Chapter 134, Buying a Golden Gourd

Sister Ying listened with great interest.

 Ask, “So now, does everyone grow rice?”

Mapozi tutted, "That's not true."

Because selling fruits can make money, everyone is reluctant to give up selling fruits and preserves, so they still sell fruits together.

 As for rice, some people buy it from outside.

 Some grow their own crops.

 Because there are people who are kind, there are people who follow the wind kind.

 So now, the land on both sides of Lihua Town is almost made up of rice on one side and fruit trees on the other. It looks strange, but it doesn't prevent others from planting the same.

Sister Ying is ashamed, she didn’t expect that Lihua Town would like to follow the trend so much.

 She asked Mapozi, "Where do everyone sell their fruits?"

Mapozi told her, "Going out of the town, there is a pier there. Everyone picks fruits and preserved fruits to that pier. There are many bosses there who come here specifically to buy fruits and preserves."

Sister Ying nodded, but she could imagine the excitement at the dock.

She asked Mapozi, "Can we sell all the fruits we have?"

 Is the supply volume that large?

Mapozi nodded, "Of course. The fruits in our town are not expensive, so they sell quickly."

In addition to the boss at the dock, they are doing big business. Every household uses candied fruit, and there are many people buying it, so they are not afraid that no one will buy it.

 Coupled with small profits but quick turnover, it is natural that everything will be sold out.

Sister Ying nodded, understanding.

Mapozi said to her again, "You may think that the fruits are selling well, but the women are not getting along well."

 Because the products sold are the same and competitive, there is a lot of friction.

In addition, some people’s fruits are of better quality and are sold more expensively, which immediately makes people hate them.

Most of these fruit sellers are women at home.

 Some mothers-in-law are quite unreasonable and can argue with you directly in person.

So the county magistrate in the town is also very annoyed, dealing with the quarrels between these ladies every day.

After hearing this, Sister Ying couldn't help but laugh and couldn't help but worry about her father.

It is said that three women are in a drama. With so many mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law, they would probably have a headache for three days if they quarreled.

 Sure enough.

As soon as Sister Ying returned, she heard the woman outside the door coming in cursing and preparing to file a complaint.

He said that his fruit tree had been poisoned to death and asked Liang Jin to catch the murderer.

Liang Jin encountered this kind of thing when he first took office and immediately went to investigate.

 Later, it was discovered that the fruit tree had indeed been poisoned to death, and finally the hunt for the murderer began.

 At dinner time in the evening, he was too busy to come back for dinner, so Wu asked Datou to deliver food to him.

Sister Ying and the others ate at home.

Old Mrs. Liang said worriedly, "I don't know who poisoned that fruit tree to death? It's really wicked."

Sister Ying also said, "Who do you think drugged him to death?"

Mrs. Liang said, "It should be her neighbor, right? Doesn't it mean that her neighbor is jealous of the high price of her fruit? That must be her neighbor."

Mr. Wu shook his head and said, "I really don't know about this. But if a normal person wants to kill other people's fruit trees with poison, they wouldn't do it so obviously, right?"

The neighbor is not a fool, but he actually does it openly?

Sister Ying also said, "Who knows, maybe the mantis is catching the cicada and the oriole is behind."

 Wu looked at what she said and suddenly remembered.

"I forgot, you and Kang Ge'er have to continue studying. It seems that I have to find a private school for you tomorrow." There is no Jing family here, and it's not okay for the two children to have no one to teach them.

Kang Ge'er didn't want to go to private school, but Mrs. Wu glared at him and he became honest.

Mrs. Wu asked Sister Ying to ask Mapaozi to see if there was a better private school nearby.

Mapozi told Sister Ying, "There are private schools, but the masters are all half-baked and can only teach some calligraphy or abacus. There are very few who really want to be a scholar."

 Lihua Town has more business people.

 We are all ordinary people who can read and calculate accounts. They are already satisfied and do not want to take any scientific examinations.

Perhaps they all chose to plant trees because they knew it was easier to read books or plant trees.

 A few of them went to school, but they achieved little, and they all ended up working as accountants.

When Mrs. Wu heard this, she suddenly became worried.

 “How good is this.”

Now Kang Geer and Sister Ying have to continue studying. How can they do without studying.

Mrs. Liang consoled her, "What's the matter? That old lady is too old to see. She talks to other ladies on the street every day. She doesn't remember the private school so clearly. I'll go out for a walk tomorrow and ask around on the street." "

Seeing that she wanted to take care of this matter, Mrs. Wu agreed.

 On the second day.

 Old lady Liang took Brother Kang and Sister Ying out.

She can be considered a monkey spirit. She first went to a relatively expensive gold jewelry store to look at gold. Later she saw that the owner of the store also had a grandson, so she complimented her.

 “Hey, your grandson is very handsome.”

 But the child is obviously not handsome.

But the elderly like to hear people praise their children, so they immediately started chatting with Mrs. Liang.

“I’m not satisfied with you saying that my family has three generations of single generations, and all the family members are girls. I only got such a grandson this year. It’s a blessing from God.”

Old Mrs. Liang took the opportunity to praise the child a few words.

"This child has a good face at first glance and is destined to have a great future."

The antique boss saw that her praise was so true. He was immediately happy and said modestly, "Hey, I don't expect him to be very successful. He can just inherit my mantle in the future."

Old Mrs. Liang took advantage of the situation and asked, "Aren't you going to let him come back as the top scholar in the future? That is a matter of honoring our ancestors."

Antique boss, "I have thought about it, but it is difficult to study. There are not many talented people in our town, and they are not good at reading."

 In some towns, every street is full of scholars, and in some towns, not even a single scholar can be found.

Mrs. Liang asked, "Then where are you going to send this grandson to study in the future? It will be beneficial for him to be with the right master."

The antique owner replied, "There are only two or three scholars in our town. Master Zhou seems to be doing well. I want to send my grandson to him so that he can be polite in the future."

Old lady Liang saw that there was something going on and asked Master Zhou where his private school was.

 The antique owner told him, "Go straight to this street. The one with a crabapple tree at the door is his house."

Mrs. Liang understood and bought a pair of small gold gourds the size of fingernails from him before going back.

Sister Ying felt heartbroken when she saw that she really bought gold jewelry.

 “Why are you really buying something?”

 She thought that Mrs. Liang would come out after just talking.

 After all, she is a person who is reluctant to spend money, especially big money.

Although the two gold gourds as big as fingernails are relatively cheap, they are still more expensive than ordinary silver bracelets.

Mrs. Liang also pulled the two little golden gourds in pain and reluctantly said, "I bought these for Sister Yang and Brother Sen. Last time I went to ask for a signature. The signature asked me to give it to their sister on the 15th day." The two brothers bought a golden gourd, saying it would protect their lives. "

 Otherwise she wouldn't be willing to buy it.

 It’s not just to pray for the safety of the twins, grandsons and granddaughters.

 (End of this chapter)

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