Chapter 133, Rent a shop

Sister Ying ran over to listen to them.

When Mrs. Wu saw her coming, she asked Xiaohong to serve her yellow rice porridge, with poached eggs in the morning.

 After Kang Geer woke up, he also ran over to them.

Mrs. Wu watched them eat and discussed with Mrs. Liang.

“I took a look in the morning and found that both sides of the street were basically selling vegetables and meat, as well as noodle shops and inns.”

If they want to open a shop near the Yamen, they have to open a different one so as not to compete with others for business.

As for what to sell, Mrs. Wu has thought about it, "Let's just sell dried pork."

There is a meat seller in a nearby shop, but she may not be able to sell it better than others.

 In addition, she has to feed her young son and daughter at home, so it is not appropriate to go to the store.

 Furthermore, she is considered the county magistrate’s wife now, so it’s definitely not good for her to be in public.

 So the best thing to sell is something that other people don’t have and she doesn’t need to look at it personally.

 Dried pork and dried pork are easier to sell and easier to preserve than fresh meat, so you don’t have to worry about not being able to sell them.

And the people of Lihua Town seem to be quite wealthy, so they should be able to accept a higher-priced pork shop.

Mrs. Liang thought this was a good idea, so she agreed.

“I’ll ask Xiaohong and her husband to buy pork. When you come back, you can teach them how to make it. The shop will be run by them as a couple. They are both trustworthy.”

 Wu thought so too.

 She grew up with Xiaohong, and her man is also reputable, so it’s okay to teach them the craft.

 The next step is to rent a shop.

Mrs. Wu didn't want to trouble Liang Jin, so she asked Xiaohong to secretly ask an old woman who cooked in the yamen.

That old woman is a local from Lihua Town. She is fifty this year and is still very energetic.

 As soon as Xiaohong came over, she chatted with Xiaohong in full swing.

Xiaohong asked her about the prices on the street and asked if there were any shops for rent nearby.

The woman said yes, "There is a preserve store at our back door that is about to collapse. That store can be rented."

There are only two or three stable candied fruit shops on the street, and the others will basically collapse within a short time of opening.

 The competition is so strong that it’s a waste of money.

As soon as Mrs. Wu heard that she was so close, she immediately asked Xiao Hong to take a look.

 After Xiaohong and her man went to see it, they asked about the price and looked at the location. Everything was good.

Seeing that Xiaohong was satisfied, Mrs. Wu asked Xiaohong to ask the master again.

The master replied that the shop was fine, so Mr. Wu rented the shop.

 The next step is to make pork jerky and pork.

Sister Ying usually likes to eat pork jerky and beef jerky, so she naturally wanted to come and see it.

 Wu Shi taught Xiao Hong in the kitchen, and the two of them cooked together.

Sister Ying also ran in to join in the fun.

 “Mom, I want to learn too.”

Mrs. Wu saw her coming in and told her, "If you want to learn, just stand aside and watch. Remember the steps in your mind."

Sister Ying nodded, took a small stool, and stood on it to watch them cut the pork leg, remove the bones, marinate, and bake it.

Each step is very particular.

 In ancient times, there were no baking machines, so all the food was dried manually, which took a long time.

   It was already dark after Wu and Xiao Hong finished their work.

Sister Ying felt tired just looking at it, but she found it quite interesting.

Wu asked her, "How was your study? Do you remember the steps?"

Sister Ying said, "Remember, the knife is too heavy and I can't lift it."

 Ancient meat-cutting knives are particularly heavy.

 Forget about women, men’s hands get sore after cutting meat for a long time.

Sister Ying said, "Mom, let the blacksmith get you a lighter meat cleaver."

 Otherwise, my hand would be broken if I cut so much meat in one day.

  Wu suddenly remembered, "I forgot, I brought the meat cleaver out before going out. I was busy and forgot."

She was originally a bacon and pork shop owner. When she went out, she thought about renting a shop here, so she brought her tools with her.

 But I was too busy today, so I forgot about it. Sister Ying said, "Making pork jerky is too tiring, otherwise you might as well make bacon."

 Wu Shi nodded, "Take your time and see what people here like to eat first."

 She did a little bit of the same thing first, letting Xiao Hong get started slowly.

 Look at what people here like to eat, and then focus on selling certain products.

Sister Ying saw that her mother had a good idea for opening a store, so she smiled and flattered her, "It's not my fault that my father can't live without you, our family is all pointing to you."

Mrs. Wu was delighted by her praise and nodded her head, "You are the only one who can speak."

Liang Jin came back late at night from his busy schedule, and the family chatted while eating.

Mrs. Liang asked, "Did it go well on the first day of taking office?"

Liang Jin turned his head, his neck was a little sore.

 Replied, "Fortunately, I didn't get used to it at first, but I got better gradually."

Liang Jin is not stupid and can learn everything quickly.

Mrs. Liang also had confidence in her son, so she didn’t ask.

 On the second day.

Sister Ying is ready to send letters to Brother Rong and Sister Ting.

Kang Geer also wants to send a letter to Jing Yu Jingxin.

They took a pen to write a letter together, finally sealed the envelope and took it to the inn not far from the door.

Sister Ying remembered that Jing Shirong asked her to raise carrier pigeons, but when she first came here, she didn’t know where the carrier pigeons were sold.

I can only go and ask the woman who cooks in the yamen.

That mother-in-law likes nothing more than chatting with people. If Sister Ying asks her a few questions, she can chat with you for a long time.

Sister Ying also wanted to know what was going on here, so she took the chair and came over to listen to her.

The old lady saw that she was so complimentary, so she immediately went to the house to get a plate of candied fruits and asked Sister Ying to eat them while listening to what she said.

Sister Ying responded with a smile and forked a piece of golden candied date to eat.

 The candied fruits in Lihua Town are particularly sweet and secretly made from fresh fruits. The taste is particularly good.

However, eating too much candied fruit will cause toothache, so Sister Ying does not dare to eat too much.

The old lady saw her well-behaved and said to her with a smile.

“Your name is Sister Ying, right?”

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, what is grandma's name?"

The woman replied, "Everyone calls me Mapo. I am fifty this year."

  Said in a very cheerful manner.

Sister Ying knew that the elderly liked people to compliment her on her youth, so she immediately said, "Grandma is so young, she looks like she is forty."

After hearing this, Mapozi laughed so happily that one of her front teeth was missing.

She told Sister Ying, "The children of the previous magistrate's family were much more naughty than you. Those three boys were really annoying, and they annoyed me to death. It's a pity that I can't beat them, otherwise I would definitely beat them up." pause."

Sister Ying quickly asked, "Why?"

How skinny is this? It's so naughty that even Mapozi's lively temperament goes crazy.

Mapozi recalled, "Those three brats caught bugs every day to scare me. They thought I would be afraid of them. They were stupid."

 “You are really eight or nine years old, even a dog would hate you.”

Sister Ying covered her mouth and laughed when she heard this. She didn’t need to say anything as Mapozi continued to confide in her.

“I think your family is pretty good, so I’ll chat with you about things in the town.”

Sister Ying hurriedly said, "Okay, I also like to listen to grandma talk."

With her as an audience, Mapozi naturally talked endlessly.

“Our town was not so prosperous before. Fruits were grown on large areas of land.”

 Because someone sold fruit well, everyone followed suit.

 Later, others made preserves, and people began to follow suit.

 In the end, a town all sells the same thing.

Had it not been for the fact that there was no food left and only fruits were left, no one would have thought of planting rice.

 (End of this chapter)

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