The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 116: , poor student and top student

Chapter 116: The scumbag and the top student

Jing Yu and Jing Xin saw that their father rarely asked for things from them, so they had no choice but to bite the bullet.

"Okay, then my sister and I will win a lantern for you and my mother."

 After saying that, he took Jing Xin together to guess lantern riddles.

The brother and sister looked at the lantern riddle, their heads were spinning.

Jing Xin even complained about him, "You can just guess for yourself what you want me to do. I am a woman, and it is a virtue for a woman to have no talent. How can I guess lantern riddles?"

Jing Yu glared at her, "It is virtue for a woman not to be talented. It means that a woman has talent but doesn't show it. I don't mean you are illiterate, you idiot!"

Poor people have never read books and don’t understand the meaning of this statement. Why do they say that it is virtuous for a woman to have no talent? Do you think that it is virtuous for a girl to not study? Is there any use for this idiot Jing Xin to read it?

Jing Xin quibbled, "Then that's what others said."

Jing Yu rolled his eyes at her, "That's why poor people say that because they can't afford to read. Which princess or official lady do you think doesn't study?"

Even the daughters of merchants are educated.

 The idea that it is virtue for a woman to have no talent is not because she has no money to send her daughter to school.

 The knowledge of today’s princesses is even better than that of the number one scholar.

Jing Xin was exposed by him and could not quibble, so he could only bite the bullet.

 The brother and sister watched lantern riddles together.

 The riddle of the first question: I feel angry in my stomach. Make an idiom.

 Jing Xin and Jing Xin met this question and answered it immediately.

 “Boss, I know this question.”

The two raised their hands together, and the boss asked them with a smile, "Are you brother and sister? Who comes first?"

Jing Xin raised his hand, "Me, me, I am the younger sister and I come first."

Jingyu refused, "Why, even though I was born a little earlier than you, and I'm not even one year older than you, I have to answer first."

 Jing Xin refused and was the first to give the answer, "My stomach is filled with anger. I use an idiom and the answer is to go all out."

Jing Yu saw that she had guessed the puzzle and went to the second question angrily.

 The second riddle is, "Xiang and Laojun are close neighbors, so make an idiom."

Jingyu quickly replied, "Walls have ears."

 The boss nodded, indicating that he was right. Let them move on to the next question.

Jing’s father was also watching carefully at this moment.

Jing Shirong and Sister Ying, on the other hand, stood aside and watched. They tortured Sister Ying as if they were young masters, "Wan Guan's family fortune was said to be in the past (guess an idiom). You guess."

Sister Ying said "Huh?" "Let me guess? Why?"

Jing Shirong looked at her seriously like a young master.

 “Test your skills.”

  In his free time on weekdays, he would explain to Sister Ying the topics she didn’t understand in the textbook.

 Today I am taking this opportunity to test his teaching effectiveness.

Sister Ying snorted, "If I guess wrong, will you be angry?"

Although she usually brags to Mrs. Liang about how good she is, compared with Jing Shirong, she is a scumbag and a top student.

Jing Shirong saw that she looked guilty and pretended to be cold to scare her.

“I will give you three chances and six riddles. As long as you answer five of them correctly, I won’t be angry with you. If you get all six of them wrong, I will tell Granny Liang when you get back.”

Sister Ying huffed and was about to explain when Jing Shirong said again.

 “I might even tell your mother.”

Sister Ying.

 Hmm, you play so hard.

If Mrs. Liang knew that she got all six questions wrong, she would scold her a few times at most.

 But her mother is different.

 Although her mother usually loves her so much, she is very strict when it comes to her studies.

 Perhaps because she is a girl, her mother hopes that she can be better so as not to be looked down upon in the future, so she is very strict with her studies.

Jing Shirong said this, which made her afraid to be careless.

 “Well, that’s good, then let me take a guess.”

 She usually plays around and studies very seriously, so she probably won’t get too many wrong answers.

Jing Shirong told her a riddle, "When Wan Guan's family was rich, let's use an idiom."

