Chapter 122, Kang Geer was beaten

 Compared to his elder sister, Kang Geer is simply a poor student.

When Sister Ying was little, Mrs. Wu thought she didn’t work hard.

 But when I got to my son, I realized what it meant, "There is no harm without contrast."

Sister Ying did not like reading when she was a child, but at least she knew the Three Character Classics, the Four Books and the Five Classics.

 But when he came to Kang Geer, not only could he not know the Four Books and Five Classics, he could not even memorize the Three Character Classics.

Wu sometimes asked him to memorize it, but he hesitated for a long time and couldn't recite twenty words. Wu was so angry that he wanted to beat him.

 In the end, it was useless even if Mrs. Liang came.

Mrs. Liang saw that her grandson was so frightened by Mrs. Wu that she was about to cry. Just as she was about to come over to persuade him, Mrs. Wu looked at him with anger, and Mrs. Liang became frightened herself.

 Her authority as the head of the family is not bad.

 But she had no say at all in Wu’s education of her children.

 Wu is usually very talkative and can do anything she is asked to do.

 But when it comes to the children's matters, she has always insisted that she must make the decision herself.

 For example, when she scolded Brother Kang and Sister Ying, no one was allowed to intervene.

  When the child cried, Mrs. Wu did not allow the family to take care of it.

Especially when Kang Geer didn't study well, Wu was so angry that he hit his palm with a ruler. Brother Kang screamed in pain, and Mrs. Wu showed no mercy.

Old Mrs. Liang was so frightened that she could only run away in despair.

  Mrs. Wu, who is usually gentle and pleasant, is like a ferocious tigress when educating her children. She does not dare to mess with her.

Mrs. Liang didn’t dare to provoke her, and Sister Ying even less dared to do so.

Grandparents and grandson hid in the kitchen together in dejection.

 Brother Liu Kang was crying and reciting the Three-Character Sutra in the courtyard.

Later, Brother Kang felt aggrieved and came to discuss with Sister Ying, "Sister, why don't you tell mother not to let me study? I don't want to be a son anymore, I'm too tired."

  When her son wants to take the scholar examination, if he fails to pass the examination in the future, his mother will beat him to death.

Sister Ying laughed and said, "Do you mean that if you become a daughter, your mother won't let you study?"

Kang Geer nodded, "Yes. It's great to be a daughter who doesn't have to take the imperial examination."

Sister Ying chuckled, "Have you forgotten that I am still studying?"

 A fool.

  Do you think that being a daughter will stop you from studying?

 She was slapped on the palm by her mother back then. "Have you forgotten that my previous mother also slapped my palm?"

  Whether it is a daughter or a son, if they do not study hard, Wu will beat them equally.

Kang Geer is just like her. The scar has healed and he has forgotten the pain.

Now my palms no longer hurt, I feel optimistic again, "I don't want to study, I want to ride a horse."

Sister Ying, "Riding is very dangerous. You have to wait a few years."

Kang Geer didn’t believe it and snorted, “You just don’t teach me.”

 After saying that, he ran to find Jing Shirong angrily.

He is really good at acting like a spoiled child. Regardless of whether he is male or female, old or young, as long as he wants something, he will definitely hug someone's lap and act like a spoiled child.

Jing Shirong is not a sensationalist. But he couldn't stand up to Kang Geer's shamelessness.

Later, he was generous and also carried Kang Geer on his horse.

 The amazing thing is that Kang Geer is very talented in horseback riding and archery.

Jing Shirong found it interesting and took him with him every time he went to the racecourse.

In addition to riding horses and shooting arrows, Kang Geer also likes to settle accounts.

Wu would show Sister Ying the account books every five days and teach her how to calculate the accounts.

Sister Ying has been studying for several years and has learned a lot.

 Kang Geer could make his abacus click after seeing it once in a while.

Sister Ying was pleasantly surprised. She taught him some simple things and he learned them immediately.

 Later, she secretly taught Kang Geer the multiplication table, and Kang Geer actually knew it in no time.

After reading it, Sister Ying felt that this guy probably didn’t like Chinese and only liked mathematics.

 It seems that this guy is a science student.

