The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 135: , selling glutinous rice rice

Chapter 135, Selling glutinous rice

Seeing that Mrs. Liang was so thoughtful, Sister Ying took the initiative to hold her hand and said sweetly.

"Grandma, please don't feel sore. When I earn money, I will buy you a big golden gourd."

 Old Mrs. Liang didn’t believe how much money she could make, but she was very happy.

He said coquettishly to her, "You are the only one who can say it."

Sister Ying was laughing, but she felt in her heart that it was time to help the family earn some money.

 Before, she was little and couldn't do anything.

 Now that she is older, she can join her mother's shop.

Her pork jerky and bacon are not afraid of not being sold.

 She can also do something new.

For example, sliced ​​grilled sausages can be sold to people who are good at wine as a meal.

 You can also get some pork dumplings to sell.

Mapozi said that the food here is relatively simple, mostly rice, millet porridge, or noodles.

Most restaurants on the street sell wontons or fried rice.

 When the men came back from farming, they would eat a bowl of wontons and fried rice on the street, and then continue farming after eating, saving the time of going home.

Sister Ying thinks that she can set up a small stall next to her shop door. During the day, she can steam a pot of glutinous rice with meat. At noon, she can take the pot out and scoop out a bowl for sale.

After listening to her suggestion, Ms. Wu thought it was OK, "But will people come to eat it?"

The shop they rented was not big enough, just big enough to sell some dry goods such as bacon and pork jerky.

Wu had never tried selling lunch to passers-by, but her daughter rarely gave her any advice, so she agreed to let her try it.

Sister Ying made this decision after observation.

For the past two days, she sat at the back door and watched every day.

Every day during the day, the men in Lihua Town go to the fields with hoes on their backs, either to plant fields or to fertilize and water fruit trees.

 They worked all afternoon.

Because I was covered in dirt and the sun was setting quickly in autumn, I didn’t go back and just ate on the street, which didn’t save enough time.

 Otherwise, nothing can be done once it gets dark.

 Some women will carry baskets to deliver vegetables.

 Some families live far away from the fields, and the men eat directly outside.

 Men are different from women. If they work hard, they have to eat better.

 They didn’t buy rouge and gouache, they spent all their money on eating.

The two noodle shops on the street sell pretty good ones.

Scallion and egg noodles, the noodles are a big bowl, and you can get a few slices of pork for a few extra cents.

There are people who want to eat soy pork elbow, just pay.

Sister Ying observed for a few days and found out the number of people who went to the restaurant at noon, and then she had the confidence to give it a try.

 In these days of peace and prosperity, restaurants and teahouses outside are doing business.

 They don’t need to open a big restaurant, they just need to make pocket money.

The glutinous rice made by Mrs. Wu is very delicious. After learning from it, Sister Ying added some ingredients herself.

  Fry the glutinous rice before steaming, so that the steamed taste will be more fragrant.

 Wash the mushrooms and cut into shreds.

 Cut the pork belly into chunks, alternating between fat and lean, and stir-fry it together with shredded shiitake mushrooms without frying.

 Saute the remaining chopped green onions in hot oil until fragrant, then remove and set aside.

Finally, add the fried green onion, pork belly and shredded shiitake mushrooms to the glutinous rice, stir evenly, then add the fried scallion oil and stir.

 The glutinous rice with mushrooms and pork belly that is steamed in the pot at the end is so fragrant that it makes you appetite.

If you like red beans, you can add some red beans, cut a few eggs in half, and steam them together. It will be fragrant and delicious.

Sister Ying worked on her own all morning, and finally steamed a large pot of glutinous rice at noon.

 As soon as it came out of the pot, the mushrooms were so fragrant that Mrs. Liang couldn't help but take a sniff. “It smells so good~”

Sister Ying asked Xiaohong and her man to carry out the steamed barrels of glutinous rice, and started shouting next to the shop. "Glutinous rice, glutinous rice with mushrooms and pork belly, a bowl only costs 20 yuan."

 Because there are enough ingredients, the price is moderate.

 The cost of adding the ingredients was so high that it was too little for twenty Wenying sisters.

However, they are just a small stall now, and Sister Ying does not dare to set the price too high. She only sells for 20 cents with small profits but quick turnover. Let's see how they can open the business first.

 She called Kang Geer out and ate with him outside. Act as a customer.

Xiao Hong is also a human spirit. He waits for the crowd to come over and then opens the lid, letting the aroma of mushrooms, glutinous rice and pork belly spread out, attracting passers-by to look over.

Sister Ying and Brother Kang worked perfectly together to eat a large spoonful of glutinous rice in their mouths, which looked so tempting that it made people want to eat it even more.

Those gentlemen who came back from farming saw how delicious their food was.

The taste of glutinous rice is so tempting that some people couldn't help it and said, "Give me a bowl."

Xiaohong sighed happily and immediately served someone a bowl.

“Uncle, if you add one penny, you will get a bowl of egg soup. Do you want to add a bowl?”

  A penny is not expensive, so the uncle agreed.

 “Have a bowl.”

 Xiaohong said "Okay~" and immediately went to serve it.

They only set up two tables. The rice and soup were put together, and the bowls and chopsticks were put in baskets so they could be served directly. It was very convenient.

The old man took a bite of the freshly baked mushroom glutinous rice and couldn't help but sigh.

 “This meal is good.”

When other people saw this, they were also curious about the taste, so they all asked for a bowl.

Xiaohong was very happy, and she and Datou were busy serving rice and soup to the guests.

 After a while, a large bucket of glutinous rice and soup was sold out.

 When the rice is sold out, the stall is closed directly and no more is left.

Sister Ying looked at the money and felt happy.

This is the first time she has made money for her family.

 As long as she manages this small stall well in the future, she will definitely be able to earn a start-up capital to open a store in the future.

Mrs. Wu didn’t expect that she would get her capital back as soon as she made the move, and she felt very happy.

“I didn’t expect that my son would be so capable and be able to earn money for the family at such a young age.”

 For a child over seven years old to be able to make money, this is a very impressive thing for ordinary people. Of course Wu is proud of her daughter.

However, the Liang family is now a family of officials, so it is best to keep a low profile when setting up a stall.

Sister Ying nodded, "It's true that we have to keep a low profile, but the mountains here are high and the emperor is far away. Let's just sell it for a short time at noon. It should be fine."

 Although officials cannot do business. But those high-ranking officials in the capital have five or six shops. It is impossible not to do business, but they will not do it openly.

 Instead, it is said to be a dowry shop in the name of the wife, so there is no problem.

Of course the emperor also knew that officials had shops, but he didn't say anything.

 After all, the whole family has to eat, and the salary alone is of course not enough, so the emperor has always acquiesced in officials opening shops.

 As long as you don't use your official position to lend interest, it's basically fine.

Mrs. Wu felt relieved after hearing what she said.

"You're right. Our mountains are high and the emperors are far away. It's really no problem to sell rice. But it's best to let Datou do these things. Don't go out and let others see you."

Even though Sister Ying is only seven years old, she is still a young lady from the county magistrate's family and is not easy to show off.

Sister Ying is worried, "I'm still young."

 It’s so miserable to be locked up at the age of seven.

 She also wants to go out and play, and doesn’t want to be cooped up at home every day.

Asking for a wave of votes~



 (End of this chapter)

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