Chapter 130: The family sets off

After the two of them finished chatting, Sister Ying had to go and talk to Sister Ting about this matter.

When Sister Ting heard that she was leaving, her reaction was much greater than that of Jing Shirong, and she burst into tears.

“Woo, sister Ying, I can’t bear to leave you~”

Sister Ying couldn't bear to leave her, and sighed, "How about you come with me?"

Sister Ting huffed and stopped to burp.

 “Shall I go with you?”

 “I would like to, but my parents would not agree.”

They were going to Lihua Town, not to the next town. The carriage still had to travel for more than a month. It had been two months since they had gone back and forth. How could his parents let her go.

Sister Ying comforted her, "It's okay. We can exchange letters. You have learned a lot of words over the years, so you can write to me."

Sister Ting is a poor student, but she can read and write letters.

He then patted his chest and promised, "Don't worry, I will write you a letter. When the time comes, remember to send the letter address first."

Sister Ying nodded, "I will."

After the two of them finished chatting, they went home.

 Kang Geer also went over to say goodbye to Jing Yu and Jing Xin. The three of them talked for a long time before going back.

 In the evening, the Jing family also came over for dinner.

As soon as the relatives heard that Liang Jin was going to take office, they all came to see him off and gave him gifts.

Liang and Jin both confiscated it.

Now that you are an official, you have to worry about many things.

 In the past, ordinary people would accept gifts as soon as they received them.

Nowadays, everything must be paid attention to. This is what Jing's father taught him.

Liang Jin always admired him and listened to him.

The two chatted for a long time in the evening. Jing's father told him a lot about the principles of being an official, and Liang Jin remembered them all.

 On the second day.

 Tongxi and Xiaohong’s men loaded everything into the carriage. A total of three carriages are required for this departure.

 Xiaohong got married last year.

 She has no father or mother, and has been eating and drinking at the Wu family.

When Mrs. Wu saw that she was old enough, she proposed a marriage to her.

 But Xiaohong refused to get married and had to keep her company.

 In the end, it was the boy from the Ma family who came to propose marriage.

 That boy was originally a horse driver.

 He was adopted by his family. Later, his adoptive mother became pregnant and gave birth to a child, so she did not want him.

 So now he goes out to drive horses by himself to earn some money for driving horses.

 Xiaohong agreed to marry him when she saw that he was strong and willing to work with her in the Liang family.

  Now both husband and wife work with Mr. Wu.

Before Mrs. Wu left, she handed over the shop to a sister from the same village and asked her to work in the shop. She asked the shopkeeper for monthly payment. The two monitor each other.

Mrs. Liang also showed the shop to the old shopkeeper.

Anyway, they have the deed of the shop in their hands, so it’s easy to collect it when they come back.

 In addition, Liang Jin is now an official, so he is not afraid of others messing around.

The Wu family also went to write letters, and the Wu family also took the opportunity to come out to meet them.

 After everything was arranged, the whole family got into the carriage together, taking all their bags with them.

As for Wu Laosi, he took Liang Qing and a maid and two young men with him.

Mr. Wu and his parents stayed in the village with their parents and continued to raise pigs.

Sister Chen and the others originally wanted to go alone as a family of five.

 But the sisters-in-law and brothers at home were not willing.

He also said to them in a strange way, "When you become an official, you will not recognize your poor relatives."

They also said that they had provided brother-in-law Chen's education for so many years, but after he became an official, he actually wanted to enjoy the blessings alone, which was very unpleasant.

The whole family was noisy, and in the end they had no choice but to leave together.

Sister Liang was extremely angry, but people were talking so harshly. If she really left this family behind, she might not be gossiped about in the future.

 In the end, we had no choice but to go on the road together as a family to take office.

 This head. Sister Ying and her family were sitting in a carriage, staggering along the official road.

 Now is a peaceful and prosperous time. As long as you don't take mountain roads, you will basically not encounter bandits.

Moreover, they only go on the road during the day and stop to rest at night.

The family was sitting in the carriage. Liang Jin said with emotion, "Other people's children couldn't sit still for a moment when they were exposed in the bedroom. The four of us are amazing. They have been so well-behaved all the way. It shows that my wife has taught her well."

Mrs. Wu loves to hear people say that her children are well taught, especially Liang Jin.

Liang Jin recognized her education so much, she felt happy and smiled.

“It’s nothing, I just need to put more thought into it. Children are very smart and they will get better after being taught.”

 It’s just that I won’t type it once.

 Four children;.

Liang Jin hugged his youngest son and laughed.

Sister Ying was also nestled in the arms of Mrs. Liang with Brother Kang.

Mrs. Wu was holding her little daughter in her arms, with a smile on her face.

They stopped and walked along the way and saw a lot of scenery.

Every time he went to the street, Liang Jin went down to buy some dry food for later use.

This time when they came out, the Liang family loaded a total of three carriages, and Tongxi and Xiaohong's men each drove one.

 The remaining car was bought by a boy from the Liang family. He is only fifteen years old, but he is tall and looks like an adult.

 This guy’s name is Datou.

It is said that the family was too poor to take the blame, so his parents had no choice but to sell him as a coolie.

Liang Jin saw that he was tall and capable, so he bought him back and sent him to a martial arts school to practice martial arts. When he was not at home, Da Tou could look after the house.

While passing through the street, Liang Jin got off the car and went to buy some steamed buns and steamed buns.

 If you see an inn at night, stay in an inn.

 If not, sleep in the carriage.

 Three carriages, one for loading and one for sleeping.

Sister Ying and the others are small and can sleep wherever they lie down.

 The four siblings didn't recognize the bed and went to sleep when the time came, which made Mrs. Liang laugh.

“They must all be pigs. They are all so sleepy. It’s so funny to me.”

Mother Xu also laughed, "Our children are so funny."

Especially for twins who have grown up so big, they rarely cry and make trouble, and they have always been well-behaved.

Since Mrs. Wu gave birth to these two little ones, she has taken good care of them every day, for fear that they would not be able to raise them.

 Fortunately, the little guy is seven months old and has regained his weight. Now he has grown fat and white, and is no longer as skinny as when he was just born.

 Brother Sen and Sister Yang usually like to play with their brothers and sisters.

 Sister Qinying is closer than Mrs. Liang.

Old Mrs. Liang would sometimes get jealous and snort, "You are really not good at all. I hug you every day, and you treat me like this?"

Every time Sister Ying and Brother Kang were around, Brother Sen and Sister Yang decided to play with their brothers and sisters and ignored her, which made her jealous to death.

  Wu smiled and said, "Children are all like this. Compared to adults, older children are more attracted to them."

  Sometimes they don’t listen to their elders, but instead listen to the older children, which is also magical.

Mrs. Liang knows this, but she is also childishly jealous.

"No need to take it with you, no need to take it with you, you can take it by yourself, I don't want to take care of it."

Every time he said he didn't care, but he always came to hug me.

    Mrs. Wu sees things through but doesn’t tell them off, but Sister Ying always wants to expose Mrs. Liang’s childish behavior.

 What to say, "Didn't grandma say she won't hug me? Why are you still here~" Deliberately irritated Old Mrs. Liang.

Old Mrs. Liang blushed and angrily scolded her with her hands on her hips.

 “How to talk to elders, no matter how big or small they are.”

Sister Ying laughed and ran away without fear of being beaten.

Mrs. Liang stamped her feet angrily.

   It’s on the shelves, it’s been updated, little fairies, please support me, I love you, okay (▽`)



 (End of this chapter)

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