The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 129: , I am going to take up a post in Lihua Town.

Chapter 129: Going to take up a post in Lihua Town

Mrs. Liang was very happy to see him go to the capital and gained a lot of knowledge.

He asked him again, "Did you encounter any trouble?"

Liang Jin nodded and said, "That's quite a lot."

 Although there are many women and a lot of right and wrong, wherever there are many men, there are also a lot of quarrels.

 Some people are more cunning and will plot against them.

 Some people are stupid and think everyone is a brother, but they are treated as a fool.

The remaining ones are silent and try to keep a low profile.

There are also some who are very high-profile. Their families are rich and powerful. They are not afraid of causing trouble and dare to challenge anyone.

Liang Jin and Wu Laosi both tried to keep a low profile, not to cause trouble or quarrel with life.

Mrs. Liang heard this very well and asked, "What happened to you all the way back and forth?"

Liang Jin nodded, took a bite of pig's trotters, swallowed it and then said.

"It's true. On this road, we pass through rich places and poor places."

 They also encountered thieves on the road.

Fortunately, Mrs. Wu sewed the banknote into Liang Jin's belt in advance. The stitching was so thin that even a thief couldn't see it.

 So the thief came to touch them several times but couldn't get any money, so he left unluckily.

Sister Ying listened with interest and joked, "Dad, did you see any beautiful girls or handsome guys along the way?"

  Wu glared at her, but also listened.

Liang Jin was ashamed. Seeing his wife staring at him, how dare he say anything.

He just said vaguely, "There is no beautiful girl, who can be prettier than your mother."

Sister Ying laughed loudly when she heard this, but Mrs. Wu glared at her and she became honest.

Mrs. Liang asked, "Since you have won the Jinshi, what official will you be assigned?"

Mrs. Liang didn't know much about being an official. She only vaguely knew that official positions could be allocated after becoming a Jinshi.

Liang Jin nodded and said, "We have assigned a seventh-grade magistrate to the county, and we will have to set off to Lihua Town to take up the position the next day."

 “Ewha Town?”

Liang Jin nodded, "I heard that there is a pear-growing town over there, and the whole village makes a living by selling fruits. Pears are the main fruit produced."

The whole family nodded, and Mrs. Wu asked, "Where are the fourth child and the eldest brother-in-law going?"

Liang Jin said, “They also went to other small towns, all in different places, and they were going to take office the day after tomorrow.”

Sister Ying asked, "Then our whole family wants to go there together?"

“Is Lihua Town far from here?”

Liang Jin had seen the map before and said, "It's a bit far away. It's about three towns away."

 It was almost a month's journey by carriage.

Mrs. Liang nodded, "Since you have gone there, let's go together."

You can't let your son work as an official outside alone. It would be very pitiful to be alone.

Mrs. Wu also said, "Okay, let's clean up in the evening and go together then."

Since they are a family, they must be neat and tidy. They will go wherever Liang and Jin go.

Liang Jin felt warm in his heart and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll clean up the house well that night, tell my relatives tomorrow, and then go there."

 Wu Shi nodded, "Okay."

As soon as Sister Ying thought of leaving, she hurriedly ate and had to say goodbye to Sister Ting and the others later.

I have to go to Jing’s house and talk to Jing Shirong and the others.

Mrs. Wu also said, "Otherwise, invite the Jing family over in the evening and have a meal together."

 After all, Liang Jin was admitted to Jinshi. Jing’s father helped a lot, and he deserves a big thank you.

Liang Jinzheng had this intention.

He said, "Okay, then I'll go and invite you in person."

Sister Ying and Brother Kang went with him.

The father and son went to Jing's house together, and Liang Jin also brought many gifts.

Jing's father was also very pleased to see him return successfully.

 “Ajin is back?”

Liang Jin nodded with a smile and bowed respectfully to him to show respect. “Brother Jing, I will go to Lihua Town to take office the day after tomorrow. You can come to my house for a reunion dinner in the evening.”

Jing's father saw that he was about to leave, so he did not refuse and nodded in agreement, "Okay, I'll go over there tonight and put it into practice for you."

The two sat down and chatted together, while Sister Ying ran to talk to Jing Shirong.

 “Brother Rong~”

Jing Shirong was bathing Xiao Hei in the courtyard. When he saw her coming over, he gave her a brush and asked her to join him.

Sister Ying had already finished brushing, and while brushing Xiao Hei’s fur, she told Jing Shirong.

“Brother Rong, my father is going to Lihua Town to take office the day after tomorrow. Then our whole family will go together. If you miss me, you should write to me often.”

The two have known each other for several years and are both teachers and friends.

Sister Ying has always regarded him as a big brother. She admires him and likes to play with him.

 Because he is not as anxious as other older children, he is very patient with her and is willing to let her try anything.

Sister Ying is quite reluctant to part ways this time.

Jing Shirong saw that she was about to leave, and he stopped to brush his horse.

It takes three years for a new official to take office. It may take three years for Sister Ying to come back.

Or maybe after three years, Uncle Liang was transferred to another place. After another three years, they would never see each other again.

Sister Ying felt depressed when she saw his sad face.

 The two had been together for so long, studying together every day, and suddenly they were about to separate, and their noses were still sore.

Jing Shirong saw her big eyes were red and comforted her in turn.

 “Okay, if you don’t cry, it’s not like I won’t see you anymore.”

He stretched out his hand to rub Sister Ying's head, "When you arrive in Lihua Town, write me a letter. Now pigeons are flying to deliver letters. Soon, you can raise a few homing pigeons by yourself. I will write a method for training pigeons in the evening. Here you go, you can train a few of them yourself and then you can write to me."

Sister Ying nodded and said, "Okay" with red eyes.

Jing Shirong was also quite reluctant to let her go.

Sister Ying has been studying with him since she was a child, and she can be regarded as being brought up by him.

 She has a lively personality and is a talkative person.

  Every day when I come home, she is chirping, and the whole yard is filled with her voice.

Now that she is leaving, he is still afraid that he will not be able to adapt.

The two of them chatted quietly for a long time.

 In the end, Jing Shirong promised her, "When I'm older, I'll ride over to see you. Then don't forget me."

Of course Sister Ying said no, "How could I forget my Doctor Jing?"

After saying that, he grabbed Jing Shirong's arm with his little hand, stood on tiptoes and looked at his clear face, and looked at it intently for a long time.

Jing Shirong didn’t know why, “What are you looking at?”

Sister Ying smiled and said, "I am imprinting you in my mind. Otherwise, if we say goodbye every three years, who knows whether you will be completely different in three years."

  As long as the appearance has not changed much, you can remember it.

 But if the change is too big, it is generally unrecognizable.

 The looks of children and young men are quite different.

Jing Shirong couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

 “Then use a secret code?”

Sister Ying was delighted, "I just wanted to say it."

 “Then let’s find a code.”

 But what should be done well?

Jing Shirong thought about it and found that nothing seemed more memorable than his name.

Then he said, "Forget it, let's call him by name. You'll know who it is as soon as you call him."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "That's right."

 Names come faster than codes.

 There will be a response as soon as you shout.

The two looked at each other and then smiled.

It will be released on the shelves in the early morning of the 5th, and it will be updated by then. I hope all you little cuties will support you, um~ da da da, ladies and gentlemen Ying.



 (End of this chapter)

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