The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 128: , the family reunited and chatted

Chapter 128: The family reunited and chatted

Liang Jin sat down to look at the child. Mrs. Wu handed the child to him to hold and chatted with him.

“When they were first born, they were very small. Their heads were smaller than your fist. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to feed them.”

 “Fortunately, they are still doing well and finally grew up healthy.”

 When they were first born, the two little guys cried weakly.

Eating Nai is not very exciting. Mrs. Wu patiently feeds her and takes good care of her, otherwise the child will also suffer.

Liang Jin felt very distressed immediately after hearing this.

“Thank you so much for taking care of two of them.”

Xiao Hong came in with rice noodle soup and interjected, "Uncle, my young ladies are not leading two, but four."

Although Mrs. Liang can also take care of children, she is more pampered when taking care of her children.

In particular, Sister Ying and Brother Kang are both smart people. They deceive Old Mrs. Liang every time, but Old Mrs. Liang still doesn't know it.

If Mrs. Wu hadn't caught her, Mrs. Liang would still have been fooled.

After hearing this, Liang Jin touched his beard and laughed.

 Not angry, but very proud, "My child must be smarter, just follow me."

Mrs. Wu couldn't help laughing when she saw how proud he was.

  "You'd better go wash up first and shave your beard. I'll see how messy your face is."

 Liang Jin nodded in response.

He also acted coquettishly, "I originally wanted you to shave my beard and rub my back. But you're working so hard, I'm too embarrassed to ask you."

Mrs. Wu gave him a cute look and said, "Go, go, that's not serious."

They are already an old married couple, and they are still teasing her.

Liang Jin laughed loudly when he saw her blushing, and then went to the ear room to wash up.

 After he came out from the shower and ate rice noodle soup, he felt sleepy and went to sleep on the recliner for a while.

Mrs. Wu saw that his face was tanned due to running all the way. She felt distressed and asked Xiaohong to buy fish, meat and shrimp and come back to give him a good tonic at night.

Sister Ying and the others were still sleeping soundly in Mrs. Liang's room, unaware that their father was back.

Even Mrs. Liang herself was fast asleep, completely unaware that her son was back.

 When the sun was shining for three poles, the three of them got up lazily.

 Summer is the most sleepy season.

After Sister Ying woke up, she didn't want to get up yet, so she lazily leaned on Mrs. Liang.

 Brother Kang also came over and asked Mrs. Liang to hug her.

Old Mrs. Liang was fought over by the two of them and looked at Nanny Xu proudly.

“Look at me, you know how to rob me day by day. I wonder if you think I’m some rare treasure.”

Mother Xu couldn't help but laugh when she saw her showing off herself.

He said, "Madam, the second young master is back."

Mrs. Liang was overjoyed, "Really? When did you come back?"

 She got up in a hurry, got dressed quickly, and wanted to see Liang Jin.

 Mother Xu helped her get dressed and said to her, "I came back before dawn, and I am still sleeping in the young lady's room."

As soon as Mrs. Liang heard that she was asleep, she stopped and said, "Forget it, let's wait until he wakes up and watch again."

 Having said that, let Aunt Xu say, "Tell the cook to add more food tonight."

Mother Xu smiled, "Young Madam has already asked Xiaohong to go shopping for groceries."

Mrs. Liang nodded, "Brother Jin's daughter-in-law is still thoughtful."

As soon as Sister Ying and Brother Kang heard that their biological father was back, they immediately became energetic and jumped up to go see their biological father.

Mrs. Liang stretched out her hand to grab their braids and pulled them back, "Your father is sleeping, please be honest."

Sister Ying and Brother Kang looked at each other and stopped running.

 At noon, Liang Jin got up after he was full from sleep.

 As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw two small heads above his head.



It turned out that Sister Ying and Brother Kang couldn't sit still and ran over to watch him sleep.

Liang Jin hadn’t seen his precious son and daughter for a year, so he hugged them with a smile and kissed one on the other. “Daddy’s good daughter and good son, daddy is not at home, have you studied well?”

Sister Ying nodded to Brother Kang and said, "I've read it, I've read it all, and I've practiced a lot with my calligraphy."

 From the beginning of the caterpillar font, now it has a look.

Liang Jin didn't believe it and asked them to write it to him.

Sister Ying and Brother Kang immediately went to get pens, ink and paper, each wrote a poem, and showed it to Liang Jin.

Liang Jin first looked at Sister Ying's handwriting. There was a trace of righteousness in her beauty, and she looked like she had a sunny disposition.

Kang Geer's handwriting is a little more unrestrained. It seems that he must have been scolded when he wrote it, and he felt unconvinced, so he wrote it heavier.

However, Liang Jin felt that their writing was very good, better than what some adults had written, so he praised it.

“Yes, you have made great progress. Daddy will give you a reward tonight.”

When the siblings heard this, they were very happy.

 Old lady Liang also came in, "Brother Jin?"

Liang Jin hurriedly greeted her, "Mother."

 When mother and son meet, they rarely cry.

Especially since the two of them have been separated for a year, they naturally have to care about each other.

 After they finished crying, Xiao Hong came and called, "Madam, the meal is ready."

Old Mrs. Liang nodded and asked Liang Jin, "Quick, go eat first and talk while eating."

The Liang family used to adhere to the principle of "eating without speaking and sleeping without speaking."

 But after Sister Ying could speak, this rule disappeared without a trace.

Sister Ying feels that the whole family is busy during the day, so they only have time to chat during meals.

 How can a family communicate if they don’t talk while eating?

Especially because she likes to talk, she talks non-stop every time she eats.

 Old Mrs. Liang thought she was noisy at first and even said a few words to her.

 But I am not afraid and continue talking.

Every time you have a meal, tell your family the gossip you heard today.

Old Mrs. Liang was reserved at first and refused to chat while eating.

But after listening to Sister Ying talking for a long time, she couldn't help but ask, "What happened next? What happened to the Zhang family's daughter-in-law?"

When Sister Ying saw her talking to her, she immediately spoke more enthusiastically.

“Later on, the Zhang family’s daughter-in-law stopped working. She was always asked to work and not allowed to eat. She just dumped the blame and left, and she didn’t want the child.”

 She was talking about the gossip that the women in the alley were talking about.

Every time after school, she and Sister Ting would go out to fly kites, and they would hear gossip about women in the alley, so they would naturally listen to it.

  Every time I hear it, I have to go back and talk about it.

Old Mrs. Liang pretended not to be interested at first, but as time passed, she would ask her, "What news have you heard today?"

 She can speak these words after following Sister Ying.

Sister Ying is a little talkative.

 When I see someone cheering me up, I talk more enthusiastically.

Wu is not a scholar, but he also likes to chat with his family during meals, so he naturally joins in.

 Later, Liang Jin also chatted with his family during meal time.

 This is not the case.

As soon as the family sat down, Mrs. Liang asked him.

“How is the food like when you are in the capital?”

Liang Jin said, “The food is okay, but the taste is not the same as here.”

 Ningxi Town eats more spicy, sweet and spicy food.

I also like to eat some dried fruits, dried pork and the like to go with my wine.

The food in Beijing is different from theirs. The pastries and the like are a bit drier and are different from the yellow rice cakes they have here.

They all have different accents, but each place has its own characteristics, and Liang Jin also speaks very energetically.

 (End of this chapter)

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