Chapter 1139, I want to marry you

"Don't worry about this. I'll ask my mother. She knows how to do it well."

Ayisham also believed in his future mother-in-law's ability, so he nodded to him, "Okay, then you ask aunt."

Dongze raised her chin, "Why should I call her aunt? I should call her mother."

Ayisham blushed with embarrassment and patted him with her little hand, "Don't talk nonsense, you haven't worshiped yet."

 Dongze pretended to "hiss~" and said, "It hurts."

Ayisham was frightened now, "Did it cause a wound?"

Dong Ze pretended to be in pain and nodded, "Yes, please help me blow it, it won't hurt anymore."

Ayisham believed it to be true and told him distressedly.

 On the second day.

 Dongze asked Ayisham to find Sister Ying.

Ayisham blushed and went anyway.

Sister Ying was surprised. This was the first time Ayisham invited her back. She was immediately curious, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with Dongze?"

 She knew that Dongze was injured last night.

 But with Ayisham around, she didn't cause any trouble and left space for the young couple.

 She has watched Ayisham's performance for more than two years.

If it were any other mother-in-law, she might still dislike Ayisham's past.

 But in Sister Ying's eyes, character is the most important thing.

 Ayisham is hardworking and has a grateful heart.

The most precious thing for a person is to have a grateful heart.

If he is the kind of person who has a high family background, but has no gratitude at all, but takes everything for granted, she will not give him anything for free.

 So she has already acquiesced to Ayisham becoming Dongze's wife.

Especially seeing how good she is to Dongze and doing everything herself, she won't have to worry about Dongze anymore for decades to come.

 Because Ayisham is here, Dongze must be living a good life.

Ayisham saw that Sister Ying was looking at him, her face was red, and she whispered, "You go over first. I'm going to make breakfast for Dongze."

 After saying that, he ran away shyly.

Sister Ying knew something must be going on when she saw this situation, and immediately went to Dongze's house.

As soon as I entered the room, I smelled a combination of medicine and sweat, which was very stinky.

“Hey, didn’t you take a shower last night? Look at this smell.”

Dongze coughed awkwardly, "We're not married yet, so I'm embarrassed to ask Ayisham to wash it for me."

Sister Ying yelled, "So you're waiting for me here?"

 Smelly boy, very clever.

 Dongze laughed and asked her to sit down and speak slowly.

 “Ayisham and I have made plans to get married next year.”

“But, I’m still thinking about the banquet.”

People like them who often solve crimes usually do not reveal their faces or their family members.

Especially the privacy of family members is the most secret, so they should be hidden as much as possible to not give the enemy a chance.

Sister Ying understood his worries, "In that case, let's go to the church first and invite some of our better relatives and friends to come over."

 As for the down-level recruitment, it can be done normally, but it must be done in a low-key manner.

Dongze waved his head and said, "But Ayisham is still afraid that her past will be criticized, so I want you to help me think of a solution."

Sister Ying knew that they all cared about this, so she said, "How about letting Ayisham recognize the third princess as his godmother?"

 She has thought about this a long time ago.

Since Ayisham’s status was not high enough and she had been married before, she was afraid that people would find something to say about Dongze, so she erased her past and just treated her as dead of illness.

 In the past two years, Dongze has indeed done this.

 Since picking up Ayisham, Ayisham has not been allowed to go out and has been recuperating at home. In addition, Ayisham's parents felt guilty about their daughter and did not want others to comment on their daughter's rights and wrongs. They always refused to see guests on the grounds that Ayisham was ill.

 After that, everyone thought that Ayisham had died of illness, so they didn't ask any more questions.

 Since the Ayisham of the past is gone, a new identity must be arranged for her.

 It is a good choice to adopt the third princess as your godmother.

This status is not only good-sounding, but also the third princess's prestige, so no one dares to ask random questions.

 When I asked, I said that Ayisham was an orphan girl under the third princess.

 This way people won’t ask any more questions.

Even if someone makes random guesses, it is only in private and they do not dare to really offend the third princess.

There are good people in this world, and there are also jealous people. It would be better for everyone if this matter is handled properly.

 Dongze thought this was a good idea and agreed.

"Then you can help me do it. Once it's done, I'll send Ayisham to the third princess's house, and he will go to the third princess's house next year to propose marriage."

Sister Ying saw that he had thought about it, but she still asked him.

 “Are you sure you can treat her well for the rest of your life?”

Dongze shook his head uncertainly, "I don't know how long I can be nice to her, but as long as she is at home, I want to come back."

He can't guarantee that he is 100% good-tempered. Occasionally he will get angry and get angry at Ayisham.

 But I regretted it later.

 It’s just that Ayisham never took his anger at heart and was always considerate of him.

She knew that Dongze didn't get angry on purpose, but was just unhappy, so his tone was stronger.

She is so gentle and kind, how could Dongze be willing to let her down.

Sister Ying pinched his face and said, "Okay, when you grow up, when you marry Ayisham, you should be nice to her, but you can't do it half-heartedly, and you can't find other women."

“Our family’s tradition is to have one husband and one wife. There are no concubines or married couples. You must remember that you don’t let down a good woman.”

 Dongze nodded, "I know."

 He is not a playboy, and he does not have the time to talk to other women.

  It is impossible for him to go home and have dinner every day and fall asleep. It is impossible for him to go out and do whatever he wants.

Even if he could go outside to investigate cases or go to a brothel, he would just be there for the occasion and have no interest in all kinds of girls.

If he hadn't already liked Ayisham in his heart, he would have doubted whether he was abnormal.

 Happily he is normal and only interested in her.

Sister Ying knew that he was single-minded, so she wasn't worried.

"Then you take good care of yourself and don't go out recently. I will go to the third princess's house to talk about this in a moment."

 Dongze nodded, "Okay, sorry for bothering you."

Sister Ying smiled, "Why are you so polite to me?"

With that said, he went to the third princess’s house with good food and meat.

The third princess hasn’t come back yet, and only Mr. Zhong is making dumplings at home.

Sister Ying came in to make dumplings with him and told him about the matter.

After hearing this, Young Master Zhong agreed, "Your idea is a good one, it should work."

 In addition, Dongze has protected Ayisham very well in the past two years, and the outside world hardly knows that this person exists in her family.

 Only Ayisham's relatives and neighbors thought Ayisham had died of illness and did not bother him.

Mr. Zhong said, "Don't worry, the third princess will be back soon. I will help you talk to her then."

Sister Ying nodded, "Do you think she will agree?"

After all, the thinking of the ancients was different from hers, and I don’t know if they could be so civilized to accept a divorced woman marrying the son of a general.

 (End of this chapter)

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