Sister Ying told Mrs. Wu about this and asked her to teach her students in accordance with their aptitude.

 Wu didn’t believe it at first.

 Then I took the account book and asked Kang Geer to reconcile it.

 I didn’t expect this little guy to be completely right.

Qi QiQi also found out for her some discrepancies in the accounts, saying that there was a shortage of five taels over there and a shortage of three taels over there.

 Wu was greatly surprised after hearing this.     Because what Kang Geer said is right.

The eight taels of silver were taken away by her to buy groceries. She didn’t write them down for a while, but he didn’t expect that he was right.

Later, Mrs. Wu told Mrs. Liang about this matter.

 “This boy doesn’t like reading, but he is so good at checking accounts. How great is that?”

 Originally, Kang Ge'er is the first grandson in the family. In the future, he will definitely inherit his father's legacy and take the imperial examination together.

Who would have thought that people don’t like reading, but only like checking accounts and riding horses.

Old Mrs. Liang was also worried, "He was planning abacus when he was one year old. Does he really want to be the shopkeeper?"

Wu Shi shook his head, not wanting to give up.

“Forget it, let him continue reading. If he doesn’t like it now, it doesn’t mean he won’t like it in the future.”

 But Mrs. Liang said, "Otherwise, will you have another child?"

lest in the future this person will suffer a huge loss if he does not take the first prize exam.

Wu Shi couldn't laugh or cry, but she listened.

 After she gave birth to Kang Geer, she did not have any more children, but she wanted to have a few more.

I don’t know if her wish was heard by the Empress Send-off.

 Half a month later, she vomited.

 After checking, I found out that I was indeed pregnant.

 The whole family was very happy now.

 And not only her, but also Liang Qing was found to be three months pregnant.

This is really a double blessing.

Old Mrs. Liang was so happy that she hurriedly burned incense to fulfill her wish.

Liang Qing has been married for many years and has not gotten pregnant, so she is very anxious and angry.

 Fortunately, the Wu family is good and won’t say anything.

Now that Liang Qing is pregnant, the Wu family is very happy.

  Wu Mu was even more happy that she did not let Liang Qing work and asked her to take good care of her baby.

 Wang was also very happy for her.

  She has three sons anyway, so it doesn’t matter whether Liang Qing has one or not.

 After Mrs. Wu became pregnant with her third child, she began to feel sleepy.

Her reaction to each pregnancy was different. One of her babies loved to eat meat. The second child doesn’t eat meat, and the third child loves to sleep.

So she ate and slept every day, and after sleeping and eating, she was really sleepy.

 Kang Geer saw that she finally had no energy to take care of herself, so he happily went to ride a horse.

Sister Ying also went with her.

The two siblings played wildly for a long time. It was not until Wu regained his energy that he caught them back and continued their strict education.

 Wait until the end of autumn.

 After Liang Jin and the others came back, Mrs. Liang hurriedly asked.

 “How is it??”

The state capital was far away, so they didn't get the news, and they didn't know whether Liang Jin or the others were among them.

Liang Jin sighed first.

 Then he suddenly laughed and said, “I hit the mark!”

Mrs. Liang was overjoyed, her eyes were wide open, and she was very excited.

“Good, good, good, good win. Good job, Jin’er~~”

 After saying that, Nanny Xu happily said, "Quick, quick, set off firecrackers!!"

Mama Xu sighed happily and hurriedly set off firecrackers.

After the firecrackers were set off, neighbors immediately came to congratulate.

 Everything in his mouth was full of envy.

 “Mrs. Liang, you are very lucky, you will be a great lady in the future~”

Old Mrs. Liang covered her mouth and smiled happily, covering the corners of her mouth with a handkerchief, for fear that smiling too wide would damage her aloof image.

"No, it's the children's own efforts. I just paid for the travel expenses."

Other wives are still very envious, "Otherwise, Old Man Liang was right to marry you. Look at you, the son you gave birth to is so capable."

Old Mrs. Liang raised her chin triumphantly, feeling secretly happy but pretending to be humble on her face.

 “Oh, no, it’s an award.”

 (End of this chapter)

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