Chapter 121, Learning to ride a horse

Orange Mrs. Liang took Sister Ying and Kang Geer out to worship Buddha in the temple on the mountain.

 Grandpa and grandson were very happy along the way.

 It’s rare to go out for a ride, and everyone is in a good mood.

 When they got to the mountain, they went to worship Buddha first, and then drew lots.

The lot is inserted into the bamboo tube.

Mrs. Liang picked it up, closed her eyes, shook it sincerely, and finally a lot came out.

 She went to find the master to interpret the signature, and was finally told that it was a "Shang Shang signature."

Mr. Liang was overjoyed and said, "Okay, sign it. I just said that the magpies have been chirping these days."

It seems that her son will definitely win the exam this time.

It is best for the two sons-in-law to be married together, so that the two daughters can also live a good life.

Sister Ying also blessed her father, her uncle, and her eldest uncle to win the election.

Kang Geer followed her example and bowed together.

 After visiting the temple, the three of them went back together.

On the way back, Sister Ying said shrewdly, "Grandma, I want to go and play with Brother Rong."

In recent years, Jingjia’s wine has been selling better and better.

The price is getting higher and higher.

However, Jingfu doesn’t make much wine, and only sells fifty jars a month.

 And it’s the kind of small altar.

But those who like his wine, no matter how high the price, will come here.

 Including Jing Shirong’s horse farm, it has been gradually renovated in the past two years.

 The horse I bought before was small, a recently born foal.

Jing’s father wanted his son to raise the horse himself so that the horse and its owner would be close to each other.

Jing Shirong also agreed, and went to feed the horses goat milk and tender grass little by little.

Sister Ying then learned that the Jing family had bought a horse and ran over to see it every day.

 And together with Jing Shirong, he fed the horses food.

 Now the little black horse has grown up, tall and strong.

Jing Shirong would ride a horse to the racecourse after reading every day.

His horse farm is relatively simple, just cut the weeds short and feed the rest to the horses.

Sister Ying went over to see it. The racecourse was quite big and it was a wasteland.

 No food grows, but a lot of weeds.

Jing Shirong took matters into his own hands and almost cut all the weeds.

 The ground looks like a green lawn.

Jing Yu and Jing Xin only have one horse, so they alternate between horses.

 The two brothers and sisters often quarreled over the horse.

After Jing's father heard this, he just said, "If you have money, you two can buy one for yourselves. If you don't have money, just shut up."

 Horses are expensive not only in the countryside but also in the city.

 Ordinary people cannot afford it.

 It was not easy for Jing’s father to get them two horses.

If they dare to make any more noise, they can directly ask for horses to be given to Sister Ying, and not even one will be given to them to ride.

 Jing Yu and Jing Xin are usually the big devils among the children in the streets and alleys.

 But in Jing’s father’s house, he was like a cat, afraid to fart.

Jingfu asked them to ride one, three, five, and they changed their horses and did not dare to mess around.

But there were still occasional fights, but Jing’s father didn’t see them.

Sister Ying sometimes goes there and wants to ride and watch.

Jing Shirong would sometimes put her on the horse, hold the horse's rope, and take her for a walk.

Sister Ying grabbed the saddle and said dejectedly, "Brother Rong, what I want is galloping, not walking."

 She wants something that can be driven and run on a horse.

 It's not like walking slowly.

Jing Shirong gave her a cold look, "Do you dare to ride?"

 The horse started to run quickly, which was not as beautiful as she thought.

 If you don’t know how to ride, your **** will be cracked.

Sister Ying didn’t believe it at first.

I have never run before, so who knows what he is talking about.

Seeing that she didn't believe it, Jing Shirong simply got on his horse, shouted "Drive!" with her, and ran away.

The horse is tall and big, and it runs very fast. Horses have four hooves and run tick-tick-tick. Of course, the people on the horse will bump.

 Especially young horses, very fast. Sister Ying was almost thrown out.

She said "Ah!", grabbed the saddle tightly, and screamed in fright.

After Jing Shirong looked at it, instead of being comforted, she secretly raised the corner of her mouth and smiled as if she was watching the fun.

 Finally, the horse ran a lap and Jing Shirong stopped the horse.


 After the horse stopped, Sister Ying’s hair was all crooked. (subverted)

 Coupled with the strong wind, the beautiful hairstyle was almost blown away.

It was only now that she realized that those girls on TV who rode horses with great valor did not have strong equestrian skills, so they might not be able to ride so beautifully.

Especially because this horse has so much power, it doesn’t even know what slowing down means when running, and it’s so fast that it makes people feel messy in the wind.

After Jing Shirong laughed, he regained his expression of watching the fun, and then dismounted expressionlessly.

 He dismounted, took Sister Ying down, and asked her, "How is it? Are you still driving?"

Sister Ying is embarrassed:…

 “I won’t drive anymore.”

 She came down to the ground and her legs were weak.

 Looks like I have to learn how to ride a horse slowly.

 It’s a good thing that she has a big heart.

 I was frightened half to death by the horse one day, and I continued to ride it the next day.

Jing Shirong was convinced by her.

 It is completely impossible to gain wisdom by eating every hardship and gaining wisdom with this little girl.

Some people were scared to death the first time, but the next day they were still full of energy when they went riding. They didn’t know what they were afraid of.

 In the practice of riding once and being scared once.

Sister Ying can actually ride a horse.

 And the riding skills are pretty good.

Maybe she grew up with Xiao Hei, and Xiao Hei kissed her, so she ran smoothly with him.

Jing Shirong asked her to try Jing Yu’s horse after her riding skills became more stable.

 But Jingyu's horse was so arrogant that no one would be allowed to ride it.

Jing Yu and Jing Xin were thrown down many times before they could ride on them.

Although Xiao Huang and Xiao Hei came to the Jing family from childhood and grew up with the children.

 But people just have personality.

 Just won’t let you ride!

It will pretend to be dead if anyone goes up to it and just fall to the ground.

 It's okay for an acquaintance, it's just pretending to be dead.

 If a stranger tries to ride it, it will get mad and kick.

At this moment, Shi Rong tried to put Sister Ying up. Xiao Huang's eyes turned sideways and he immediately fell to the ground with a bang, unable to get up.

Sister Ying was laughed out loud by her little thief.

 In the end, I stopped riding it and continued to ride Xiao Hei.

Wu was opposed to her riding a horse at first, fearing the danger.

 Looking at the scene later, Shi Rong was there, so I didn’t object.

Jing Shirong almost brought up Sister Ying. He is a steady person and is patient with children.

 Wu trusted him very much.

 She felt that her daughter had become excellent after studying with Jing Shirong.

 Not only can she read and write, she can also ride a horse and shoot an arrow. She knows almost everything that a wealthy family can do.

 So Mrs. Wu admired Jing Shirong very much and regarded him as Sister Ying's little teacher.

Even Kang Geer and Mr. Wu wanted Jing Shirong to teach him.

Jing Shirong has a good relationship with the Liang family, and he doesn’t mind teaching another brother Kang.

But compared to Sister Ying when she was a child, Kang Geer, apart from being cute, is really not interested in studying at all.

 As soon as he reads, he goes to sleep.

 When it’s time to eat, there’s no need to bark. He sniffs his nose and gets up on his own.

Wu Shi scolded him several times and scolded him, but as soon as he listened to the book, he felt like sleeping, like a dead pig, and he couldn't wake up.

Mrs. Wu was so angry with him that she had no choice but to send him to a clan school and let a strict master carve him.

Jing Shirong, “Are you still driving?”

Sister Ying said, "Haha, I'm not getting married."

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 (End of this chapter)

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