Sister Ying thought for a while and said, "I have something to say first."

Jing Shirong nodded, "Okay, next question." "Live up to the bright moon on Mid-Autumn Night, use an idiom."

Sister Ying, "Victory is in sight."

Jing Shirong saw that she answered quite quickly, so he nodded with satisfaction.

The remaining lantern riddle was more difficult. Sister Ying hesitated for a while, and she guessed several times with a sad face, but she guessed wrong every time.

Jing Shirong knew that the following questions were more difficult and were specifically targeted at talented people. It was normal for Sister Ying not to understand them.

However, he didn’t show any expression that you would not be normal for this question. Instead, he deliberately showed a disappointed expression.

 He looked at Sister Ying with a disappointed look on his face, "You don't know how to answer this question?"

 He said this deliberately, and Sister Ying suddenly felt that she was too stupid?

 She bit her finger and looked at the topic carefully.

 “Don’t alienate Yang Chengzhai, use an idiom.”

She thought about it for a while, as if she wanted to remember vaguely, but couldn't remember it for a while.

Jing Shirong picked up her little palm and patted it twice.

“It’s not far away.” Song Dynasty poet Yang Wanli, also known as Chengzhai. "Didn't I tell you last time? Why did you forget it again?"

Sister Ying suddenly realized what she was doing.

 “Yeah, I forgot about it.”

 She had been thinking about Yang Chengzhai just now, but she suddenly couldn't remember it.

 Just saying.

Mrs. Wu brought Kang Geer and others over.

Seeing that the children were all guessing lantern riddles, she came over and asked, "How many questions did Sister Ying guess correctly?"

Sister Ying snorted, "I'm just guessing."

 Wu Shi looked at Jing Shirong, "Really?"

Jing Shirong saw Sister Ying looking at him eagerly, and then told Mrs. Wu, "My sister has answered four questions correctly, but she still needs to work hard."

Mrs. Wu has always admired knowledgeable people. Jing Shirong was erudite and talented at a young age, and Mrs. Wu liked him very much.

Now my daughter has only answered four questions correctly, so she must not have worked hard enough.

So Wu Shi stuffed a pack of snacks into Jing Shirong, "This is the shredded squid that my aunt just passed by and bought. It was picked up by people at the beach to sell. I just tasted it and it tasted very good. I bought a pack for you." "

Jing Shirong knew that Mrs. Wu was fixing the bundle for him, so he accepted it with a smile.

 “Then thank you, aunt.”

Mrs. Wu hurriedly said no, and gave him a bag of sugar-fried chestnuts to bribe him, "Sister Ying is very playful, and she still needs you, a little teacher, to teach her more."

Jing Shirong nodded meekly, "I can spare it. I will definitely educate Sister Ying more in the future."

 Wu was relieved to have his approval and was in a very good mood.

 A mother is happiest when her daughter can study well.

As long as she has good literary talent, it will be a plus for her to get married in the future.

Turning around, he told Sister Ying, "You have only answered four questions correctly today, which shows that you are not studying seriously enough. I will check your homework next time to prevent you from fooling me."

Sister Ying said, "Huh?" with a bitter look on her face. "Actually, I still have one question left to answer, not counting four."

There were originally a total of six light puzzles, and they had just answered the fifth one, and there was still one left to answer.

 Wu Shi didn’t listen to her explanation.

 “That’s because you answered too slowly. All the questions were taken away by others.”

Otherwise, how could it take her so long to answer five of the six questions? I must have thought about it for a long time without answering. It shows that you are still not trying hard enough.

Sister Ying:…

 If she is afraid, she should study seriously in the future.

 Otherwise, if you become a scumbag, you will be disliked by the whole family.

Jing Shirong was naturally pleased to see that she had a desire to learn.

He became a master for the first time, and he also hoped that his students would achieve success in their studies and would not forget to live up to his teachings.

Sister Ying also knows that she must study more seriously in the future, lest her family suddenly ask her questions.

 If you can’t answer it then, your **** will burst into flames.

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 (End of this chapter)

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