The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 123: , Liang Jin passed the examination

Chapter 123, Liang Jin passed the examination

Old Mrs. Liang was so praised by her neighbor's mother-in-law that she asked Grandma Xu to hurry up and say, "Give them lots of candies."

Mother Xu smiled and said yes, and each of them would grab a handful of candies for the ladies.

After they finished chatting, Mrs. Liang suddenly remembered.

“By the way, have the fourth child and your eldest brother-in-law been hit?”

Liang Jin had just taken a shower and changed clothes while they were chatting.

 He smiled and said, "I won, I won."

This time the three of them won together, which was a huge surprise.

 Old Mrs. Liang was even more happy.

 “Okay, okay, let’s win together.”

 Now Sister Ping and Sister Qing are both lucky~

Liang Jin also laughed, "Who says it's not the case?"

 The three of them have worked hard to study in the past three years.

Liang Jin and Wu Laosi were fortunate to have Jing's father help them solve the problem. Brother-in-law Chen also borrowed a large sum of money from Mrs. Liang to study with an old scholar for half a year.

 Otherwise it would not be easy to pass the exam.

Now that all three of them have been successful, the family can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Sister Liang was even more happy to set off firecrackers at home and even took out money to serve drinks.

Mrs. Chen was also happy to see her eldest son go to high school.

 After all, if there is a master in the family, it is a matter of honoring the ancestors.

 It would be great if my son could get the top prize in the exam in the future.

So the whole family was very happy to have a drink.

When Mrs. Chen saw that her son had passed the exam, she originally wanted to ask Liang Ping if her younger brother had passed the examination.

If Liang Jin missed, she could still say something bitter to her.

So she asked in a sinister manner, "Daughter-in-law, my son has passed the exam. Have your younger brother and brother-in-law passed the exam?"

Liang Ping pretended to be sad for a moment, and then said, "I don't know. I haven't asked my husband yet. I'll ask later."

 Brother-in-law Chen is currently being laughed and complimented by his relatives, and he has not yet had time to talk to them.

As soon as Mrs. Chen saw Liang Ping's sad face, she felt that Liang Jin must have missed the target.

So she became proud and even comforted Liang Ping.

“It’s okay, your brother Jin is still young. If you take the exam again in three years, maybe he will win.”

Liang Ping chuckled in her heart, thinking, you just failed the exam.

Her natal family has already given her news that her brother and brother-in-law have both been hit, okay?

 But she deliberately didn’t say anything, and soon she hit her mother-in-law in the face.

Mrs. Chen thought that Liang Jin had failed, so she immediately became proud and went out to ask her son.

“Son, has your brother-in-law been hit?”

Brother-in-law Chen smiled and said, "I got it, I got it all. A Jin and Laosi also got it."

This year's exam questions are just as difficult as last year's, but they all spent a lot of effort to study in order to pass, and the three years of hard study were not in vain.

When Mrs. Chen heard that Liang Jin and others had also won the election, her face fell with pride, and she was obviously very unhappy.

 Muttered in a low voice, "How come they were also hit?"

I originally wanted to be proud of myself, but now I can’t.

Liang Ping saw her look of disappointment, then she snorted and asked someone to send a letter to her parents' family.

Mrs. Liang learned that she was also setting up a table to entertain guests. She smiled and asked Mrs. Wu, "Your eldest sister's house is setting up a table to entertain guests. How about we also set up a few tables?"

Mrs. Wu nodded, "That's fine. But I've been in a bad mood lately and always want to sleep. Otherwise, you can help Sister Ying handle the desk this time." It's just a good opportunity to exercise her daughter's ability to do things.

Mrs. Wu has now given Sister Ying the account books of the bacon shop, and asked Sister Ying to host a banquet, which can be regarded as a test for her.

Mrs. Liang had no objection to her teaching the children, so she agreed.

 “Okay, then I’ll ask her to come with me.”

