Chapter 119, Shumei secretly gets engaged

Seeing that they were shy, Mrs. Liang coughed and reminded him, "Quickly lead the way, we'll go back to cook noodles."

 Dadong quickly invited them to the backyard.

 Their family is in the noodle business and sells mostly noodles.

 The backyard is used to dry yellow noodles or rice noodles.

Mrs. Liang did the whole show and pulled Shumei over, asking Dadong to show them how to eat these noodles.

Dadong’s ears turned red with embarrassment after seeing the graceful Shumei.

The good taste of selling noodles on weekdays will not even say a word.

 Old lady Liang introduced him to the topic and asked Shumei, "What kind of noodles do you usually like to eat? Tell Dadong and let him help you choose."

Shumei herself blushed, but she was bolder than Dadong.

She glanced at Dadong and said, "I usually like to eat braised noodles. Yellow noodles with braised noodles, preferably with meat, eggs, and bean sprouts. It would be even better if there are shrimp and fish balls."

This is a hard dish that their family only has during the Chinese New Year.

 Her grandmother usually digs meat to death and only gives meat to her grandchildren. She and her sisters never want to eat meat.

 Because she has been deprived of food for a long time, Shumei likes to eat hard vegetables such as meat.

After hearing this, Dadong immediately said, "The yellow noodles have been dried, I will wrap them for you. As for the braised pork, you need to use fresh pork to press the oil."

“The marinade made from lard is the most fragrant.”

Seeing that he said it was so delicious, Shumei asked him, "Can you cook?"

Dadong nodded shyly, "Yes, I usually cook at home."

After finishing speaking, he added, "When you get married, I will also cook you delicious food."

 You mean you don’t want her to cook anymore?

 This is something you don’t find in ordinary people’s homes.

 Men are already in the minority when it comes to cooking. Especially those who have a wife, they don’t want to cook.

 Dadong’s ability to say this shows his sincerity.

 Seeing that he had that intention, Mrs. Liang looked at Shumei.

Shumei was shy and said she would go back and ask her parents.

Old Mrs. Liang nodded and asked Dadong to pick some noodles and the two of them took them back together.

 When Shumei finally wanted to pay, Dadong refused and gave her some meatloaf to eat on the way.

This was the first time Shumei was given food by a man, and she was inexplicably moved.

 She took a serious look at Dadong and asked him, "If you marry me in the future, will you really be good to me?"

Da Dong also nodded seriously, "I can't say how good it is, but if there is meat at home, I will give it to you first. I will also take care of the money I earn."

These words were the most truthful. Shumei liked to hear them, so she said, "Wait for my news."

 She thinks Dadong people are nice.

 There is no messy relationship at home.

 Since she got married, she doesn’t have to face difficult parents-in-law, and her family is clean. She is quite satisfied.

Seeing that she was satisfied, Mrs. Liang took them back together.

 After returning home, Mrs. Liang asked Sister Ying.

 “What do you think of this? Can it be done?”

Sister Ying nodded and put her hands behind her back like an old man, with the small one pretending to be mature.

 “I think it’s very good.”

Mrs. Liang was amused by her and said, "Speak well."

Sister Ying smiled and stopped pretending. She ran over and said, "I think it's good. There are no messy relatives in the Dadong family. There is only one old lady with a gentle temper in the family. If Sister Shumei gets married, she can be the master of the family. fine."

Moreover, Dadong’s temperament makes it clear that he will love his wife at first glance.

If Shumei marries him, she will be happy in the future.

Seeing that she was not stupid, Mrs. Liang agreed, "I just think Dadong people are nice, so I dare to introduce them to Shumei."

Otherwise, if the other person has bad character and she introduces him to him, wouldn’t it harm him for the rest of his life? Seeing how responsible she was, Sister Ying hugged Old Mrs. Liang's thigh and complimented her a few more times.

 “You still have a good eye for things.”

Mrs. Liang said happily, "That's right."

