Chapter 126, unexpected surprise

The midwife was watching from inside, while Sister Ying, Mrs. Liang and Brother Kang were waiting outside.

Liang Qing gave birth two months ago, and Mrs. Liang even went to accompany her in person. Later, Liang Qing gave birth to a son, and Mrs. Liang was extremely happy.

It would have made me nervous as hell, but this time I looked much calmer.

While giving instructions, she told Sister Ying, "Don't worry, your mother's health is still okay, she will give birth soon, so just relax."

As he said that, he held Sister Ying's hand tightly.

Sister Ying was ashamed, frowned and said, "Didn't you go through it last time when my little aunt gave birth? Why are you still so nervous?"

 She was also nervous at first, but compared with Mrs. Liang, she pales into insignificance.

 Old Mrs. Liang was not upset when she exposed her pretending to be calm, and was even more aggressive towards her.

“When a woman gives birth, she is going through hell. I am a kind-hearted person, so of course I will be nervous.”

If it were those mothers-in-law who lost their conscience, they would not care about the life or death of their daughter-in-law.

Sister Ying nodded, "That's true."

However, this baby Wu was obviously much calmer and didn't make much noise inside.

After a while, she said "Ah!" and started to move hard. There was a sound of "woo wow~woo wow~" coming from the room.

But the voice was very small, so if you don’t listen carefully, you won’t be able to hear it carefully.

Sister Ying thought her mother had given birth and was about to run in to take a look when she was stopped by Mrs. Liang.

 “Why are you anxious? It’s not done yet, just wait.”

 Speaking, she went to see it herself.

The midwife was finishing the finishing touches and said when she saw Mrs. Liang coming in. "Congratulations, madam, mother and daughter are safe."

Mrs. Liang hummed, looked at Mrs. Wu, and saw that she looked fine, then went to see her granddaughter.

She lowered her head and saw that the child was particularly small. She asked strangely, "Why is this child so small?"

 Mr. Wu’s belly is obviously very big, so why is the child so big?

Just as the midwife was about to speak, Ms. Wu suddenly screamed in pain again, "Ah!"

 The midwife was frightened and rushed to see her.

 I don’t know if I don’t look at it, but I’m shocked when I see it, “No, there’s another one.”

 After saying that, he hurriedly asked Mrs. Liang to go out, and she hurriedly delivered the baby.

Old Mrs. Liang had a look of astonishment on her face. She never expected such a surprise.

 She hurriedly went out to wait. After waiting for a while, Wu finally started.

This time the two children were particularly small. Although the birth was successful, both children were very thin.

 After both babies were born and the inside was clean, Mrs. Liang went in.

 She went to see Mrs. Wu first and was relieved to see that she was still alive.

 Then let’s look at the two smaller ones.

 The midwife was giving the two children a hot bath. Mrs. Liang came to watch and saw that they were both thin and small. She looked worried.

 For such a young child, I don’t know if he can survive until his first birthday.

Seeing the worry on her face, the midwife comforted her, "I weighed them just now. They should weigh about four pounds. They should be fine if they are raised carefully."

Mrs. Liang helped dry the water stains on the children and dressed them.

 The more I looked at it, the more worried I became, "The crying is so small, ugh"

Since this was Wu's third pregnancy, her family was used to it, so she didn't see a doctor. Who would have thought that it was twins.

Wu himself didn’t expect it.

She calmed down for a while and drank a bowl of chicken soup before she had the strength to sit up.

“Mom, how are the children?”

Mrs. Liang comforted her, "It's pretty good, but it's a little small."

Mrs. Wu was also very worried, "If I had known it was twins, I would have eaten more."

 Her belly was a little bigger than Huai Kang’s from the beginning. But Wu didn't doubt it. She just thought that she would gain weight after eating enough and sleeping well.

 The belly became heavier in the later stages of pregnancy, but the fetal movements were normal and she didn't feel any discomfort, so she didn't think much about it.

Who would have thought that they were twins, a boy and a girl.

