Chapter 120, start learning

The patriarch was quite sensible. Seeing that Shumei's words were reasonable, he agreed, "Mrs. Zhou, since Shumei's family is going out to make a living, let them move out. They didn't say they wanted to separate the family. What are you talking about?"

Mr. Zhou only believes in them that there are ghosts.

 She didn’t believe that Shumei’s family didn’t want to separate.

Even though they are all women, they earn a lot and have a lot of labor. They do all the laundry and cooking at home.

How can they think about happiness if these losers leave?

 But when people say she wants to go out to make a living, what can she say?

 You can’t just say you won’t let them go?

If this sentence is true, and the family will rely on her to lose money and goods in the future, then she will suffer a big loss.

Just when Mrs. Zhou hesitated, the patriarch said directly, "Since you have no objection, let them move."

"First of all, if you don't agree with them splitting up, then let them keep their house."

Mrs. Zhou refused, "Why, they all left and the house was left."

The grandsons at home are getting older and it’s time for them to get married a long time ago. The three free rooms are perfect for them to find wives.

Thinking about it this way, it would be good for Shumei and her family to move out.

So Mrs. Huang changed her mind and said, "Since they want to move, let's move. It's considered a family separation."

Seeing her careful calculation, Shumei said, "Since we are dividing the family, we will convert the yard into silver. Grandma giving us the money can be regarded as compensation for us."

 When Mrs. Zhou heard that she wanted to give her money, of course she refused.

"You eat at home, live at home, and you want my money, but there is no way out!"

Shumei sneered and said, "What grandma said is really unpleasant. Over the years, my father, my mother, and I, I believe everyone can see how much money the three of us have earned for our family."

“Grandma really refuses to give us any money. Well, let’s sign a letter today. We don’t want the house, and grandma won’t want to support us in the future.”

These words were harsh enough, but Shumei's family felt happy after hearing them.

This is the advice given to Shumei by Sister Ying and Mrs. Liang.

He said that Mrs. Zhou would not give up so easily and told her to be more careful.

Sure enough, her grandmother was not a person.

They want all the benefits, but they don't care at all that their family doesn't even have any money when they go out. It's really heartless.

 Since grandma is ruthless, don’t blame her for being unrighteous.

 “Either give me money or create a written certificate. Grandma chooses.”

Although their family is all about girls, they never stop working and making money. It was impossible to just clean up and move out.

Mr. Zhou's heart aches when she hears money. How could she give them money?

 If you don’t give money, you will have less pension money in the future.

So she sat on the ground and wanted to make trouble.

But the patriarch was a sensible person and knew Mrs. Zhou’s character, so he said so.

“Mrs. Zhou, all the brothers in our town have the same family division. Either you give them money or you give them a house. Choose one of the two.”

“It’s impossible for you to have your house taken over and have no money left, and still be able to support you in your old age. There’s nothing like this in the world.”

 Other tribesmen also agreed.

It is impossible to evict people without giving them a penny, and they still need pension money. How can it be such a good thing?

Mr. Zhou was very angry when she saw them acting together, but she had no choice.

 In the end, he could only reluctantly stand up and said, "If you make a written pledge, make a written note. But make sure you agree in advance that if anything happens to you in the future, don't come back to borrow money from me!"

 The family is poor, and they thought it would be better if they left her.

 Hum, dreaming.

Sister Ying looked on and felt that Mrs. Zhou was really talking too much.

I don’t want to think about how much embroidery money Shumei has earned for her family in the past few years?

Including Shumei’s father, he has been working out, and the whole family is a labor force, so Mrs. Zhou can’t figure out what to do.

But this is fine.

 Separating the family will save you a lot of trouble in the future.

 In addition, Dadong’s yard does not require rent from them. In the future, the whole family will be able to sell noodles together and they will definitely be able to do a good business.

 Let Mrs. Zhou regret it when the time comes.

Shumei thought so too, so she signed the document happily. Later, Mrs. Zhou wanted Shumei's marriage proposal again, saying that she was a grandmother and things should be given to her.

Shumei was too lazy to listen to her, so she just moved her things and left.

 Finally, the whole family settled in the yard next to Dadong, and the family began to learn how to make noodles from Dadong.

 In the coming year, the whole family will be able to make noodles.

 Business is not only good, but a noodle shop has also been opened.

 When the family saves money, they can repair the old yard.

 In the autumn of the next year, Shumei got married with great splendor.

 As a matchmaker, Mrs. Liang was invited to the table.

Sister Ying also went over to join in the fun.


 In the autumn of three years, Liang Jin went to the state capital with Wu Laosi and Chen's brother-in-law, preparing to show off their talents.

Liang Jin and Wu Laosi are more confident this time.

 Because over the past year or so, they have learned a lot from Jing's father, and they all understand the meaning of words for difficult problems, and they are more confident than they were three years ago.

Brother-in-law Chen also spent a lot of money and went to an old school to study for more than half a year, and he also made some progress.

This time the three of them went to take the exam together, hoping to win the exam and come back.

Mrs. Wu is much calmer this time, and she still takes care of her children every day, or goes to the bacon shop.

 On the other hand, Mrs. Liang is still extremely nervous and burns incense and worships Buddha every day.

Sister Ying saw this and said, "Grandma, why don't we worship on the mountain?"

 Just going out to have some fun.

 She has been exhausted from studying recently.

Jing’s father thought that she was a good young girl, so he always gave her more difficult subjects.

 Wu would stare at her every time until she finished writing.

 Strict so that no one dares to relax!

And now not only reading, Wu also started to teach her how to needle and thread.

 She has great hope that her daughter will become a phoenix. I hope my daughter can become a talented person, be a prostitute, be good at cooking, and be able to manage accounts.

I wish I could teach Sister Ying to be the best girl in town.

Sister Ying's daily schedule was full. She wanted to go out to play several times, but Mrs. Wu refused.

 In the end, Mrs. Liang, who was rarely seen feeling distressed, asked Mrs. Wu, "Are you being stricter with her? She is still young."

 But Mrs. Wu changed from her usual loving motherly nature and said the same thing.

“She is six years old. In the past few years, it was okay to let her play around. Now that she is older, it is time to learn from the female celebrities.”

 Handdressing, cooking skills, and accounting books all need to be learned over time. You can't learn it in a day.

 So Mr. Wu would not give in to Sister Ying's studies. She must be allowed to excel in her studies.

When Mrs. Liang saw her daughter-in-law, she told her that no one had the momentum, so she had to run away.

Sister Ying knew that her mother was doing it for her own good, so she had no choice but to give up the time for fun and go to learn to be a girl.

This time her father seldom traveled far away, so she wanted to go out to burn incense and worship Buddha, and take a breather.

Mrs. Liang knew what she meant, so she told Mrs. Wu.

“I took Sister Ying and Brother Kang to the mountain to worship Buddha and seek good luck for Brother Jin.”

Mr. Wu thought this idea was acceptable and agreed.

As soon as Sister Ying saw that she could go out to play, she ran out quickly.

Seeing her running away, Mrs. Wu shook her head and said, "What a little brat."

Thought she didn't know she wanted to play?

 She knew that her daughter was tired from studying, so she deliberately let her go out to play for a day.

 A silly girl.

 (End of this chapter)

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