The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 125: , please let me know if you want to marry me

Chapter 125: If you are planning to get married, please let me know

Liang Qing also felt that she had married well.

 She usually doesn't have to do laundry or cook at her husband's house, she just needs to help with the accounting.

 The Wu family’s usual accounts are sorted out by Wu Laosi.

 But Wu Laosi was busy studying, so he gave her the accounts.

Liang Qing came to her husband's house and was grateful to her mother for being strict with her when she got the accounts.

If Mrs. Liang hadn't forced her to learn accounting and abacus, she would have been embarrassed.

 Fortunately, she is literate and can also do calculations. The abacus clicks loudly, which makes Wu Mu like it very much.

However, the number of accounts of the Wu family is relatively large, and it was Wu Laosi who taught her step by step so that she could get started so quickly.

Now the Wu family has hired a cooking woman and a cleaning woman. They basically act as young ladies at home.

Mrs. Liang was very happy to see her life after marriage was so good.

“This time I won the fourth grade and you are pregnant too, which makes me very happy.”

“I will be relieved if you give Wu Laosi another son next year.”

Liang Qing touched her slightly bulging belly and said with a gentle smile, "My daughter can save it."

 When Liang Qing was pregnant for the first time, Mrs. Liang told her a lot about pregnant women.

Even Mrs. Wu told her a lot of production experience and asked Liang Qing to learn from it.

Liang Qing and her sister-in-law Wang were at her husband's house, and the water in the well did not interfere with the water in the river.

 The two of them had never quarreled, but they were not intimate either.

 Only when I go back to my natal family can I talk to my natal family so freely.

Mrs. Wu looked at her belly and told her not to feel stressed, "My parents already have three grandchildren. It's okay if your baby is a daughter. They love their granddaughters just as much."

Liang Qing nodded, knowing that her parents-in-law would be good to the child, so she was not worried about this.

What she was worried about was, "Sister-in-law, I heard that giving birth is very painful. When you gave birth to Brother Kang, you screamed so loudly that I was scared."

  Wu comforted her, "It's okay, it will hurt to give birth. As long as your belly is not very big, the birth will be much faster."

  She has given birth to two children, so she naturally has experience.

Liang Qing remembered it in her heart, but she was still afraid.

As he was saying this, Sister Ying jumped back.

She now knows a lot of Chinese characters and copies five copybooks every day. Try to practice your handwriting well.

The happiest thing for her every day is to finish practicing her calligraphy, then come back to have a snack, and then run out to play with Sister Ting and the others.

At this moment, she saw Liang Qing coming back and ran in happily.

“Little aunt, you are at home~”

Liang Qing smiled and said, "Yes, would you like to stay at your house for a few days?"

Sister Ying clicked her tongue and gave her a cute look on her face, "It's your home and mine. This is our home. You can stay in our home as long as you want."

 Looking at this sweet mouth, Liang Qing was very happy.

She happily told Mrs. Wu, "If I hadn't been born late, I would have wanted to be your in-laws. Seeing how sweet-tongued Sister Ying is, it would be a pity not to be my wife."

Sister Ying was ashamed and thought to herself, where are these things?

 Marriage between close relatives is not allowed.

But the ancients didn't know this, and instead liked to kiss one another.

Mrs. Wu also said, "Years ago, my eldest aunt told me that she wanted Brother Hong and Sister Ying to be together. But I didn't agree."

 The child is still young and the marriage is not in a hurry.

Furthermore, the Chen family had many sisters-in-law and the house was crowded. Mrs. Wu was not very satisfied, so she declined.

This was the first time that Sister Ying heard that her eldest aunt wanted to marry her. She shook her head in shock and told Mrs. Wu.

"Mom, I have to live my own marriage. Don't make a marriage arrangement for me without knowing what I'm doing, or I'll be unhappy."

Of course Mrs. Wu knew that she was a brat and had a good idea, so she would not fail to inform her.

 But he still rolled his eyes at her and said, "You are the only one who talks a lot."

Sister Ying smiled and ran away with a smile on her face.

Jing Shirong promised to take her riding in the afternoon, so they went there together. When it was time for the Chinese New Year, Mrs. Liang began to get nervous.

 “I received a letter from Jin’er last month, saying that he had arrived in the capital.”

“The next test is Chunwei, and I don’t know if they are sure of it either.”

Mrs. Wu, who was seven months pregnant, chatted with her while getting dressed.

“Mom, don’t worry. They didn’t pass the Qiuwei test in one go. Take your time and don’t be in a hurry.”

Mrs. Liang also knew this, but she also said, "I wonder if they are used to living in the capital? This is the first time Brother Jin has been so far away from home."

 Wu is not worried.

 She would not be worried if Liang Jin went out by himself.

 But this time the three men went together, and they looked after each other on the way, so she was not so worried.

In addition, Liang Jin and Wu Laosi were both tall and strong, and they also carried three knives with them for self-defense, so the journey to the capital was considered safe.

When Liang Jin wrote home, he wrote ten pages and told Mr. Wu everything that happened on the road.

Mrs. Wu asked Sister Ying to read it to everyone. The whole family was very serious as if they were listening to a story.

“Dad said that the three of them rented a house together and shared a courtyard with other students.”

Because there are many students this year and many people are going to take the Chunwei exam, the inns in the capital are all booked, so people rent out their houses.

Liang Jin and the others rented a room and saved a lot of money.

 Including food expenses and other expenses, each person pays a little, which really saves a lot of money.

 Other students also live in a shared apartment, but because they are strangers, they don’t trust each other very much.

 During the day, the students came out to discuss knowledge together. Some people hid their secrets and were not willing to give answers to those people.

 Some people gave average answers, were very confident, and kept talking.

Liang Jin remembered Jing's father's words and did not discuss it with others. He just listened quietly to the side.

 Wu Laosi and Brother-in-law Chen also listened to him and were just bystanders.

 On the spring day, the three of them entered the examination room together.

 The results came out later, and all three of them got Gongsheng, which was very gratifying.

Wait until Sister Ying and the others receive the letter.

Liang Jin and others went to the palace to try.

This time there were a large number of people in the palace examination, and the atmosphere in the main hall was particularly quiet.

Liang and Jin answered the questions quietly, and when the final results came out, they were only among the top three.

 Although it ranked at the bottom, it still passed.

 In the future, they will be regarded as Jinshi.

 The next step is to wait for the imperial court to assign them positions.

After Sister Ying and others received the letter, Liang Jin and others set off to come back.

 After receiving the letter from my family, I read the news about their success as a Jinshi.

When Mrs. Liang heard this, she said, "What? I'm a Jinshi."

God, she has never been in contact with a Jinshi in her whole life.

  Unexpectedly, her son would actually pass the examination for her to be a Jinshi.

Mrs. Wu was also confused. Just as she was about to say something, her round pregnant belly suddenly hurt.


 The skirt got wet all of a sudden.

Mrs. Liang was the first to react, "No, the amniotic water has broken. Call the midwife quickly."

Sister Ying sighed and quickly went to get the midwife to come over.

Xiaohong has already had experience in serving Mrs. Wu after giving birth to two children, so she immediately went to boil hot water.

Wu himself carefully went to lie down on the bed.

When the midwife came over, Mrs. Wu felt a pain in her stomach, and then she exerted herself.

 (End of this chapter)

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