The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 124: , learn the process of housekeeping

 Chapter 124, learn the process of housekeeping

 In the evening, Mrs. Liang told Sister Ying what Mrs. Wu had told her and asked her to go shopping with her tomorrow.

Sister Ying said "Huh?" and asked in surprise, "Should I buy groceries?"

Mrs. Liang nodded, "Yes. Your mother has given you full responsibility, so just start by buying groceries."

Sister Ying pouted and bargained with Mrs. Liang, "Can't you let Sister Xiaohong buy the food? I'll be responsible for paying for it."

Old Mrs. Liang chuckled, "You think so. Your mother told you to do the shopping and keep accounts, and you have to remember the prices and the process of treating guests."

“If you can’t do this well, I won’t put in a good word for you.”

Sister Ying pursed her lips with a bitter expression, "Why are you on the same side as my mother? Am I not your little baby?"

Mrs. Liang gave her an angry look, "Don't get too close to me. Your mother is so fierce that your father doesn't dare to offend her. How can I dare to offend her?"

What's more, she has the third grandson of the Liang family in her belly. How dare she offend him?

Sister Ying pouted her little mouth and said, "My mother is pregnant now and her mood is hot and cold. I don't dare to offend her."

 Before she was little, her mother was gentle and treated her like a baby even when she did something wrong.

Now that we are older, spanking and spanking are commonplace.

However, Kang Geer was even worse than her. He was his son, and Mrs. Wu beat her even more severely.

Sister Ying understands current affairs and is a good person. She knows that her mother relies on her grades to make ends meet, so she uses her excellent grades to ask for a hug.

 Kang Geer was stubborn at first, but was beaten badly later, and saw that his sister actually used good grades in exchange for opportunities to go out to play, so he learned his lesson.

 The two siblings are both talented people. They know what is best for themselves, and they strive to become better.

Now Mrs. Wu asked her to go to the comprador table to treat guests, so Sister Ying went there obediently.

Mrs. Liang assisted her on the side and told her the process. She first took her to the vegetable market and asked her to ask about the price and shop around before buying.

Sister Ying listened carefully and started to pick vegetables.

Mrs. Liang taught her how to choose fresh vegetables, "I don't want this kind of wilted vegetables. They have no moisture and are already dry, so they don't taste good."

  When you go to pick out meat, ask her, "When buying meat, remember to identify the parts of the meat first. Your mother taught you this."

Sister Ying nodded, she does know how to buy meat.

Her mother has also killed pigs with her uncle since she was a child, and she knows which part of the pig is the most delicious.

Mrs. Liang said, "Our family will invite ten tables this time, with ten people per table, a total of one hundred people. You have to be careful about the quantity."

  If you buy too much vegetables, you will have to pay a lot more money.

 And if you buy too much, it will break if you can’t keep it.

Sister Ying thought for a moment, "How many dishes should we serve on the table?"

Mrs. Liang said, “Eight.”

 After all, if there are 10 people at a table with 12 dishes, they will go bankrupt.

They are all relatives and neighbors, almost the same as the Eight Dao.

 Normally, people only have seven or eight dishes, just like others.

Sister Ying nodded. She didn’t expect that there would be so many things to do with a guest.

They bought it all the way, and Sister Ying benefited a lot.

Even though she will marry as a young lady in the future and does not need to buy things herself, she still needs to know the prices, otherwise she might be cheated by servants!

If you don’t know the prices when checking accounts, you will be defrauded of a lot of money, and your family property will decrease over time.

Mrs. Wu has good intentions. Sister Ying understands it and studies it seriously.

 After buying the groceries and keeping track of the accounts, the grandfather and grandson went back together.

This time, the person in charge of the cooking, in addition to the cook at home, also specially invited a cook to come over and cook together.

The female relatives of the Liang family will come over to help wash and cut vegetables.

 The Jing family was invited immediately.

 Liang Jin was able to win the imperial examination, and Jing's father was indispensable.

