of Dongze’s food.

 Because he sometimes comes back in the middle of the night.

 The cook has gone to bed long ago.

Ayisham was afraid that he would be tired after a long day of work and would have nothing to eat, so he would not sleep until he came back and cooked food for him every day.

Dongze told her not to worry about it every time. There were always spare snacks in the kitchen, so he could just eat whatever he wanted.

 But Ayisham was reluctant to part with it.

She looked at him gently and said, "It's okay. I like to cook for you, so just eat it. I'll be happy when you eat it."

She always speaks in a gentle and gentle way, making people irresistible.

 Dongze felt sweet in his heart.

 Because he knew that she was gradually becoming more concerned about him, and even if he didn't come back, she would keep looking out the window, which showed that he already had a place in her heart.

He was pleased with this sign and let her go.

This time when she came back from injury, it was a little funny and a little heartbreaking to see her wiping away tears and wiping the blood on her face.

 “Why are you crying?”

Ayisham wiped her tears and choked, "You shed a lot of blood, I'm sad."

She has lived in a simple environment since she was a child. The most blood she has seen is the blood of slaughtered chickens. Whenever she sees the blood of people being chopped, it is normal to be scared.

 Dongze didn't want to scare her, but his daily life was like this, and there was a risk factor, so it would be better for her to adapt as soon as possible.

Ayisham pursed his lips, held back his tears, and continued to wipe his face and hands.

Dong Ze saw how cute she was about to cry but didn't, so he deliberately teased her, "Take off your clothes for me and wipe your whole body for me, I'm so dirty."

Ayisham's face instantly turned red, and the top of his head was like smoke. He was extremely shy.

"you you.."

  Why is this person like this?

Dongze, however, looked innocent, "My shoulder was injured. I was **** like this by my aunt. I can't move. How can I take a bath?"

“Or do you want to see me lying on the bed smelly and moldy? Infested with insects?”

How could Ayisham be willing to let him lie on the bed and get moldy?

She bit her lip and thought about it. She had already slept with him in the past two years. Although she had not done anything, she already regarded him as her man in her heart.

Since he is your man, it should be okay to give him a wipe, right?

 (End of this chapter)

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