The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 127: , Sister Yang and Brother Sen

Chapter 127, Sister Yang and Brother Seng

Mrs. Wu felt that the names of their siblings were very good, and she smiled and patted Kang Geer's head.

“Okay, let’s use the names you two gave us. Brother Sen, Sister Yang.”

 It is said that all children’s mouths have been opened.

I hope that Brother Sen and Sister Yang can bring blessings to their brothers and sisters and grow up safely.

Mrs. Liang even took Sister Ying and Brother Kang to the temple to pray for blessings, hoping that her two grandsons would grow up healthily.

Sister Ying even came to help take care of her younger siblings throughout the day, trying her best to lighten Wu's burden.

Mrs. Wu saw that she was taking care of the children at home every day, and couldn't help but say to her, "You go to your school. There is Xiaohong and Aunt Xu at home, so I don't need your help. Go and study with Brother Rong!"

Sister Ying was worried, "Then I'm afraid you'll be too busy. I have to look after the two children for you."

Mrs. Wu glanced at her and said, "Thank you. You should go to school quickly. You have only been studying for a few years and you have become lax. You will forget about it after a while."

Sister Ying said no, "Don't worry, I have all the knowledge in my head. How can I forget it?"

Seeing that she didn't listen, Mrs. Wu immediately became angry.

 “Go if you are told to go!”

 Studying is studying, and taking a vacation is taking a vacation. These are two different things.

  Anyway, if you don’t study hard, you won’t be able to do it!

Sister Ying got out of bed calmly when she saw her tigress going crazy.

 Those who know the current affairs are distinguished. "Yes, yes, I'll just leave."

 After saying that, he ran away quickly.

 You can’t afford to offend a tigress.

 Kang Geer, who originally wanted to come in and act coquettishly, felt an inexplicable pain in his **** when he heard the roar and ran away.

 He originally wanted to escape from studying under the guise of taking care of his younger siblings.

Who would have thought that my own mother is so sophisticated? I don’t agree at all.

His sister was scolded and ran away, so he had better not go in and beat her up.

Mrs. Wu smiled when she saw their siblings running fast in the room.

He said to Xiao Hong, "Those two monkey spirits thought I didn't know what their plans were."

 It is true that I want to take care of my younger siblings, but it is also true that I want to be lazy.

 Do you really think she is stupid for confinement?

 Xiaohong laughed after hearing this, "Children are like that, they are playful. They don't like reading."

Mr. Wu also laughed, "Who says it's not true?" However, after all the fun, reading is still the most important thing.

Looking at the two siblings, after studying for several years, they can not only read and write, but also do calculations, and even know their names.

 It can be seen that under her strict supervision, the effect is still very good.

Before Liang Jin came back, Mrs. Wu focused on taking care of the twins.

By the time he returned from his trip, the two children had finally gained some weight.

 Wu's body became more mellow because he ate more.

She was afraid that one person would not be able to feed two children, so she ate more food. Now, one person can feed two children, and they are full.

 The two children are getting cuter and cuter as they grow older, and they look especially like Liang Jin.

 Kang Geer originally thought that his mother would have no time to take care of him since she had younger brothers and sisters, so that he could go out and play every day.

Who would have thought that Wu was born to be an educator.

Even though she has four children now, she has not let go of any of them. She keeps a close eye on them so that no one can be lazy and not study.

Sister Ying already understands her mother's sharp eyes, so she doesn't want to be sneaky, and just accepts her fate and practices calligraphy.

 Kang Geer had a battle of wits and courage with Mr. Wu several times, but both got spanked. Finally, he accepted his fate and went to study.

Mrs. Wu saw that they were well behaved, so she took care of her little one with peace of mind.

Mrs. Liang also comes over every day to help.

She looked at her grandson, then her granddaughter, and said, "These two little ones are exactly the same as Brother Jin and Sister Qing when they were young."

Wu also felt that the two children looked like the Liang family.

 Having double inner lining and phoenix eyes, she looks more dignified and majestic.

 Not like Kang Geer and Sister Ying, but more like the Wu family.

 Big eyes, with double eyelids, look watery, as if the eyes can speak. This time the two children’s full-moon drinks were not served, and no one came to see them.

First of all, since the two children are still young, Sister Ying and Mrs. Wu suggested that they wait until the children are older before showing them to others, and not let anyone come now.

 Otherwise there would be so many noisy children that they would not be able to rest well, which would affect their health.

 In addition, there are many people and the air is bad, which is not good for twins to breathe.

Mrs. Wu saw that Sister Ying had read a lot and talked in the same way, so she listened.

 She always believed that women would be more elegant if they read and wrote more books.

Sure enough, Sister Ying has been studying for several years, and now she speaks clearly and clearly. She looks like the daughter of a wealthy family, well-educated and sensible.

Mrs. Wu was very satisfied with her educational achievements and asked her, "Your father wrote in a letter saying that he is coming back. I think he will be here soon."

Each time a letter arrives, it has been a month or two.

 I think Liang Jin and the others will be home soon.

 A month later, Liang Jin and the others came back as expected.

As soon as he got home, the genius was still asleep and the family was still asleep, so he knocked on the door and called Xiaohong to open the door.

As soon as Xiaohong heard her uncle’s voice, she opened the door happily.

“Uncle, are you back?”

Liang Jin nodded with a beard, "Yes, are Sister Ying and the others awake?"

Xiaohong said with a smile, "Not yet. We have one day off today, and the young lady and the young master are still asleep."

Liang Jin nodded and went to the house to see by himself.

Now Sister Ying and Brother Kang both sleep with Mrs. Liang, while Mrs. Wu sleeps in the same room with the two younger ones.

Liang Jin went to Wu's room first, opened the door carefully, and went in to see his wife.

Wu went to bed early yesterday, and when she heard footsteps, she woke up in a daze and asked, "Xiao Hong?"

Liang Jin raised the corner of his mouth, deliberately causing trouble.

Walking in, pretending to be a bad guy, "Little lady, are you lonely in the house alone? Let Xiaosheng accompany you?"

 Wu Shi smiled immediately when he heard this familiar voice.

“Where are you from, little thief? Be careful and let my daughter-in-law beat you up.”

Liang Jin laughed loudly, walked to the bed and opened the curtain.

Just as he was about to kiss Mrs. Wu, he saw two little dolls on the bed.



Liang Jin couldn't react for a while.

Danfeng looked at the two little ones.

 “Madam, this, this, this, this, this, this, you gave birth to??”

 Wu laughed and said, "It's not good."

If he wasn't born by her, how could he be picked up?

Liang Jin couldn’t believe it, “Why two??”

He has been going to the capital for a year, and he has been back and forth for a year. He has not seen her for a long time, and there are two more children. Of course he will be confused.

Mrs. Wu gave him a cute look, "I didn't expect there to be two of them. But they have already been born, so they can't be stuffed back."

Liang Jin got used to it and got over it.

 Hurryly asked her, "Isn't it difficult to have two children?"

  Wu Shi shook his head, "It's okay this time. The children are not big and they were born faster."

 Unlike the previous two, it was painful to live with.

Liang Jin felt it was so magical that he bent down to see it.

"There are no cases of twins in our family, we all give birth to twins one at a time. This time you can actually give birth to two. This shows how awesome I am."

Seeing how stinky he was, Ms. Wu finally knew who Sister Ying’s stinker was following.

She glared at Liang Jin and said, "Just be proud of yourself."

 (End of this chapter)

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