Even when Mrs. Wu was pregnant, she made special efforts to cook for the Jing family, which shows her sincerity.

 On the second day, guests arrived one after another, including Jing’s family.

 The atmosphere in the Liang family is good today and everyone is very happy.

 After all, there is a Juren in the family, and everyone is proud of it.

If Liang Jin becomes an official in the future, it will have a great impact on the family. For example, it is more convenient for girls to get married, and boys can also use the title of nephew of an official when they go out to find work, and work is easy to find.

 In short, it’s all benefit and no harm.

 After the guests are served, the food is ready.

The maids and servants helped bring the dishes to the table.

Mrs. Liang stood up and said, "Thank you for your support today. The food is here. Let's start eating."

Everyone smiled and said yes, those who ate would eat, and those who would punch would punch.

Sister Ying sat next to Jing Shirong and ate.

She was chatting with Jing Shirong while eating.

“Brother Rong, you know, I did all the shopping this time. Including the accounting and change, I took over all of it.”

 “How about it, am I great?”

Jing Shirong looked at her proud little face and couldn't help but smile, "Awesome, you've made a lot of progress."

Of course Sister Ying raised her chin, "That's right, I'm not an ordinary child."

 All the adults at the table were amused by her.

Mrs. Liang said to her, "You are the only one who knows how to stinky farts."

After hearing this, everyone laughed.

When the banquet was over, Liang Jin stayed with his father at home to have a drink and chat together.

Jingfu asked him, "Are there many people going to Qiuwei this time?"

Liang Jin nodded, "There are many more people this year than in previous years. It is said that the imperial court wants to recruit more sages, and the number of people taking scientific examinations will also be larger."

After Jing's father heard this, he understood all these things and said to him, "The further you go up, the more cautious you must be. Think before you speak to avoid offending others."

Liang Jin always admired him, so he naturally kept it in his heart.

Jing's father also told him some tips on how to get along with officials, asking him not to treat anyone as his brother easily and to be more cautious in everything.

Liang Jin saw that what he said was very reasonable, so he wrote it down one by one.

 The next day, Liang Jin was ready to go to the capital.

 After the autumn period comes the spring period.

 It takes more than half a year to travel from Ningxi Town to the capital.

 The horse is healthier and can walk faster, and it can be reached in four months.

Liang Jin did not dare to waste time, so he could only leave this morning.

He is not sure whether he can pass the Jinshi exam, but he also wants to take the exam.

 Whether you win or not, at least pass the exam and you won’t regret it.

Seeing that he was leaving, Mrs. Wu hurriedly packed his luggage.

 Fortunately, this time he was walking with Wu Laosi and Mr. Chen's brother-in-law. The three of them had company on the road, and everyone at home felt relieved.

Although Mrs. Liang was reluctant to give up this time on the road, she reassured him to take the exam with confidence.

 Whether you can get a Jinshi or not depends on luck.

There are so many students taking the exam this year, it’s hard to say whether they will pass or not.

Neither Mrs. Liang nor Mrs. Wu put pressure on Liang Jin, just let him do his best.

Liang Jin nodded in greeting, said goodbye to his family, and set off to the capital together.

Liang Qing came to stay with Mrs. Liang.

 She was originally going to see Wu Laosi out, but she didn't want to leave after that.

Her husband's family was nice, but after Wu Laosi left, she felt lonely in her husband's house, so she simply sent a message back to her mother-in-law, telling her that she wanted to stay at her parents' house for a few days.

Wu’s mother felt sorry for her big belly and the man was not at home yet, so she agreed and let her stay for a few more days.

 Old Mrs. Liang couldn't help but praise her when she saw that her in-laws were so easy to talk to.

"You can find such a good mother-in-law, it will be a blessing for eight lifetimes."

Who's daughter-in-law can come to live with her mother-in-law so easily without having to look at her mother-in-law's character?

Please give me a vote~



 (End of this chapter)

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