The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1144: , hard-spoken and soft-hearted

Chapter 1144: Hard-spoken but soft-hearted

Even though she was pampered by her grandmother since she was a child, horseback riding and archery are her specialty.

 Children of the prairie have grown up on horses since childhood.

If my grandmother's family hadn't moved to town later, her equestrian skills would be better now.

 She is very happy to be able to ride horses again.

 Especially she likes small animals.

I think cows and sheep are easier to get along with than humans.

 Instead of letting her go to the shops on the street to communicate with customers, it is better to let her come to the pasture to communicate with the cattle and sheep.

Sister Ying originally thought that she would not adapt to it, after all, she had been pampered before.

 Unexpectedly, they did a good job.

  A hundred sheep go out in the morning and a hundred sheep come back.

 Even at night, there are quite a few.

There are dogs in the pasture, but the local dogs are not professional shepherd dogs. In the end, they still rely on human power.

  A sheep keeper went back to his hometown to get a wife, which made the dark clouds rise just fine.

However, Sister Ying is worried that Wu Yunzhu'er won't be able to do it for long because the job is tiring and boring.

 Normal people would probably be depressed if they faced a grassland with no one around every day.

 But Wuyunzhu'er doesn't seem to be able to.

 She seems to really like to look after the cattle and sheep alone.

 Also likes to talk to cattle and sheep.

 Even playing with the horses.

It has only been a month, and all the cattle, sheep and horses actually know her and have a good relationship with her.

When Sister Ying came to see her, she was in a good mood and ran over to say hello to Sister Ying.

 “Hello, madam.”

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay."

 “Have you been getting used to it in the past month?”

 There are quite a lot of mosquitoes in the grasslands.

Wuyun Zhuer took off his gauze hat and chuckled, "It's good. I was bitten by mosquitoes at first, but then I wrapped myself up tightly, not even a hair was exposed. Now I won't be bitten."

Sister Ying saw that she took off her hat, and she was actually a little whiter than a month ago, which showed that she had done a good job in sun protection.

 “Are you still used to food and accommodation?”

 The pastures sometimes migrate with cattle and sheep. They can only eat dry food on the road and live in tents.

 The living environment can be said to be relatively poor.

 But if the cattle and sheep are raised well, the monthly income will be high.

Wuyun Zhuer was very happy when he received ten taels of silver for the first time.

This is the first money she has made, and it is a considerable amount.

 Usually, waiters on the street only get one tael a month at most.

 The more expensive stores only cost three or four taels.

 It would be a big deal if she could get ten taels.

Seeing that she understood the joy of self-reliance, Sister Ying patted her on the shoulder and asked her to continue working hard.

 Lao San happened to be back from a mission.

He has been out this month and has never come back, for fear that the dark clouds will come.

But when I asked, I found out, "That shrew from Wuyun Zhu'er hasn't been here this month?"

 The housekeeper nodded, "Yes, that girl hasn't been here for a month."

 Lao San was surprised, "What's going on?"

 Could it be that the shrew didn’t come back because she knew he wasn’t at home?

 If it is true, it is too scheming.

"No, I won't come back for this year, because that scheming girl in the province is planning something bad."

Sister Ying grabbed him and said, "Okay, I'm doing a good job at the ranch. I won't bother you for the time being. You can just stay at home."

 Lao San didn’t believe it.

"Impossible. That woman looks like a scoundrel and is ugly. She must be relying on me because she can't get married. I can't do what she wants!"

Sister Ying.

"I told you that I didn't mention this issue again, why don't you believe it?" The third child naturally didn't believe it. "I'm so handsome and powerful, and all women like me. Especially that ugly guy, no one wants him at all, so how can he let me go?" Don’t want to wait?”

Wu Yunli grabbed him that day and forced him to marry her. The third child was vivid and cold.

Sister Ying knew he didn't believe it, so she said, "Believe it or not, it's up to you."

 Speaking, he went back to eat.

 The third child saw that his mother was so indifferent, so he became suspicious.

 “That shrew, you’re not really giving up, are you?”

 But he still felt it was impossible.

 After all, he is so handsome, how could she not blackmail him.

Out of curiosity, after eating, he secretly went to the pasture to take a peek.

 After arriving at the ranch, I discovered that this ugly monster seemed to really live in the ranch.

And judging from the way she cooks, she is already very skilled. I think she has been cooking by herself for the past month.

But it doesn’t taste good at all the way it is made. Which man would dare to want a wife like this?

  That is what I said, but I observed him for a whole day.

 It wasn’t until dark that I realized how boring the life on the ranch was.

 Hand in front of the cattle and sheep all day long, no one spoke to him. What does this woman think?

 Or, is this a trick on her part?

Want to pretend to be pitiful first and then win his sympathy?

 Lao San thinks it is very possible.

 Just continue to observe.

Sure enough, after a while, the shadow in the tent hugged his knees and started crying.

It turns out that Wuyun Zhuer accidentally burned his hand when he was cooking just now.

She felt sad when her hand hurt. In addition, no one in the family came to look for her this month. She thought of her dead grandmother again, and then she started crying sadly.

As soon as Lao San saw this formation, he immediately concluded that this woman was just faking it.

He snorted coldly and didn't look at it at all, just watching from outside.

 He wanted to see how long this woman could keep pretending.

 But after waiting for a long time, she didn't come out to pretend to be pitiful, but turned off the lights and went to sleep. Is this strange to him?

The third child waited for a long time until she fell asleep before entering the tent.

Seeing her sleeping like a dead pig, with no alertness at all, and no fear of bad people coming in, she is really stupid.

 He was disgusted and looked at others at the same time, feeling very conflicted.

After looking at it for a while, I realized, "Why is this woman so thin?"

 Shouldn’t girls from the prairie be fatter? Or does her family not provide meat?

The third child remembered what his mother had said. Her parents didn't like her, so they probably wouldn't give her meat.

 Similarly, in order to gain benefits from the mother, they give away their children. This shows that such parents will not treat her sincerely.

It’s no wonder she wanted to find a man to marry, but she had no place to go and no one to rely on, so she had to find a good man.

This can explain why she clings to him.

 Maybe it’s because of his excellence and handsomeness.

Hum, he is quite ugly, but he is quite discerning.

Black Cloud Zhuer

  Why do I always feel like there are mosquitoes buzzing around me? It’s really annoying.

Wuyun Zhuer clicked his tongue and remembered that the third child ran away immediately, leaving not a single cloud behind.

Wuyun Zhuer turned over and continued sleeping without waking up at all.

 Lao San snorted and went back directly.

 Find someone to watch her the next day to avoid letting this shrew die in the family ranch, which would be so embarrassing.

Sister Ying.

 Be stubborn, just be stubborn.

  One day I will be defeated by myself.

But Lao San is indeed famous for being easy to be soft-hearted.

 He has the hottest temper, but he is also the easiest to be soft-hearted.

 When I saw how miserable Wu Yunzhu'er was, my heart immediately softened, and there was no one left.

But after that, he didn’t know what was wrong with him, so he went to the pasture every now and then to look for Wuyun Zhuer.

 At one point, he deliberately provoked others with words, saying, "You stay in my pasture, don't you want to control my cattle and sheep, so that they only recognize you, and then make my mother unable to live without you?"

 (End of this chapter)

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