Chapter 1138, Like each other

Ayisham blushed and finally nodded to Dongze, "Just wait."

 After saying that, he ran out, brought a hot water basin, got a towel, then closed the door and locked it.

 As if he was afraid that someone would push the door open and see him.

 Dongze didn't expect that she would actually be willing, and was a little surprised.

 He thought she was just showing off, but he didn't expect that she would actually come.

Ayisham bit her lip. Now that she had made up her mind, she was no longer shy and immediately came over to help him take off his coat.

 Then comes the inner garment.

Because his arm was treated just now, his shirt was cut, so it was easier to take it off, and he took it off in a few times.

 The rest are pants and trousers.

Ayisham put his trembling hands on Dongze's waistband, and as soon as he closed his eyes, he untied the belt.

 Then he quickly pulled off the outer layer of pants.

Dongze didn't even react, his thighs felt cold, he was so frightened that he almost jumped out of bed.

He was totally in high spirits just now, just teasing her.

 I didn’t expect that she would actually take it seriously.

 He is now seventeen and a half years old, and will be eighteen after the New Year. He naturally understands what men and women do, and is also shy.

Especially in the military camp, when I was with those eighteen or nineteen-year-old boys every day, I would always hear all kinds of **** things, and I would understand the matter of having children.

But usually he teases Ayisham at home and takes pleasure in making her blush and shy.

 At this moment, it was suddenly reversed, which made him uncomfortable.

Ayisham didn't notice his shyness and thought he had hurt him, so he was busy asking, "What's wrong? Is it a wound?"

Dongze looked at the concern on her face and said coldly, "Yes," "It hurts a little. You'd better let Dafu come in and help me."

  Dafu is his servant and subordinate, so it would be better if he handles the matter.

Ayisham looked at him timidly and hesitated to speak, but did not go.

Dongze didn’t know why, “What’s wrong?”

Ayisham rubbed the handkerchief tangledly and looked at him shyly, "Dafu is a man, so it's not easy for me to serve you, so let me do it."

 As he said that, he started to wipe his face.


Did he hear it correctly?

 Ayisham actually said that Dafu was not suitable to serve him? ?

Who is suitable?


 When the towel wiped his Adam's apple, Dongze held Ayisham's hand with one hand, "Do you know what you are doing?"

Even though Ayisham blushed, she still looked at him firmly, "I know."

  She has him in her heart and wants to do something for him.

Moreover, he is now a man. His head has grown by more than eight feet. His height of 1.83 meters and the muscles gained from years of martial arts training make him look more like a mature man.

Such a high-quality man would be snapped up by girls in ordinary families, let alone one who is so good.

 Ayisham has thought it through over the past two years.

 She likes Dongze and the tranquility and warmth of being with him.

 I like his chiseled face, his strong figure, and even more, the aura on his body.

 Sometimes I even have a bad idea for him and want to hug him and kiss him.

But she didn’t dare.

 She was waiting for him to take the initiative.

 But he seems to have always been very innocent. When he comes back at night, he just hugs her and doesn't touch her.

This made her have to wonder, did he still not understand the affairs between men and women?

 In addition, just now he actually wanted Dafu to serve him even if he didn't want him, which shows that he may still not understand.

She thinks the maid is right. Good men need to be fought for. If he keeps downplaying it, sooner or later he will be seduced away by the passionate little vixen outside.

Just the thought of him being seduced by other vixens, her heart felt like it was being burned by fire, and she wanted to hit someone with jealousy.

 So now she is eager to get him, want to be his wife, and want to be his person. Otherwise, if the little vixen outside seduces him one day, she may regret it for the rest of her life.

So she walked over with determination and looked at Dongze pitifully.

 “Do you dislike my old age?”

She was a few years older than him, and although she was well-maintained, she still had a pretty face.

 But compared to the sixteen-year-old girls outside, she is still a little mature.

 What if he doesn’t like the old one?

 “Dongze. Do you not like me anymore?”

 She spoke so pitifully that tears welled up in her eyes.

Dongze couldn't bear her grievance, so he comforted her, "It's okay, I'm just afraid that you will be tired."

“Besides, we haven’t held a wedding reception yet, so it will be bad for your reputation.”

Having **** before the wedding party is always bad for her reputation.

 Although people may guess now and feel that they are no longer clear, he still wants to wait until they get married.

Ayisham felt that he was making excuses.

Tears suddenly fell down, and Lihua looked at him with rain, "You were the one who said you wanted me to give you a child, but now you won't let me touch it. Do you not like me anymore?"

 As more and more tears fell, Dongze’s eyes grew bigger than his head.

 Wipe her tears with one hand.

  Coaxing in a soft voice, "No, I thought you were shy and never dared."

"If you want to help me so much, I will ask my mother to go to your house tomorrow to propose marriage and settle our affairs. Then you can do whatever you want."

Ayisham cried, "Are you serious?"

 “Do you really want to marry me?”

Dongze nodded, "Yes, not only do I want to marry you, but I also want to have a big banquet."

He also wanted her to marry again so that she could experience the feeling of being cherished.

Ayisham was moved to tears, hugged him, and sobbed a few times.

 “Dongze, thank you.”

Dongze held her with one hand and asked her, "Are you willing? Will you marry me?"

 Ayisham nodded, "Yes, I do."

 If it had been before, she would have given up because of inferiority complex.

 But now, she has regarded him as her whole life, so she can't say no.

She was even afraid that if she didn't agree, he would run away and she wouldn't be able to find him back.

He nodded repeatedly, "I am willing, I want to be your wife, I want to take care of you, I want to give you children, Dongze, let's get married."

 Forgive her for being selfish for once.

 She really loves this man.

Dongze knew that she would agree, and he felt happy, "Then I will tell my mother tomorrow, and then we will worship heaven and earth and have a banquet."

Ayisham hesitated, "It's okay to worship heaven and earth, but I don't want to have a banquet."

 She knew that the nature of his job was unstable and that there were many people waiting for him to be promoted.

 So she didn't want him to have a bad reputation, so she didn't want to be too ostentatious.

Dongze also knows that the group of people his age are also working hard to climb up, and the competition is indeed fierce.

 Once something falls into someone’s hands, trouble will definitely arise.

He himself didn't care, he was just afraid that lawless people would see Ayisham's appearance.

 It will be bad when someone comes to slander her or try to kill her.

Rather than letting her be exposed to the public eye, it would be safer to not let everyone know her appearance and only let others know that he has such a wife.

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 (End of this chapter)

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