The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1143: , the shrewish girl wants to marry the third child

Chapter 1143: The shrewish girl wants to marry the third child

Her parents were under pressure and had no choice but to come and take her back.

  After taking her back, her mother was afraid that she would not get along with her wife at home, so she began to introduce her to partners.

However, she was not satisfied with those objects, so she rejected them all.

 It would be fine if one or two refused, but if everyone refused, her mother would also be angry.

 She is said to be a doer, said she does not know how to appreciate others, and is said to be unfilial.

Wuyun Zhuer felt aggrieved, feeling that her mother was too selfish and only cared about herself, not caring about her thoughts.

She didn’t even think about why she rejected each one. It wasn’t because those people were too unpleasant to look at.

 In order to get rid of her, her mother recruited all kinds of dogs, as if she was afraid that she would not be able to get married.

She hated it when she thought about it, and later moved out.

I moved out this time, and she would not force her at home, and the province was said.

The family built a small yard for her at the back, and she was allowed to live in it and not come out if nothing happened.

Wuyun Zhuer is not one to take offense, especially the more her family suppresses her and looks down on her, the more unconvinced she becomes.

So she went out to ride horses, shoot arrows, and hunt every day, but she just refused to stay at home.

Go out every day and get a tan.

When her mother found a matchmaker for her, the matchmaker shook her head and left, saying that other young men like fair and pretty girls.

Even if it is not beautiful, it must be strong and fertile.

  Not someone like her who is skinny and looks like it would be difficult to give birth to a son.

 At first, Wuyun Zhuer rejected people, but later the matchmaker looked down on her.

 She couldn't get married as soon as she came and went, and she was left with the family.

Because she was left at home, she had to eat for free, and Wuyun Zhuer's sisters-in-law looked down upon her even more.

Later one time, they went directly to the grassland next door to find a widower. He said that his three wives had died but he had no children, and it was just right for Wuyun Zhuer to marry him.

Wuyun Zhuer almost lost his temper and rode out directly.

Before leaving, he said, "I make my own decisions about my marriage, so there is no need for you to be malicious."

“If you really like that widower, marry your daughter to him.”

Her sisters-in-law were so angry that they finally said, "If you can't find your husband's family, don't come back. It will save you bad luck!"

Wuyun Zhuer didn’t want to go back, so he came directly here.

 She never wanted to go back to the grassland, and she was upset after seeing it.

It is better to come here and marry a good-looking local directly, and then sever ties with your natal family.

At this moment, the third child broke in. Shouldn't we just let her find her husband?

 But this man doesn’t seem to like her.

  Seeing him coming out after taking the medicine, he glanced at her with disgust and stopped looking at her. It was obvious that he didn't like her.

Sister Ying also noticed it.

 Lao San has no interest in people like Wuyun Zhuer.

 But Wuyun Zhu'er had a poor life experience and was sacrificed by his parents' interests since he was a child.

 It is indeed pitiful that her parents despised her as a burden when she grew up.

 But the third child doesn't like it. If he forces it together, it will only create a resentful couple.

 So Sister Ying lowered her head and said in Wu Yunzhu'er's ear, "This son of mine is very rebellious and rebellious at heart. If you want to marry him, you must first win his heart."

"Don't open your mouth and hold him responsible. This will make him more disgusted and push him further away. So you have to be careful when chasing him."

Black Cloud Zhuer is curious. "What method?"

If possible, she doesn't want to force others.

But if she doesn't find a man to marry, she won't have a place to settle down.

Sister Ying told her, "The reason why you are so passive is simply because you have no ability to support yourself, so you have to choose a man to take refuge with."

“If you have a stable job and can earn money by yourself, you don’t have to think about who you can rely on.”

Wuyun Zhuer had never thought about this, but when he suddenly heard what Sister Ying said, it made sense.     “Then you say, what should I do?”

Sister Ying said, "In this case, I will arrange for you to work in my store first. If you can endure the hardship, I will give you a monthly salary every month. Food and accommodation will also be included."

  “Once you have given me the money, you can buy a yard for yourself and settle down here.”

“If you do well at work, you can open a shop by yourself in the future to ensure your own source of income, and you don’t have to worry about not having enough food to eat or having a place to live.”

 This plan made Wuyun Zhuer very excited.

 “Okay, then I’ll give it a try.”

 She was loved and loved by her grandmother since she was a child, and all her food and drinks were paid for by her grandmother.

 Grandma never taught her to make money, only to marry a good man.

There are no good men nowadays, so let’s make money first.

 When you have money, you don’t have to worry about being displaced.

Sister Ying breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that she had listened.

“Okay, then I’ll ask the butler to take you to the store to see what you’re suitable for.”

With that said, he called the housekeeper and asked him to take Wu Yunzhu'er to a few shops and a ranch. If there was any work she liked, he would arrange it for her.

Wuyun Zhuer clasped his fists and said to her, "Thank you for your great kindness. I will repay you in the future."

Sister Ying waved her hand and said, "As long as you work hard, that is the greatest reward for me."


Wuyun Zhuer left with the housekeeper resolutely, and even glanced at Lao San before leaving.

 Lao San felt unhappy after being looked at by her.

 But I was afraid of this shrew’s nails, so I restrained myself from using harsh words.

 After they left, the third child complained to Sister Ying, "Mom, it's a good thing you solved the problem, otherwise I would have been killed."

 “That shrew is just a cheater.”

He didn’t even see any flesh on her face, so she had the nerve to force him to take responsibility. It was such a rogue.

Sister Ying, "She was forced to have no choice but to act impulsively."

“But it’s okay now. As long as you expect her to do a good job and feel a sense of accomplishment, she won’t come to you to take responsibility.”

“If she commits the eldest daughter’s problem and doesn’t want to work anymore, she will still come to you and make you responsible for marrying her.”

 Lao San

 “That’s not okay, I don’t want to marry her!!”

For such a dark shrew, he wouldn't even want a million taels.

 What he likes is the gentle fairy like his sister-in-law, not this charcoal shrew.

Sister Ying.

 “Don’t say that, she is just tanned, not ugly.”

 Lao San was disdainful, "It's just ugly. I don't like it anyway."

Sister Ying, "If you don't like it, then encourage her and let her work hard. Don't think about relying on men."

“If someone doesn’t want to do it anymore and feels comfortable marrying someone else, they will naturally come to you.”

 Lao San’s scalp went numb as soon as he heard this hypothesis, and he stood up in fright.

“No, I have to go on a mission and can’t stay at home.”

lest the shrew doesn’t want to work and comes to try again, he will be scared to death.

He left as soon as he said so. Sister Ying could not stop shouting.

 On the second day.

Sister Ying personally went to the farm to see Wuyun Zhuer.

Yesterday the housekeeper took Wuyun Zhuer to four stores and introduced her to different types of work, but she didn't like any of them.

 Finally, I took her to the pasture to look after the cattle and be responsible for the safety of the cattle so that they would not be eaten by wolves.

Wuyun Zhuer immediately fell in love with this job and took it immediately.

I’m going to write a new article, let’s start working overtime (ì_í)



 (End of this chapter)

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