Chapter 118, Shumei’s blind date

 After a while, the handsome man in luxurious clothes came towards them.

Shumei really started to stutter when she saw people coming over.

 “I, me, me, he, he, he.”

Sister Ting laughed loudly and asked Sister Ying to say, "Look, I said she can stutter."

The handsome man seemed not to notice them and left directly in front of them.

Shumei waited until the others left, then patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

 “Mom, you scared me to death.”

Sister Ying asked her, "What are you afraid of?"

Shumei breathed a sigh of relief, "I don't know, I just couldn't speak suddenly."

 She didn't know she had this problem before, and she would stutter whenever she saw a handsome man.

Sister Ting said mischievously, "Sister Shumei, why don't you look at the ugly man?" Let's see what the effect is.

Shumei actually went to see it.

 When a not-so-good-looking man passed by her, she opened her eyes and saw that he didn't stutter.

Sister Ting laughed loudly.

“Look, I was really intimidated by her beauty, hahaha.”

Shumei gave her an angry look, "Stop talking nonsense."

The three of them were chatting and laughing, and then Mrs. Liang and Mrs. Jing came out.

They did not go out to play wildly with the children, but went to the second floor of the inn to sit and drink tea and look at the scenery.

 After chatting for a while, I will come down to find them.

Liang Jin and the others also came back with a lantern and were ready to go back.

 Everyone had something in their hands, large and small bags, obviously spent money.

Liang Jin led the way and led them home together.

 A few more days.

Mrs. Liang asked Sister Ying to call Shumei over.

As soon as Shumei heard that Mrs. Liang called her, she knew that there was news about the noodle shop.

 She put down her embroidery shed and followed Sister Ying over secretly.

Old Mrs. Liang asked Nanny Xu to lock the door, and the three of them talked in the room.

Sister Ying also came to join in the fun.

Mrs. Liang looked outside the door and saw no one, so she said to Shumei.

“Today I went to the noodle shop and asked the noodle boy what he wanted. After hearing your situation, he was willing to wait for you for two years.”

"He will try to earn some betrothal gifts for you in the next two years. Then the yard will be renovated to build a new house."

 “The rest depends on whether you are willing or not.”

Shumei felt that the other party was quite sincere.

Although she is not very rich, she is motivated and hard-working, and is willing to give her a betrothal gift. I think she has a pretty good character.

She thought for a while and discussed with Mrs. Liang, "How about we take a look at him together? We have to see what he looks like. It's best not to be too ugly."

 As long as you have good character and are not ugly, everything will be easy.

Mrs. Liang thought this was the truth, so she said, "Well, you can come with me tomorrow to have a look. Then take Sister Ying with you and we will go quietly."

 Because the marriage has not yet been completed, naturally no gossip can be spread, and of course it must be kept low-key.

Shumei nodded and said good, then went back.

Sister Ying asked, "Grandma wants to introduce someone to Sister Shumei?"

Mrs. Liang raised her eyebrows and looked at her, "Who else do you understand?"

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Of course, I have been studying very hard recently."

 But the truth is that since Wu gave Jing Shirong a delicious bribe, Jing Shirong has obviously become stricter with Sister Ying's teaching.

Sister Ying no longer goes to study at Shangzu, but comes directly to his place to listen to Jing's father's lectures with her three brothers and sisters.

 Because Mrs. Wu felt that her daughter would not learn anything by going to the clan to study. Instead, I learned a lot from Jing Shirong. It would be better to come directly to Jing’s house to study. She will just give you more food in the future.

Thanks to sister Ying, the Jing family can eat soup and fried meat sent by Mrs. Wu every day.

 Because Sister Ying joined in, Father Jing also gave her a few words of explanation from time to time.

  Sometimes I think she doesn’t understand, but it turns out that everyone else understands and can draw inferences.

Jing’s father was overjoyed, feeling that he had finally received a good student.

There are three children in the family, and Jing Shirong has his true heritage. He is good at literature and martial arts, and he can also ride a horse and shoot arrows.

The remaining two younger ones were incompetent in both writing and martial arts, and they almost **** him off.

Now that I found a smart sister Ying, I was naturally very happy, so I taught her more patiently.

Sister Ying was not bad at reading.

Especially Jing’s father’s teaching method is very novel, just like telling stories. She enjoys listening to it and is more motivated to learn.

Liang Jin sometimes envied his daughter for coming to Jing's house to study, and sometimes he would secretly come over to attend classes.

On the surface, I came to see my daughter study, but in fact, I came to attend the class by myself.

 Wu Laosi has gone back to the Wu family.

They have been away for more than half a year, and they must go back, otherwise they will be accused of living at the mother-in-law's house and eating and drinking for free.

  Occasionally, he would collect the topics that he didn’t understand and bring Liang Qing back when he had time. By the way, I want to ask Father Jing.

Liang Jin also saved up a bunch of questions before asking them, so as not to annoy others if he came here every day.

Jing’s father is also a good-natured man, and he always answers questions.

Sister Ying is young, and sometimes she helps her father ask questions. After Jing’s father answers, she goes back and tells her father.

Liang Jin was taught three meals a day by her, and he could read even difficult books smoothly.

Mrs. Wu saw how diligent her father and daughter were, and she was in a good mood. She tried her best to bring food to the Jing family every day.

Jing’s father liked to have a drink every day, so she sent him a lot of sauced pig ears and dried pork.

 On the second day.

Old Mrs. Liang took Sister Ying and Shumei and went to the noodle shop together.

 The three of them walked along the path together and pretended to go to the store to buy noodles.

Old Mrs. Liang told the noodle boy in advance yesterday that she would bring Shumei to have a look with him today.

That noodle boy’s name is Dadong.

 He is a very hard-working young man.

 His family is not poor either. But my father was ill and took medicine all year round, which made the family very poor. Now there is only one noodle shop among the three shops.

 The family can no longer afford workers, so he has to do the work in the store by himself.

But he has no brothers or sisters in his family, he is the only one.

There is a mother-in-law above. Her eyesight is no longer working well, but she has a gentle temper. Shumei can marry her and she can either take care of her mother-in-law at home or help in the store.

As long as she is not afraid of hardship, she will be able to enjoy happiness when Dadong earns money in the future.

Shumei doesn’t dislike Dadong’s conditions either.

Their family is not poor, but her grandmother may not be able to find a good match for her.

 A woman’s second reincarnation is when she marries. If she marries the wrong person, her whole life will be ruined. She doesn’t want her grandmother to choose for her, she wants to choose herself.

 Dadong had met Shumei before and knew that she was a hard-working woman.

Old Mrs. Liang told her all about Shumei's conditions, and he thought it was pretty good.

 Marry a virtuous wife, and as long as the other person is willing to live a good life with him, he will also fight hard for the family.

Old Mrs. Liang brought Shumei into the store and coughed, "Dadong, have you finished baking the noodles I ordered from you last time?"

As soon as Dadong heard Mrs. Liang's voice, he knew that she had brought someone here, and he quickly greeted, "It's ready to be dried. It's in the backyard. I'll take you to pick it out."

 After saying that, he glanced at Shumei secretly.

 Unexpectedly, Shumei was also secretly looking at him. The two looked at each other and lowered their heads shyly.

 (End of this chapter)

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