Mrs. Wu nodded and told her, "Give her your family's account book. Let her record everything she buys and how much she spends." For a family like theirs, if their daughter marries in the future, she will definitely marry into a well-matched family.

If Sister Ying wants to be the daughter-in-law of a wealthy family, she must be able to purchase, pay, and entertain guests.

Seeing that she had made all the arrangements, Mrs. Liang agreed, "Okay, I will look after her for you."

 Sister Ying came back from studying at Jing's house in the afternoon and went straight home.

 Just when she was studying at Jing's house, she heard the sound of firecrackers at home.

Set off firecrackers in broad daylight, it must be because her father has returned from the imperial examination.

Originally, she wanted to run home, but Jing Shirong said that she still had two pages of calligraphy practice notes to finish and asked her to finish before leaving.

Sister Ying knew that he was very strict in teaching, and could only run home after he finished writing seriously.

As soon as she ran home, she called Liang Jin, "Dad~~"

Liang Jin turned around to see her coming back, smiled and knelt down to greet her, "Sister Ying~~"

Sister Ying laughed, ran over with a smile, and jumped directly on Liang Jin.

“Dad, have you been selected for the exam?”

Liang Jin nodded, very proud, "Yes, what about it? Your father is great, right?"

Sister Ying nodded and praised her, "No, my father is the most powerful, the best in the whole town~"

Liang Jin laughed out loud at her compliment, rubbed her head, and asked her, "How is your reading going?"

Sister Ying boasted about herself, "I'm so good at reading, I can even get the top prize."

Liang Jin laughed out loud at her amusement and said to her, "I don't know how good you are at reading, but you are really good at playing."

He and Mrs. Wu both have the same argument, that is, their daughter and mother-in-law can sell melons to the king's mother-in-law and boast about themselves.

Kang Geer will finish writing and run out.


Liang Jin put down Sister Ying and picked him up.

 “Hey, Brother Kang has grown taller.” It’s quite heavy, I think he’s eaten a lot.

Kang Geer smiled coquettishly, hugged Liang Jin's neck and acted coquettishly.

Liang Jin put him down and asked him, "Did you study well at home when dad was away?"

At the mention of studying, Kang Geer's happy little face immediately collapsed, and his snow-white face turned bitter.

“Dad, can I stop studying? I like to calculate accounts, or ride horses and shoot arrows. Studying is really difficult.”

Liang Jin said "Huh?", but he didn't expect him to say that.

 He asked Kang Geer, "Don't you like the Three Character Classic? Or do you not like the Four Books and Five Classics?"

Kang Geer had a small face and complained, "I don't like it at all. Reading is so tiring and I don't like to memorize it."

 Compared with reading, he prefers the feeling of galloping horses.

Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Liang came over. After hearing Brother Kang's words, they said to Liang Jin, "You don't know, he gets sleepy when he studies and can't even recite the Three-Character Classic. If it weren't for your wife's control, he might not be able to memorize the Three-Character Classic." Recognize it.”

Mrs. Wu also said, "This kid just can't sit still. If I beat him a few times, he will be honest."

It is true that Kang Geer likes horseback riding and archery, but it is not true that he cannot read. He is just playful and likes to move. Can't sit still!

Wu listened to Sister Ying's suggestion of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, and agreed with Kang Geer that each time he memorized as many books as he could, he could play as much time as he wanted.

 Once this agreement was made, Kang Geer was indeed much more diligent.

 In order to have more fun, he studied harder.

After hearing this, Liang Jin praised Wu's method of teaching children.

  "The lady is still very powerful, why don't you worry about teaching the children?"

Mrs. Wu felt much better after he praised her, so she said, "It's okay, I'll just take care of it. It doesn't cost anything."

Sister Ying who was on the side said to Kang Geer, "My **** is about to be spread open, why don't you put in any effort?"

Of course, this is only a complaint from the heart, and they would not dare to say it in front of their mothers.

   Thank you Jimei for your support and votes ~ Mumada



 (End of this chapter)

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