Chapter 132, arriving at Lihua Town

Sister Ying looked at the scallion pancake that her mother handed over and was about to refuse.

 But when Mr. Wu glared at her with his big eyes, he was very fierce. She didn't dare, so she could only take the scallion pancake and explain to Mrs. Liang.

“My mother asked me to eat it, not what I wanted to eat.”

 Old Mrs. Liang was just bickering with her.

It’s not that I really don’t want her to eat.

 In addition, she said that Sister Ying ate too much today, and she was glared at by Mrs. Wu several times. Now that she can't see her anymore, Mrs. Wu will kick her Brother Jin again.

Old Mrs. Liang is a talented person who understands current affairs and makes peace with Sister Ying.

"Grandma said nonsense at noon, don't be like me, you don't eat much, our family likes to watch you eat. See how delicious you eat, you can eat as much as you want from now on, we all like to watch you Have a meal."

Sister Ying was overjoyed, her big eyes sparkling, "Really? My food really tastes so good?"

Of course Mrs. Liang said, "That's not true. Every time I see you eating, the whole family eats an extra bowl. It shows how delicious your food is, and we love to watch you eat."

 After saying that, he looked at Wu and said, "Is this okay?"

 Wu Shi nodded, which means it’s okay.

But he still warned with his eyes, "Don't talk about her eating too much next time!"

Old Mrs. Liang nodded and replied with her eyes, "I know."

 The daughter-in-law is becoming more of a tigress now, and she doesn’t dare to mess with her.

Seeing Mrs. Liang praising her, Sister Ying's mood improved, and she immediately asked Mrs. Wu for confirmation, "Mom, my grandmother said that I eat well, is that true?"

Of course Wu said, "Of course it's true. Your food tastes delicious and clean. Everyone who sees it has to praise you."

“Even Mrs. Jing said that your food looks good and decent.”

Sister Ying was so flattered by the praise that she immediately started eating the scallion pancake without any courtesy.

While eating, he said, "Then I have to eat more, otherwise you won't be able to see my mukbang."

Wu didn’t understand, but he also laughed.

“Okay, how many do you want, and I’ll get them for you.”

Sister Ying pointed her fingers and said, "Three more scallion pancakes."

When Mrs. Wu heard this, she smiled and said, "Okay, three is just three, then you can finish the sesame paste too."

Sister Ying sighed and then went to eat obediently.

 After seeing it, Mrs. Liang really admired it.

I think Wu is really awesome, she has taught her four children to be so obedient.

●Kang Geer is also immersed in drinking sesame paste at this moment, and the food is very sweet.

Liang Jin sat next to him. The father and son sat side by side, with their heads down eating, looking exactly the same.

Mrs. Wu loved seeing this kind of scene, so she lowered her head and ate a bowl of sesame paste.

 After the family had eaten, Xiaohong and Nanny Xu went to the river to wash the urine ring and dry it in the sun overnight.

Since they were carrying twins, they tried to walk as close to the river as possible so that they could wash their urine at night.

 A few more days.

 The carriage passed the official road and finally arrived at the entrance of Lihua Town.

 As soon as I arrived here, I saw the archway gate of Lihua Town.

The three characters "Lihua Town" are engraved on it.

They could smell the fruity aroma before they stepped in.

It is said that most of the people here make a living by selling fruits and preserves.

Sister Ying opened the car curtain and smelled it, "It smells so good~"

This is the fragrance between fruits and flowers, and it smells very refreshing.

Mrs. Liang also said, "It smells good, but fruits are sold here, so they don't make a living by eating fruits, right?"

Liang Jin couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this, "Probably not. On the way here just now, I saw rice fields on both sides of the road. I think people here also eat rice."

 “Just eat rice.”

Old Mrs. Liang was worried that she wouldn't be able to eat rice or pasta here, so she would have to eat fruit every meal.

Sister Ying couldn't laugh or cry after hearing this, "I'm selling fruit, not a staple food, so don't worry."

As the carriage gradually went inside, the aroma of the fruit became stronger.

Sister Ying opened a corner of the carriage curtain and carefully observed the stalls on both sides of the street.

 I was relieved to see only two things for sale on both sides, including vegetables and meat. Liang Jin asked Tongxi to drive to the county government office, asked questions and walked all the way, and soon arrived at the county government office in Lihua Town.


 After the carriage stopped, Liang Jin went to explore the road first.

 He got out of the car with the official document, and soon someone took him inside.

 Then someone came out to pick up Sister Ying and the others.

Old Mrs. Liang got out of the car first and took the lead.

   Wu and Xiaohong each held a child, and the group entered one after another.

 The man who picked them up was the master of the Yamen.

Liang Jin finished the handover and came over.

The master introduced him, "Sir, go inside and you will find the courtyard."

“You sit in the Yamen to hear cases during the day, and at night you go in to the courtyard where you can rest.”

 Show them the yard while walking.

"This yard has two entrances and two exits. It's neither big nor small. The house has been tidied up for you. You can rest after putting your things away."

Liang Jin nodded and asked Tongxi and others to put things away first.

  Wu took the children into the house to put them to sleep first.

Sister Ying and Brother Kang followed Liang Jin around the courtyard.

The master introduced them one by one.

 “This study room can also be used by the young master for studying on weekdays.”

Liang Jin asked him, "Is our town peaceful recently?"

Master said, "Our town has always been quite peaceful. The only thing is that the vendors often quarrel because of competition for business. There is nothing else."

Lihua Town is also considered a well-off town, with no worries about food and clothing. People are usually busy doing business and don't have much free time to act like monsters.

 Just a few of them often quarreled with each other and came to the Yamen many times.

Liang Jin invited his master to sit in the room, and the two sat and chatted.

 In the afternoon, Nanny Xu and Xiao Hong went to the kitchen to cook, leaving the master to have dinner.

Liang Jin said, "How about asking the brothers to come and eat together. It can be considered as getting to know each other."

The master saw that he was very kind and responded with a smile.

 After a while, several government officials came over after leaving work.

 Most of them are young people, local, and relatively easy to talk to.

Liang Jin has a good personality and quickly got along with them.

 After dinner in the evening, the government officials went back to rest one after another.

Sister Ying also observed these government servants during dinner in the evening.

That master has a goatee, is in his thirties, and looks very shrewd.

 Among other government officials, the younger ones are easier to talk to, while the older ones are more sophisticated.

Liang Jin was an official for the first time, and he didn't understand many things. Even if the old yamen officer played a big role, he didn't say anything.

 Since he will only stay here for three years, it would be best if he could get along with the yamen servants, and he doesn't want to quarrel with them as soon as he comes.

He must have the momentum as an official, but not now.

Liang Jin is not stupid and understands the situation well.

Sister Ying saw that her father was quite smart, so she felt relieved.

 At night, the whole family was exhausted, so they went to bed separately.

 On the second day.

Liang Jin went on errands early in the morning.

 He had to start solving the cases left by the previous magistrate.

When Sister Ying got up, Mrs. Liang was already discussing with Mr. Wu about renting a shop.

They put on their curtain hats and went out early in the morning and walked around the Yamen.

 After looking around, I got a rough idea of ​​what was being sold on both sides of the street.

 (End of this chapter)

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