Had I known it, I would have eaten more. The child is so small, crying like a cat, and seems to have no strength.

 The midwife saw that her face was filled with regret, so she criticized her instead.

"Madam, you don't understand this. You can't eat too much when you are pregnant with twins. If the two children are too big, you will be in danger."

The risk of twin pregnancy is inherently greater than that of single pregnancy.

 If the child is too big, delivery will be the most difficult. If you can’t give birth, it’s possible to have one corpse and three lives.

   Mrs. Wu must be lucky that the two children were neither too old nor too young and were delivered smoothly, otherwise it would have been fatal.

 Old Mrs. Liang was also frightened when she heard what the midwife said.

 “As long as the person is fine, it will be fine. Keep the child small, and if you raise it more, you will gain weight.”

 Now Mr. Wu is the center of gravity of the family.

 She is taking care of the children and taking care of the house. Mrs. Liang can no longer live without her.

 She was more afraid of something happening to Mr. Wu than her children.

 Fortunately, it can be generated smoothly this time, otherwise it would be really scary.

Sister Ying was already very anxious outside. She hurriedly ran over and asked, "Grandma, are you okay? Can I come in?"

Mrs. Liang then said, "Okay, come in."

 The house has been cleaned up now, and the children have been washed and placed next to Wu.

Sister Ying ran in quickly.


 Kang Geer also ran in.


The two siblings ran to Mrs. Wu together and climbed onto the bed to see her.

“Mom, are you okay?”

Mrs. Wu shook her head, "It's okay, don't worry." As she said that, she tugged at the hem of their clothes that had become crooked due to running, so as not to catch wind in their stomachs.

Sister Ying wiped her sweat with a handkerchief and asked, "Does mother still feel pain?"

Just when Mrs. Wu said it was okay, the two little ones on the bed started crying like cats.

 “Woo wow wow” in a very low voice.

Wu's maternal love exploded and she quickly fed them both.

Sister Ying came over to help. Seeing that her younger brother and sister were so small, she felt particularly magical.

 “They are so small.”

Mrs. Wu looked at the two little ones lovingly and sighed, "The midwife said it weighed four pounds, but I held the light one." She didn't know if they could be raised.

Many children in the countryside died young, and Mrs. Wu was worried about this even though she didn't say it on her face.

Sister Ying came over and touched the hands of her younger siblings and comforted them, "It's okay. Let's take good care of them. They will be well fed and will grow up safely."

 Wu Shi nodded, "I'm looking forward to it too."

Mrs. Liang also said, “Everyone says that it’s easier to make a living with a cheap name. Sister Ying will give it to her younger siblings.”

 Kang Geer came over and said, "I also want to name my younger brothers and sisters."

Mrs. Wu couldn't laugh or cry, "Then each of you take one."

 "Kang Geer will get it for his younger brother, and Sister Ying will get it for her younger sister." This way there is no need to fight.

Sister Ying nodded and said yes, and immediately ran to the table to get books and prepare to choose a good name for her sister.

   Kang Geer also went to pick, and the two siblings were focusing on naming their younger siblings.

Sister Ying searched for it all afternoon and finally decided to name her twin sister, "Sister Yang."

 The famous name is "Liang Yang."

The literal meaning of Yang is very large and has the appearance of grandeur.

Sister Ying hopes that her sister’s destiny will be supported by the sun, and she will be blessed with blessings and grow up safely.

After hearing this, Mrs. Wu felt that a more grand name could cover the fragile fate of her little girl, so she agreed.

"This is a good name. When your father comes back, you can tell him the same."

Sister Ying was very happy to see that her mother agreed, and Sister Yang screamed.

   Kang Geer has also found a good word for his younger brother, come here and show it.

 “Mom, I’ve also found a good word for my brother, so I’ll call him Seng Geer.”

It is said that trees have strong vitality and are just suitable for a thin child like Seng Geer.

Kang Geer’s original intention was to hope that his younger brother’s vitality would be stronger and he would grow up safely and healthily.

 (End of this chapter)

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