Chapter 115, Guessing Lantern Riddles

He hurriedly looked around and realized that Sister Ying was missing.

Looking up at Mrs. Wu's face, she said with a guilty conscience, "Madam, where is Sister Ying?"

  Wu glared at him, "What do you think?"

He was told to take good care of the child, but he only remembered it now.

Liang Jin also knew that he was wrong and felt guilty, "I, I will go find it right now."

 Wu has a headache. You shouldn't have given your daughter to him.

 Let a man take care of the children, it is better for her to take care of two.

Liang Jin hurriedly stepped forward to see his daughter.

 He is tall. Looking over, he immediately found Sister Ying's figure.

At this moment, Sister Ying, Sister Ting and Shumei were looking at silk tweed in front of a stall selling headwear.

Liang Jin raised the corner of his mouth before walking over.

 “Sister Ying?”

Sister Ying turned around and saw her father coming. Smiling, he ran over and hugged Liang Jin's thigh, "Dad, where have you been?"

Liang Jin huffed, "I, I'm following you."

 When I said this, I didn’t feel confident. I scratched my head and pretended that I didn’t lose the child.

Sister Ying didn't care about this. She picked up a silk flower with a smile and asked him, "Does this look good?"

Liang Jin nodded, "It looks good. My daughter is good-looking. She looks good in anything she wears."

After saying that, he suddenly thought of something, walked over to the stall, picked out a silk flower of Begonia flower, and prepared to give it to Mrs. Wu.

As soon as Mrs. Wu came over, before her eyes rolled over, a crabapple flower was placed on her head.

Liang Jin said flatteringly, "Madam, people are more beautiful than flowers, and I am talking about you. Look at the women here, none of them are prettier than you."

This flatterer was very sincere, and Mrs. Wu smiled after being coaxed by him.

She handed Kang Geer to him, "You can hold it, my mother and I have sore hands."

Liang Jin sighed and said, "Don't worry, I will look after you this time."

Old Mrs. Liang glanced at him sideways, "If you lose my darling grandson, let's see how I deal with you!"

Liang Jin sighed and reassured, "Don't worry, you can't lose him, he's my own son."

Seeing that they were talking for so long, Sister Ying ran to Jing Shirong's place to play with Sister Ting and the others.

Jing Shirong is also responsible for watching over Jing Yu and Jing Xin.

Jing Yu and Jing Xin are running around and jumping around. One moment they want to buy sweets, and the next they want to buy mung bean cakes.

Jing Shirong paid them money behind his back.

Sister Ying ran over and pulled his sleeve, "Brother Rong, what are you buying?"

Jing Shirong touched her little head and asked her, "Do you want to eat mung bean cake? Or soybean cake or chestnut cake."

  means to buy it for her.

Sister Ying walked to the pastry stall, sniffed and smelled the aroma of the pastries.

 She asked her boss, “Can I choose the same one?”

 The boss nodded, "Okay. Then I can choose one for you too?"

Sister Ying nodded, took out her pocket and asked the boss how much it cost.

The boss said, "One is five cents, and ten is fifty cents."

Sister Ying touched her pockets, as if she didn’t have enough money.

Jing Shirong came over and handed over the money. After paying the money, he took the cake and handed it to Sister Ying.

 “Now, take it.”

Sister Ying was a little touched when she saw him treating guests.

 “Brother Rong is so good~”

Jing Shirong twitched the corner of his mouth, Qing Jun's face showing tenderness.

  "What else do you want to eat? My brother has money." I will buy it for her regardless.

Sister Ying didn't have the nerve to ask for his money, so she said no, "This is enough for me. How about you buy some for your mother and the others?" Jing Shirong nodded and asked the boss for another pack.

After the two of them bought pastries, they saw Jing Yu and the others running to the side again, so they followed him.

Jing Shirong led Sister Ying over and told her, "Don't run around. If we get separated later, your mother will be sad."

Sister Ying originally wanted to run away, but when she saw what he said, she stopped obediently.

After all, I just got a cake from someone, so I have to listen to him for a while, right?

Jing Shirong saw her looking forward with big eyes, obviously wanting to run over, but she stood beside him obediently, looking cute and cute.

 He ​​suddenly remembered that she was also short when she was a child, but she sat obediently by the door and looked at him. He couldn't help but feel warm. He raised the corners of his cold mouth and touched the back of her head, "Let's go."

Sister Ying saw that he was suddenly so gentle, she smiled and held his hand, and walked with him to find Sister Ting and the others.

Jing Yu and Jing Xin are currently in front of the lantern riddle guessing booth, and they are solving lantern riddles with other teenagers.

Sister Ting and the others are also here.

Among a group of children, Sister Ting considers herself to be a poor student. She can be taught literacy, but she can forget about guessing lantern riddles. She can just watch the excitement.

Jing Shirong came over and looked at the titles of the lantern riddles. Qingjun's face was very calm, and he obviously knew the riddle.

Sister Ying also stood on tiptoes to look at the puzzle.

 “The girl from Saibei smiles to welcome the spring. Type one word.”

Jing Shirong didn’t even think about it, “case.”

 The boss smiled and asked him, "Young Master, please solve the problem."

 Jing Shirong, "Saibei" is linked to "倀", "girl" is linked to "女", and "春" is linked to "木" to form "case".

 The boss nodded, "Not bad." Jing Shirong said, "Young master, please look at the next question."

 “When the cuckoo crows, the cuckoo is red, here is an idiom.”

Jing Shirong thought for a moment and said, "It's vivid and colorful."

 The boss laughed loudly after hearing this, obviously liking his cleverness.

Jing Shirong guessed several guesses one after another, and all of them were correct.

 The boss smiled and asked him to choose a lantern.

Jing Shirong turned around and asked Sister Ying, "Which one does Sister Ying want?"

Sister Ying said "Huh?" and said in surprise, "Give me a choice?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "Yes, choose the one you like." He meant to give it to her.

Jing Yu and Jing Xin were very unhappy after hearing this.

“Brother, you are too biased. We also want lanterns.”

Jing Shirong looked at them with a cold face, "Don't you think you can even win a lantern? Do you still need me to give it to you?"

The three brothers and sisters study together every day. If Jing Yu and Jing Xin can't even guess a few puzzles, they will be punished when they go back.

Jing Yu and Jing Xin were agitated by him and wanted to refute, but they didn't dare.

 In the end, I could only guess lantern riddles angrily.

“Brother, wait, we will definitely come back with a lamp each.”

Jing Xin said "Huh?" and pushed Jing Yu unhappily, "You can just guess by yourself. Why bring me with you?"

 They know how to eat, drink and have fun on weekdays, but they don’t take reading seriously.

This will make you boast, but if you don't succeed later, you will be embarrassed.

Jing Shirong also wanted them to know his own weight, so he encouraged them a few more words.

“Then you go, we’ll watch here. My parents will be here soon, so you’d better hurry up.”

Jing Yu and Jing Xin looked back and saw that their parents were already walking towards them.

The brother and sister were sweating on their foreheads and wanted to run away, but they thought they would lose face if they ran away.

  While they were hesitating, Father Jing and the others came over.

Jing Shirong walked over and said to them, "Mom and dad, Jing Yu and Jing Xin want to win lanterns for you."

Jing's father stroked his beard and smiled, "Really? Well, then you two brothers and sisters can each win a lantern for me and your mother."

 (End of this chapter)

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