 The next step depends on what Shumei’s parents want.

Shumei told her parents about the incident after she returned home.

 After hearing this, her parents were quite satisfied.

But you can't tell Mrs. Zhou, Grandmother Shumei, about this, otherwise something bad will happen.

So the three members of the family kept it secret from Mrs. Zhou and waited for Shumei to get engaged next year, so they directly made a reservation with the big boss.

I still remember that on the day of Shumei’s engagement, Dadong brought half a carriage’s worth of things, big and small, which looked very sincere.

Shumei’s family is not poor, but they are not rich either.

Dadong was very considerate in bringing so many things to propose marriage.

Mr. Zhou didn’t even know that Shumei’s parents had betrothed Shumei to someone else. She was quite angry when Dadong came to propose marriage.

 She originally wanted to marry Shumei to the wife of a town member on the other side as her concubine.

 They have already agreed with her that the entrance fee will be three hundred taels.

Who would have thought that Shumei and the others would have arranged the marriage secretly.

Mr. Zhou was so angry that she couldn't spit out the money that was almost in her mouth. She immediately got angry and refused to let Dadong bring the things in.

Shumei had been on guard against her for a long time. She carried Dadong's things directly into her room and locked the door.

He put his hands on his waist and competed with Mrs. Zhou, "I said, grandma, Dadong and I have already arranged to get married, and we have exchanged the Geng tie. We can get married next year."

 “You’d better keep out of trouble, otherwise it won’t be good for your reputation if word spreads.”

Mrs. Zhou had a fierce look on her face, "Who agreed! It's not your turn to make the decision in your marriage!"

Shumei has become taller and taller in the past two years. She has money and confidence, so she is not afraid of her.

She was taller than Mrs. Zhou, so she immediately looked down on her, "Grandma is joking, Dadong and I have already gone to the Yamen to sign the marriage certificate, and we are already members of Dadong's family. If you want to sell me, I'm afraid you won't be able to sell me." It’s possible~”

Don't think she doesn't know, Mrs. Zhou has already agreed with the matchmaker that next year she will be sent to the town member's wife's house on the other side to be a concubine in a small sedan.

 Fortunately, Sister Ying is smart and knows about getting a marriage certificate.

 Once the marriage contract is signed, she will be Dadong’s wife.

If Mrs. Huang dares to give her away, she should go to the Yamen and file a complaint.

Mr. Zhou didn’t understand that, so she immediately started scolding her with her hands on her hips.

Shumei didn't bother to pay attention to her and went back to the house to count the wedding gifts.

 As for her parents and sisters at home, Shumei also helped them figure out where to go.

“Mom and Dad, there is still an empty yard in the backyard of Dadong’s house. You can move there when the time comes. Our whole family will sell noodles together, and we will buy a big yard when we make money.”

Shumei Niang was very moved after hearing this.

 She has wanted to leave this home for a long time.

But Shumei's father was a little hesitant. He had been beaten and scolded by Mrs. Zhou all his life, and he had become servile and did not dare to resist at all.

 But Shumei Niang has endured it for too many years and doesn’t want to endure it anymore.

He said directly, "If you don't leave, divorce your wife. Then I will take some of my daughters with me. You will die here forever!"

These words are harsh, but very effective.

Sure enough, Shumei's father was persuaded to let them move over first, and he would take the rear.

 When Mrs. Zhou saw that they dared to move away, she immediately wanted to make a fuss.

The clan leaders who made the final fuss came out, and Shumei had already prepared her speech.

She said, "Our whole family is a daughter, and we eat as a family. I feel embarrassed that I always eat what my uncle and the others have to eat. So why don't we just move out and sell noodles together to make some money, enough for the whole family to eat and drink, so that we don't have to eat at the expense of my poor grandma? Wouldn't that be great? ?”

 What she meant was that the whole family went out to make money to make a living, and it was not a separation. There was nothing wrong with it at all, and the patriarch naturally had no objection.

Good night~



 (End of this chapter)

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